The landowner, person and/or entity performing any earth disturbance
shall utilize sufficient measures to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation
of creeks.
A. The disturbed land area and the duration of exposure shall be kept
to a practical minimum.
B. Except for agricultural activities, any earth disturbance over 5,000
square feet of land area shall require the submission of an adequate
erosion and sedimentation control plan to the County Conservation
C. See state erosion control regulations (Note: as of 2006, in 25 Pa.
Code Chapter 102).
The Zoning Officer may require an applicant to prove that a
suspect area proposed for alteration does or does not meet the state
or federal definition of a "wetland."
The provisions of the Borough of Walnutport's Ordinance
No. 2001-5 relating to flood-prone areas shall apply.
No use shall generate odors or dust that are offensive to persons
of average sensitivities beyond the boundaries of the subject lot.
This section shall only regulate exterior lighting that spills
across lot lines or onto public streets.
A. Purposes. To control outdoor lighting for safety, security, nighttime
privacy and nighttime enjoyment of residential property. To minimize
excessive outdoor lighting and control glare that can pose a danger
to motorists. To make sure lighting is properly shielded and directed.
B. Streetlighting exempted. This section shall not apply to streetlighting
that is owned, financed or maintained by the Borough or the state,
to temporary emergency lighting, or to an individual porch light of
a dwelling.
C. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions
shall apply:
The amount of light striking a vertical or horizontal plane,
measured in lumens per square foot. One footcandle equals one lumen
per square foot.
A light fixture for which no light output is emitted above
90° horizontal at any lateral angle around the fixture.
D. Height of lights. No luminaire, spotlight or other light source that
is within 150 feet of a lot line of an existing primarily residential
use lot shall be placed at a height exceeding 25 feet above the average
surrounding ground level. This limitation shall not apply to lights
needed for air safety nor lights intended solely to illuminate an
architectural feature of a building, nor lighting of outdoor public
recreation facilities.
E. Diffused. All light sources, including signs, shall be properly diffused
as needed with a translucent or similar cover to prevent exposed bulbs
from being directly visible from streets, public sidewalks, dwellings
or adjacent lots.
F. Shielding. All light sources, including signs, shall be installed
and maintained so that they are shielded around the light source and
carefully directed, aimed and placed to prevent the lighting from
creating a nuisance to persons in adjacent dwellings, and to prevent
the lighting from shining into the eyes of passing motorists.
G. Flickering. Flashing, flickering or strobe lighting are prohibited,
except for temporary nonadvertising seasonal lights between October
25 and January 10.
H. Spillover. Exterior lighting on a lot shall not cause a spillover
of light onto a residential lot after 10:00 p.m. that exceeds 0.1
horizontal footcandle at a residential lot line. Exterior lighting
on a lot shall not cause a spillover of light onto a street that exceeds
five footcandles.
I. Gasoline sales canopies. Any canopy over gasoline pumps shall have
a maximum distance between the ground level and the underside of the
canopy of 20 feet. If the ground level is sloped, or the canopy is
sloped to deflect noise and soot away from neighboring properties,
then a portion of the canopy may have a greater height, provided that
the maximum height is 20 feet at the portion of the canopy that is
closest an adjacent street. All light fixtures under the canopy shall
be recessed into the canopy or screened by an extension around the
bottom of the canopy so that lighting elements are not visible from
another lot or street.
J. Hours of sign lighting. If an internally lit sign is within a residential
district or across the street from a residential district, the lighting
shall be turned off between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
if the use is not open to the public during those hours. If such use
is open to the public between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., the lighting
of the sign shall be turned off a maximum of 30 minutes after the
use closes to the public.