[Ord. 687, 10/6/1986, § 201]
In order to provide for an urban community lifestyle, the primary goal for the future of the Town of Bloomsburg is to maintain its identity as a governmental and economic center of Columbia County and as an educational center and to preserve the urban residential lifestyle.
[Ord. 687, 10/6/1986, § 202]
In order to carry out the primary goal, more specific objectives are hereby established:
Existing agricultural uses and compatible activities will be encouraged to continue.
Industrial development and growth will be encouraged as an appropriate and harmonious part of the Town contributing to a sound economic base.
Wholesaling and warehousing will be encouraged as activities suitable to the Town because of its excellent interstate and arterial road system which makes it a center for distribution of raw materials and finished products.
Highway-oriented commerce will be promoted along the Town's major arterial highway outside the Central Business District because it contributes to a sound economic base.
Commercial, governmental, cultural and social activities will be encouraged and protected in the Central Business District to ensure the vitality of the Town as the "heart" of the region.
The historic area of the Town will be preserved and restored as an important aspect of the Town's cultural heritage and beauty.
Commercial goods and services will be encouraged in conjunction with residential development in certain areas of the Town which are more densely developed in order to provide for the convenience of residents.
A variety of housing types ranging from single-family houses to high-density multiple-unit dwellings will be encouraged in different parts of the Town to provide for the varying needs, tastes and income levels of the residents. Housing will be maintained to high standards.
The clustering of housing will be provided for as a development option in order to encourage the preservation of open space, the more economic provision of utilities and more creative and attractive design.
Existing community facilities, such as parks, playgrounds, churches, libraries, governmental buildings, schools and hospitals will be maintained to high standards.
Bloomsburg State University will be recognized as one of the most important community facilities in the Town, contributing as it does to the education, cultural, social and economic aspects of the Town.
The Susquehanna River and its tributaries will be respected for the beauty and recreational pleasures they provide as well as for the flood hazards they pose. Floodways will be protected from encroachments and properly utilized, while water quality will be maintained to the highest standards.
Community utilities such as water, sewer, electric and telephone systems will be maintained to the highest standards, with expansion, repair, or replacement being part of a continuous program.
The transportation system, consisting of an interstate highway, three arterials. Town streets, a rail line and an airport, will be recognized as an integrated system providing interstate, intercity and local transportation for people and goods. Such access will be treated as vital to the economic and social development of the community as well as to the convenience of residents.
Local streets will be maintained and the Federal and State governments will be encouraged to do the same for nonlocal highways.
On a regional level, the Town of Bloomsburg will cooperate with nearby municipalities and with the County and larger region to provide or improve such facilities and services (for example, emergency management) which can be better provided through cooperative arrangements.