[Ord. 332, 2/5/1951, § 1]
The Town Council hereby signifies its intention and desire to organize an Authority under the provisions of the "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," as amended.
[Ord. 332, 2/5/1951, § 2]
The President of Town Council and the Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town of Bloomsburg, Articles of Incorporation for said Authority, in substantially the following form:
To the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
In compliance with the requirements of the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, known as "Municipality Authorities Act of 1945," as amended, the Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, desiring to incorporate an Authority thereunder, does hereby certify:
The name of the Authority is "Bloomsburg School Authority."
Said Authority is formed under the provisions of the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended.
No other Authority organized under the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, or under the Act of June 28, 1935, P.L. 463, as amended, is in existence in or for the incorporating municipality, the Town of Bloomsburg, except that there is in existence in said Town of Bloomsburg an Authority created under said Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, known as the "Municipal Authority of the Town of Bloomsburg."
The name of the incorporating municipality is "Town of Bloomsburg," Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
The names and addresses of its municipal authorities are as follows: [Here followed the names and addresses of the municipal authorities at the time of adoption of this Part].
The names, addresses and terms of office of the first members of the Board of the Municipal Authority to be formed hereby are as follows: [Here followed the names, addresses and terms of office of the members of the Board of said Authority].
The ordinance authorizing the creation of said Authority, certified from the records of the Town of Bloomsburg, together with advertisement of notice of filing of these Articles of Incorporation, are each submitted herewith.
[Ord. 332, 2/5/1951, § 6]
The initial project which shall be undertaken by the said Authority is to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, operate, own, lease either as lessor or lessee public school buildings and an addition or additions to the presently existing public school buildings in the Town of Bloomsburg together with, if considered desirable, playrooms, cafeterias, gymnasium and all other facilities in connection with any thereof.