No person shall be eligible to hold or be elected to the Office of Mayor unless he or she shall have attained the age of 21 years and shall have resided within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Oakland for at least six months next preceding his or her election. He or she shall be qualified to vote in Town elections.
The Mayor elected at any regular election shall hold office for two years from the first Monday in April next after his election, or until his successor is elected and qualified.
[Amended 10-22-2009 by Res. No. R2009-14]
In the event that the Mayor, during the pendency of his or her term, shall remove his or her residence from the Town of Oakland and no longer reside within its corporate boundaries, that person shall forfeit his or her office. If any vacancy shall occur in the office of Mayor by reason of death, resignation, removal of residency from within the corporate boundaries, removal from office for cause or incapacity (missing three consecutive meetings), as provided for in this section, or otherwise, the elected Oakland Town Council shall, as soon as practicable, meet and elect, from among its members, someone qualified to fill such vacancy and become the Mayor of Oakland. Such Council person, so appointed, shall forfeit his or her elected position on the Council. In the event that none of the existing members of the Oakland Town Council agree to accept the appointment, then the Oakland Town Council shall appoint, from among the qualified voters of Oakland, someone qualified to fill such vacancy and become the Mayor of Oakland. The individual, so appointed, shall be compensated as the Town regularly compensates the Mayor, for the unexpired term of office so vacated by the Mayor, and such appointment shall be filled by the favorable votes of a majority of the members of the Council. The results of the vote shall be recorded in the official minutes of the Oakland Town Council.
The Mayor shall receive an annual compensation as set from time to time by a resolution adopted by the Town Council in its regular course of business; provided, however, that no change shall be made in the compensation for any Mayor during the term for which he or she was elected. The resolution making any change in the compensation paid to the Mayor shall be finally adopted prior to the municipal election to elect the Mayor and shall take effect only after the succeeding (which shall include the Mayor's reelection) Mayor is elected. The Mayor shall have no vote with respect to any resolution before the Town Council affecting his or her compensation.
The Mayor shall see that the ordinances of The Mayor and Town Council are faithfully executed, shall be the chief executive officer and the head of the administrative branch of the Town government, and shall have general supervision of the Town.
The Mayor may appoint committee members and designate chairmen of committees consistent with the ordinances and/or resolutions of the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland.
The Mayor shall each year report to the Town Council the condition of municipal affairs and make such recommendations as he or she deems proper for the public good and the welfare of the corporation.
The Mayor and Town Council shall have complete supervision over the financial administration of the Town government. The Mayor and/or Council President shall prepare or have prepared annually a budget and submit it to the Town Council, shall supervise the administration of the budget as adopted by the Town Council, shall supervise the disbursement of all monies and shall have control over all expenditures to assure that budget appropriations are not exceeded.
The Mayor shall read and sign the minutes of the Town Council after each and every meeting, but only after said minutes have been accepted and approved by the Town Council.
The Mayor shall have the power to administer oaths and certify the same in all matters pertaining to the corporation and shall have the power to sign and execute any contract or other document on behalf of the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland, and his or her signature shall serve as acknowledgment and acceptance of any such contract or document on behalf of the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland.
No ordinance shall be valid without the approval of the Mayor, unless the same be passed over his or her veto by a vote of four members of the Town Council.
Before entering upon his duties, the Mayor shall take and subscribe to before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Garrett County, or any District Court Judge of Garrett County, the oath being that prescribed under Section 9, Article 1, of the Constitution of Maryland.
The Mayor shall have the right to vote on all matters brought before the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland in the same and like manner as the members of the Town Council themselves.
The Town Council shall have the power, by a majority vote, quorum being present, to remove the Mayor for cause. Cause shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, dereliction or willful neglect of duty of the Mayor, his or her conviction of any crime of moral turpitude, death or resignation, or the inability of the Mayor to carry out his or her duties for a period of more than 90 days.