Off-street parking spaces shall be provided and satisfactorily maintained in accordance with the following provisions for each use defined in § 405-18 which, after the effective date of this chapter, is erected, enlarged or altered for use for any of the following purposes:
Residential: two spaces per dwelling unit.
Rooming houses: one space per three beds.
Institutional, recreational and educational: one space per five seats plus one space per two employees on the premises. In schools where fixed seats are not provided, one space for every 300 square feet of floor area intended to be used by patrons, guests, members, clients or customers, plus one space per two employees on the premises at any one time.
Nursing homes, hospitals and medical centers: 1 1/2 spaces for each patient bed, not including cribs and bassinets.
Offices, including business, governmental and professional offices: one off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of total floor area.
[Amended 2-7-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-1]
Retail and consumer service.
[Amended 2-7-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-1]
Retail store, personal service shop, equipment or repair shop, bank or other financial and lending institution, public garage, motor vehicle sale establishment, or medical marijuana dispensary: one off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area.
[Amended 4-15-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-2]
Restaurant, cafe, tavern, nightclub, diner or similar place serving food or beverages: one off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of total floor area.
Mortuary or funeral home: one off-street parking space for each four seats provided for patron use, or at least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area used or intended to be used in the operation of the establishment, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces, plus one additional space for each full-time employee.
Motel, hotel or tourist home: one space for each unit. In addition, Subsection G above shall be applicable for any eating place, including banquet facilities, on the premises.
Automotive service: one space for every 150 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for every employee.
Transportation facilities: off-street parking spaces as the Zoning Hearing Board shall determine adequate to serve customers, patrons, visitors, employees and vehicles normally parked on the premises.
Communication facilities, supply and sanitary utilities: two off-street parking spaces at each terminal or substation, plus one space for each full-time employee.
Fire station: six off-street parking spaces for each fire truck where no community room is a part of the building or, where a community room is provided, two off-street parking spaces for each fire truck plus one off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of community room.
Wholesale, manufacturing or other industrial use: three off-street parking spaces for every four employees on the two major shifts, but in no case less than one off-street parking space for each 500 square feet of total floor area, plus one off-street parking space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Customary home occupation: one off-street parking space in addition to spaces otherwise required.
Metropolitan Business Districts: one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of gross floor area, plus one off-street space for each two full-time employees.
[Added 10-2-1978 by Ord. No. 78-4]
Medical marijuana grower/processor: notwithstanding any other provision in this section, three off-street parking spaces for every four employees on the two major shifts, but in no case less than one off-street parking space for each 500 square feet of total floor area, plus one off-street parking space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
[Added 4-15-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-2]
Existing parking. Structures and uses in existence at the date of adoption of this chapter shall not be subject to the requirements of this article so long as the kind or extent of use is not changed, provided that any parking facility now serving such structures or uses shall not in the future be reduced below such requirements.
Change in requirements. Whenever there is an alteration of a structure or a change or extension of a use which increases the parking requirements according to the standards of § 405-33, the total additional parking required for the alteration, change or extension shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of that section; provided, however, that when the use of the existing structure is changed or intensified without substantial addition to the structure, the additional parking normally required may be reduced or waived by special exception in accordance with § 405-68D, if the Zoning Hearing Board finds that the provisions of § 405-33 are impracticable or would require destruction of important architectural or landscape elements.
Conflict with other uses. No parking area shall be used for any use that interferes with its availability for the parking need it is required to serve.
Continuing character of obligation.
All required parking facilities shall be provided and maintained as long as the use exists which the facilities were designed to serve. Off-street parking facilities shall not be reduced in total extent after their provision, except upon the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board and then only after proof that, by reason of diminution in floor area, seating area, the number of employees or change in other factors controlling the regulation of the number of parking spaces, such reduction is in conformity with the requirements of this article.
Reasonable precautions shall be taken by the owner or sponsor of particular uses to assure the availability of required facilities to the employees or other persons whom the facilities are designed to serve. Such facilities shall be designed and used in such a manner as to at no time constitute a nuisance, hazard or unreasonable impediment to traffic.
Joint use. Two or more uses may provide for required parking in a common parking lot if the total space provided is not less than the sum of the spaces required for each use individually; provided, however, that the number of spaces required in a common parking facility may be reduced below this total by special exception under Article XI, if it can be demonstrated to the Zoning Hearing Board that the hours or days of peak parking needed for the uses are so different that a lower total will provide adequately for all uses served by the facility.
Fractional spaces. Where the computation of required parking space results in a fractional number, any fraction of the next highest number shall be counted as one.
Location of parking spaces, Required off-street parking spaces shall be on the same lot or premises with the principal use served. Where this requirement cannot be met, it shall be within 300 feet of the same principal use but not in a residential district. Off-premises parking shall be either owned by the principal use or leased on a long-term basis of five years or longer.
Maintenance of parking areas. On parking areas for three or more vehicles, the area not landscaped and so maintained, including driveways, shall be graded, surfaced with asphalt or other suitable material, and drained to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer to the extent necessary to prevent dust, erosion or excessive water flow across streets or adjoining properties. All off-street parking spaces shall be marked to indicate their location.
Common access. In commercial districts, adjacent uses with adjacent parking facilities shall establish common access to their parking facilities in order to reduce the number of points of entrance and exit onto Borough streets and highways. As adjacent uses are established, temporary accesspoints may be required, which are to be eliminated at the completion of construction on the adjacent tract, at which time the common access will establish a definite flow of traffic.
Multiple uses. Where two or more uses occupy a common structure, building or lot, the total number of parking spaces which will be provided and maintained will be calculated as the sum of the parking spaces required for the individual uses which occupy the structure, building or lot.
The design standards specified in the Bucks County Subdivision and Land Development Regulations shall be required for all off-street parking facilities with a capacity of three or more vehicles built after the effective date of this chapter.
Off-street loading requirements, as specified below, shall be provided on any lot on which a building exceeding 6,000 square feet of gross floor area for business or industry is hereafter erected.
Every department store, freight terminal or railroad yard, hospital, retail establishment, storage warehouse or wholesale establishment, sanitarium, industrial plant, medical marijuana dispensary, medical marijuana grower/processor, or manufacturing establishment shall provide off-street truck-loading or -unloading berths, as specified in the following table:
[Amended 4-15-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-2]
Aggregate Gross Floor Area Devoted to Each Use
(square feet)
Required Number of Berths
Under 6,000
No requirement
6,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 79,999
80,000 to 127,999
128,000 to 191,999
192,000 to 255,999
256,000 to 319,999
320,000 to 391,999
For each additional 72,000
1 additional berth
Every auditorium, convention hall, exhibition hall, funeral home, office building, restaurant, hotel, sports arena or welfare institution shall provide off-street truck-loading and -unloading berths as specified in the following table:
Aggregate Gross Floor Area Devoted to Each Use
(square feet)
Required Number of Berths
Under 30,000
No requirement
30,000 to 44,999
45,000 to 119,999
120,000 to 197,999
198,000 to 290,999
291,000 to 389,999
390,000 to 488,999
489,000 to 587,999
588,000 to 689,999
For each additional 105,000
1 additional berth
All required loading facilities shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
They shall be provided and maintained as long as the use exists which the facilities were designed to serve.
They shall not be reduced in total extent after their provision, except when such reduction is in conformity with the requirements of this article.
Reasonable precautions shall be taken by the owner or sponsor of particular uses to assure the availability of required facilities to the delivery and pickup vehicles that they are designed to serve.
Parking and loading areas and driveways serving any nonresidential use shall include, within the property lines, turning areas so designed and surfaced that a vehicle entering or leaving the property will not be forced to back onto the street or onto the property.
Certificates of occupancy permits. No certificates of occupancy shall be issued until all of the improvements required under the terms of this article, as shown on plans or made a part of the building or zoning permit, are in place and ready for use.