The Board of Trustees finds that reasonable supervision and control over the layout and design of properties in the Apartment/Business District is necessary to provide for community health, safety and welfare. While a designated use may be appropriate for a certain zoning district or even a particular parcel, control over layout and design of the site must be effected in order to integrate the site into the surrounding community and to obviate, or at least substantially mitigate, negative effects a particular developmental proposal could or would engender. Further, the regulations provided in Chapter
210, Zoning, do not provide the type of site-specific review necessary to assure those ends. Accordingly, the Board of Trustees finds that, in the circumstances set forth below, proposals for site development or redevelopment must be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of any building permit or certificate of occupancy respecting such development or redevelopment.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
A rendering, drawing or sketch prepared to all relevant specifications
and containing necessary elements, as set forth in this chapter, which
shows the arrangement, layout and design of the proposed use of a
single parcel of land as shown on said plan. This chapter shall apply
in the case of any proposal which contemplates the use of a particular
parcel in conjunction or interrelation with one or more other parcels.
In such circumstances the term "single parcel" as stated above shall
be deemed to respect all of the properties involved.
The Board of Trustees shall make rules and guidelines and shall
promulgate forms as to the consideration and filing of site plan applications,
as it may deem appropriate.
Upon the filing of an application with the Board of Trustees
requiring site plan approval, the date, time, and place for a public
hearing thereon shall be fixed by the Board with notice as follows:
A. By publishing a notice thereof once a week for two weeks in the official
newspaper of the Village.
B. By posting a notice thereof in a conspicuous place at the Village
Hall on or before the date of first publication.
C. By mailing a notice thereof to the owners of all property within
200 feet of the subject premises, at least 10 days prior to the date
of the public hearing, by certified mail, return receipt requested;
proof of such mailing must be submitted to the Village Clerk prior
to the hearing.
D. By requiring the applicant to erect a white-with-red-lettering sign
or signs measuring 24 inches high and 36 inches wide which shall be
prominently displayed 10 feet from the sidewalk line on the premises
facing each public street on which the property abuts, giving notice
of an application for site plan review or construction of a multiple
residence, including the date, time and place where the public hearing
will be held. It shall be displayed for a period of not less than
10 days immediately preceding the public hearing. The applicant shall
file an affidavit that s/he has complied with the provisions of this
The notice required by §
45-4 shall state the date, time and place of the hearing, the location of the building or lot(s), the general nature of the hearing, and a description of the project.
The power to approve, as granted herein, shall also include the power to impose reasonable stipulations upon the applicant and to modify and approve or disapprove such application in furtherance of the police power as set forth in §
45-8. The power to review shall include the power to recommend to the applicant, and to the Zoning Board of Appeals in cases where a special exception or variance is required
by this Code, measures safeguarding the health, safety and general
welfare of the Village. It shall also include the power to rescind
an approval previously granted for violation of any stipulation imposed
in connection therewith. Such rescission shall only take place by
majority vote of the Board at a public hearing after written notice
of at least 10 days to the applicant or his successor in interest
and a determination that one or more stipulations have been violated
and, as a result, the public heath, safety or welfare has been adversely
On all applications for site plan review, the Board of Trustees
shall consider the following factors in making its determination:
The approval given, or the recommendation made, is in harmony with
the general purpose and intent of the Code and in accordance with
the comprehensive plan set forth in the Code to lessen congestion
in the streets and upon land, to mitigate the impact of such development
on adjacent lands, to secure safety from fire and other dangers, to
provide adequate light and air, to avoid undue concentration of population
or activities, to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation,
water, sewage treatment, garbage disposal, lighting, drainage, parks
and other public requirements, to ensure the orderly development of
land consistent with the usage and architecture of structures, to
provide adequate and safe access, egress, parking and traffic flow
in the surrounding area, to conserve the value of buildings and land
and to encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the Village.
No parcel or part thereof may be the subject of an application
for site plan approval within one year after the Board of Trustees
has held a public hearing on an application for approval, unless such
application shall be substantially different from the previous application,
except upon a motion adopted by a majority of the members of the Board
of Trustees.
Where an approved site plan or the approval of modifications
to an existing site plan is required pursuant to this chapter, no
building permit, plumbing permit, sign permit or certificate of occupancy
may be issued until such time as the site plan approval or approval
of site plan modification is issued.
[Added 2-28-2022 by L.L. No. 1-2022]
A. There shall be paid to the Village a sum to be determined by the
Board of Trustees by duly adopted resolution for each lot created
by the approval of each subdivision application or approval for each
residential unit authorized in a decision granted by the Board of
Trustees on an application for site plan approval involving the construction
of a two-family dwelling, multiple dwelling, a mixed-use dwelling,
a professional mixed-use dwelling, a cooperative apartment or condominium
complex. The payment of said recreation fee shall be a condition to
such approval. The fees collected pursuant to this section shall constitute
a trust fund to be used by the Board of Trustees exclusively for neighborhood
park, playground or recreation purposes, including the acquisition
of land, which will serve to primarily, although not exclusively,
benefit the residents of such dwellings.
B. This section is adopted to conform to the provisions of § 7-730
of the New York State Village Law relevant hereto; however, this section
is also adopted with the clear intent of superseding § 7-725-a
of said New York State Village Law in accordance with the provisions
of the New York State Municipal Home Rule Law, insofar as this law
authorizes the Board of Trustees, sitting as the site plan review
agency, to collect a recreation fee in matters involving site plan
The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to impose and
later modify such reasonable conditions and/or restrictions as are
directly related to and/or incidental to a proposed site plan, the
reasonably anticipated uses thereof and/or reasonably anticipated
community development. Such conditions and/or restrictions may be
imposed as covenants and restrictions.
With regard to any particular application, the Board of Trustees may, when reasonable, waive any requirements indicated in §
45-16 or any rule it has promulgated pursuant to §
45-3 when such requirement is found not to further the interests of public health, safety or general welfare.
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Trustees
herein may apply to the Supreme Court for review by a proceeding under
Civil Practice Law and Rules Article 78.