The following procedures shall be observed by all applicants, developers and their agents.
The review process for the plans shall be completed within the time limits established by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1] The official date of filing (the date the time period begins) shall be consistent with the Planning Code. The applicant may agree to waive or extend the time requirement in writing.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
The presentation of a preliminary plan and final plan shall each be a separate submission. The maximum review period authorized by the Municipalities Planning Code may be required for the preliminary plan and the final plan.
The submission of a substantially revised preliminary plan or final plan, in the opinion of the Borough, shall constitute a new and separate submission. A substantially revised plan must be accompanied by a complete application form, all required information and fees. With a substantially revised plan, the applicant must submit a written withdrawal of the previously submitted plan.
The separate stages of approval normally require the submission of preliminary plans and final plans. These differ in their purpose and required level of detail. The tables below indicate the required plans for the different types of submission and numbers of copies required.
Plans Required
Minor Subdivision
Major Subdivision
Land Development
Not required
Number of Copies Required
No. of Copies
Sketch plan
2 copies, Borough Council
6 copies, Planning Commission
Preliminary plan
9 copies, Borough Council and Secretary
6 copies, Planning Commission
1 copy, Borough Solicitor
2 copies, Borough Engineer
2 copies, Bucks County Planning Commission
Final plan
9 copies, Borough Council and Secretary
6 copies, Planning Commission
1 copy, Borough Solicitor
2 copies, Borough Engineer
1 copy, Borough Zoning Officer
2 copies, Bucks County Planning Commission
1 copy, Fire Marshal
Reports and studies
2 copies, Borough Council and Secretary
2 copies, Planning Commission
1 copy, Borough Engineer
2 copies, Borough Council and Secretary
1 copy, Planning Commission
2 copies, Borough Engineer
The owner of the parcel of land to be subdivided or developed shall submit a written statement granting the governing body, its authorized agents and representatives, the Planning Commission and the representatives of the county and municipal departments and agencies having responsibility for review and/or approval under this chapter the right to enter the parcel of land for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the requirements, terms and conditions imposed herein.
All plans and applications shall be submitted to the Borough Secretary. Plans and applications shall not be deemed submitted until they are accepted by the Borough Secretary as being in proper form and accompanied by the proper filing fee. The Borough shall have the sole responsibility to forward the plans to other reviewing agencies. Plans delivered to any reviewing agency by the owner, developer or his agent are not a basis for Borough action.
Within the review period as specified by the Municipalities Planning Code for the review process, the Borough of Penndel shall:
Review the applicant's submission.
Review any reports submitted by the Penndel Planning Commission and other reviewing agencies.
Listen to the applicant's presentation, if requested.
Render its decision in writing. It shall be sent to the applicant by mail at the address provided by the applicant on the application form. The decision shall be communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him within the time limits as specified by the Municipalities Planning Code.
When the application is not approved in terms as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe those which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance.
For any replanning or resubdivision of land, the same procedure, rules and regulations shall apply as prescribed herein for an original subdivision or land development.
Preliminary approval of the site plan must be obtained for the entire proposed development. Final approval may be obtained section by section, but such development sections shall be specified on the preliminary plan and must be numbered in the proposed order that they are to be developed. Such order of development must be adhered to, and if changes are required, plans must be refiled and reviewed and approved. Approved preliminary plans, however, shall be subject to changes in the Borough Zoning Ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Although it is not a prerequisite for approval of a final plan, an applicant may and is encouraged to submit a sketch plan as the basis for informal discussion. A sketch plan should bear the label "Sketch Plan" and is not an official document and involves no obligation on the part of the Borough. It is strongly suggested that the applicant use the sketch plan step which will be a definite advantage to the applicant and the Borough. A sketch plan will be reviewed by the Borough expeditiously and will not be subject to a time limit.
Fee. The sketch plan is not a formal application and, therefore, no fee is required by the Borough. The Bucks County Planning Commission may also participate at the sketch plan stage. Review by the Bucks County Planning Commission does not require payment of a fee.
The purpose of the sketch plan is to enable the applicant advantageously to make use of the services of the Penndel Planning Commission and possibly the Borough Council to help him analyze the problems of the development more adequately for its sound coordination with the community.
This informal discussion can simplify official actions and save unnecessary expense and delay by giving guidance to the development at a stage when potential points of difference can be more easily resolved.
Application procedure.
The applicant should submit the required copies of the sketch plan and supporting information and any required application forms to the Planning Commission Secretary.
The Penndel Planning Commission shall initially review the sketch plan submission and advise the applicant how the proposed subdivision or land development may conform or fail to conform with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances. The applicant may attend a meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss the proposal. The Planning Commission shall communicate its comments and recommendations to the applicant by mail at the address provided on the application by the applicant. Similarly, the Borough Council may conduct a review and discuss the plan with the applicant if requested. The review of a sketch plan is advisory only, and the opinions expressed by the members of the Planning Commission and/or Council members expressed during sketch plan review are not binding. (Note. The sketch plan is not a requirement and, therefore, will not receive an official approval. The amount of scope, concept, information, etc., contained in any sketch plans submitted and reviewed by the Borough must be developed in the preliminary plan stage to meet all the requirements of governing Borough ordinances.)
Data recommended for sketch plan stage. Although the amount of information submitted at this stage is the option of the applicant, it should be recognized that well-researched information can minimize expense at the preliminary plan stage and simplify the preliminary plan review. It is suggested that a sketch plan should contain, at least, the following information:
Name of the proposed subdivision or land development and identifying title.
Name and address of the owner of record and all equitable owners of the property, any authorized agent, and the applicant.
Tract boundaries.
North point and scale.
Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Significant topographical and physical features.
Proposed general street layout.
Proposed general lot layout.
Include contours and zoning district information.
Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary plan stage is to ensure that the proposed subdivision or land development will be in strict compliance with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances.
Application procedure.
The applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the preliminary plan and supporting information along with any required completed application forms and fees to the Borough Secretary. The date of the receipt shall be marked on each copy.
The applicant shall submit the five completed copies of the Planning Module for Land Development to supply necessary information for the Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537) reviewing agencies.
No preliminary plan shall be accepted by the Borough unless the appropriate fee in accordance with the current fee schedule adopted by resolution by the Borough Council shall be paid by check or money order at the time of submission to the Borough.
The preliminary plan shall be clearly labeled as a preliminary plan.
Where any revision is made, or when the plan is a revision of a previously approved plan, solid lines shall show the currently proposed features. A symbol and reference number shall identify the aspect revised on the field of the drawing. All revisions shall be noted in a revision block and listed by symbol and reference number. An explanation of each revision shall be included in the revision block.
In addition to the review requirements specified in § 355-15G, the Borough shall review the accompanying data and impact statements submitted under the requirements of § 355-17D(8) and, prior to granting preliminary approval, specify improvements appropriate and necessary to lessen specific identified negative impacts.
Approval of the preliminary plan shall not constitute approval of the final plan or authorize the sale of lots or construction of buildings.
Size and scale of plans.
Plans shall be drawn on sheets 18 inches by 24 inches; 24 inches by 36 inches; or 36 inches by 48 inches. All sheets comprising a submission shall be on one size. Sheets should be large enough to clearly show all required features but at a scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet.
The site survey map, the natural features map and the site plan shall be drawn at a scale of 50 feet to one inch or 100 feet to one inch. An appropriate scale shall be used for other documents submitted.
The submission shall include a copy of the site plan for the entire property on a single sheet at an appropriate scale that will fit the maximum sheet size submitted.
The plan shall be so prepared and bear an adequate legend to indicate clearly which features are existing and which are proposed.
Each sheet shall be numbered and shall show its relationship to the total number of sheets.
Required information and documents.
A certified site survey containing the following information shall be submitted.
Name of the proposed subdivision or land development or identifying title.
Name and address of the owner of record and all equitable owners of the property, any additional agent, and the applicant.
Name of the professional land surveyor responsible for the property survey in accordance with Act 367 of 1979.[1]
Editor's Note: See 63 P.S. § 148 et seq.
Municipality in which the subdivision or land development is located.
North point, date and scale (written and graphic).
Tax map lot numbers.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site, at a scale of not less than 800 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining properties and to all streets, roads, zoning districts and municipal boundaries existing within 1,600 feet of any part of the property.
The names of owners of land immediately adjacent or across contiguous highways, streets and roads, and the names of proposed or existing subdivisions and land developments immediately adjacent or across contiguous highways, streets and roads.
All existing highways, streets and roads on, adjacent to, or within 100 feet of any part of the tract, including name, right-of-way width and cartway width.
All existing buildings and their uses, bodies of water, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or petroleum product lines, gas lines, electric and telephone lines, fire hydrants, all other utilities and other significant man-made features on or within 100 feet of the tract.
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way, and the purpose for which the easements have been established.
Pursuant to Act 287 of 1974,[2] all underground utility lines shall be shown on the plan. The type of line, the utility company owning the line, the size of the line, and the width of any right-of-way or easement shall be shown.
Editor's Note: See 73 P.S. § 176 et seq.
Site boundaries (bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds and distances to the hundredth of a foot).
Total acreage of the tract to the thousandth of an acre and in hundredths of square feet.
List the date of all references to any subdivision which increased or decreased the size of the subject tract since December 14, 1981.
Existing contours at vertical intervals of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and vertical intervals of five feet for more steeply sloping land.
USCGS bench mark(s) to which contours refer, including the description and location of the bench mark(s).
Water supply, wells, bodies of water, sewage or sewage disposal systems on the tract and on adjacent properties within 100 feet.
Location of all existing monuments.
A certification by the registered surveyor, which shall read as follows:
I hereby certify that I am a registered professional land surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; that this is a true and accurate survey made on the ground completed by me on __________, 20__; that all the markers shown thereon actually exist; that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown; and that no encroachments, rights-of-way or easements exist except as shown herein.
A certification by the Borough Engineer shall read as follows:
Reviewed and approved by the Engineer of the Borough of Penndel on the day of 20_____.
Borough Engineer
Natural features map.
Floodplain soil types.
Slope areas.
Zero to 15%.
Fifteen to 25%.
Twenty-five percent and over.
Location of forest areas and the location of isolated trees of four-inch caliper or more.
Lakes and ponds.
Rock outcroppings.
The boundaries of the various soil types and identification key as indicated in the Soil Survey of Bucks County and Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, with a description of each soil type and limitations of the soils for on-site sewage disposal.
Name of the engineer or other professional person responsible for the natural features map.
Site plan of proposed project. The following information shall be provided:
Name of the proposed subdivision or land development or identifying title.
Name and address of the owner of record and all equitable owners of the property, any authorized agent and the applicant(s).
Name and address of the engineer, surveyor, architect or landscape architect responsible for the plan.
Data to show compliance with the performance standards of the zoning district of the Penndel Borough Zoning Ordinance, as amended.[3]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 405, Zoning.
Number of lots proposed, numbered in consecutive order, proposed lot lines and approximate dimensions, and any restrictions, covenants, etc., under which lots are to be sold.
Zoning requirements, including:
Applicable district.
Maximum density permitted and proposed density.
Required and proposed lot sizes (gross and net area).
Required and proposed open space and impervious surface ratios.
Any variance or special exceptions granted.
Minimum building setback lines (front, side and rear) for each lot.
Lot width requirements.
Buffer yards.
A restriction requiring all utilities to be underground.
The location, width, length and suggested names of all proposed streets, roads, rights-of-way and easements.
Location and dimension of parks, permanent open space areas, recreation areas, playgrounds, public buildings and other areas designed for appurtenant facilities, public use, or proposed to be dedicated or reserved for public use, together with the condition of such dedications or reservations.
For land developments, the following shall be shown:
Building locations.
Parking facilities.
Service access.
Types of buildings proposed.
Number of units of each type proposed.
Sidewalks and pedestrian walks.
Trash receptacles.
Where the preliminary plan submitted covers only part of the applicant's entire holding, a sketch of a feasible future subdivision of the unsubmitted part shall be furnished, and the street system of the unsubmitted part will be considered in the light of adjustments and connections with future streets in the part submitted.
Municipality in which the subdivision or land development is to be located.
North point, date and scale (written and graphic).
Tax map lot numbers.
The names of owners and tax map numbers of land immediately adjacent or across contiguous highways, streets and roads, and the name of proposed or existing subdivisions or land developments immediately adjacent or across contiguous highways, streets and roads.
All existing highways, streets and roads on, adjacent to, or within 100 feet of any part of the tract, including name, right-of-way widths and cartway width.
All existing buildings and their uses, bodies of water, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum or petroleum product lines, gas lines, fire hydrants, and other significant man-made features on or within 100 feet of the tract. Existing structures, whether to remain or to be demolished, shall be shown.
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way shall be indicated. The purpose for which the easements have been established shall be specified.
Tract boundaries showing bearings and distances shall be shown.
Total acreage of the tract in thousandths of an acre and hundredths of square feet shall be shown.
Existing contours and proposed final contours shall be shown. Existing contours shall be shown in dashed lines and proposed contours shall be shown with solid lines.
Landscaping and grading plan, containing the following information:
Existing contours and proposed final contours shall be shown. Existing contours shall be shown with dashed lines and proposed contours shall be shown with solid lines.
Plant materials, botanical and common names, sizes, quantities and locations.
Intended treatment of all disturbed and undisturbed areas: grass seed, sod, ground cover, natural, etc.
Site utility plan(s), including profiles and details for the following:
Stormwater control system.
Water supply system.
Fire protection system.
Lighting system (no profile required).
Underground electric service, telephone, gas and cable television.
Sanitary sewer system.
Dedicated street plans, including profiles and details.
Soil erosion and sedimentation control plan and stormwater management plan, for the construction phase of the project.
Required data to accompany preliminary plan:
Public sewage facilities, if applicable.[4]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Public water supply system, if applicable.
Traffic impact study.[5]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Methods of assuring responsibility for the maintenance of resource protection lands, open space, recreation lands, parking lots and authorized private streets. Methods of maintenance shall incur no costs to the Borough.
Stormwater management computations and reports.
Sketches of building plans and elevations for land developments.
A written report or narrative of the scope of the proposed project which will be used as the basis for the detailed development of the plan. The purpose of the report is to inform the Borough of the intent, purpose and desire of the developer. The report shall contain, but would not be limited to, information on the type of structures, population (including age groups of occupants), water system, sewage system, surface drainage system, erosion control, recreation, rubbish handling, lighting, resource protection, landscaping, proposed type of construction and facing materials, etc.
A resource protection map which illustrates: a) all natural features required by the Penndel Borough Zoning Ordinance; and b) a preliminary regrading plan which illustrates all disturbance of the identified natural feature areas. The amount of each natural feature disturbed shall be indicated and illustrated on the resource protection map.
Purpose. The purpose of the final plan stage is to ensure formal approval by the Penndel Borough Council before plans for all major subdivisions and land developments are recorded as required by § 355-20 of this chapter.
Application procedure.
The final plan applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the final plan and supporting information along with any required completed application forms and fees to the Borough Secretary. The date of receipt shall be marked on each copy.
No final plan shall be accepted by the Borough unless: a) a preliminary plan has been approved; and b) the appropriate fee in accordance with the current fee schedule adopted by resolution by the Borough Council shall be paid by check or money order at the time of submission to the Borough.
The final plan shall be clearly labeled as a final plan.
Where any revision is made or when the plan is a revision of a previously approved preliminary or final plan, solid lines shall show the currently proposed features. A symbol and reference number shall identify the aspect revised on the field of the drawing. All revisions shall be noted in a revision block and listed by symbol and reference number. An explanation of each revision shall be included in the revision block.
Within 90 days following the submission of the application, the Borough shall complete the review process specified in § 355-15G.
If approved by the Borough Council, two exact copies of the approved final plan on Mylar or its equivalent shall be submitted for the required signatures.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Size and scale of plans. The final plans shall be prepared in accordance with the specifications and requirements of § 355-17C.
Required information and documents.
A certified site survey shall be submitted with the information required by § 355-17D(1).
A natural features map shall be submitted with the information required by § 355-17D(2).
A site plan of the proposed project shall be submitted with the information required by § 355-17D(3), except that all proposed dimensions and bearings of each lot line, areas of lots, and consecutive numbering of lots shall be shown.
A landscaping and grading plan shall be submitted with the information required by § 355-17D(4).
Site utility plan(s) shall be submitted with the information required by § 355-17D(5).
An improvement construction plan shall be submitted with the following information and at either of the following scales:
20 feet/inch
2 feet/inch
50 feet/inch
5 feet/inch
Horizontal plan (streets). The horizontal plan shall show details of the horizontal layout, including:
Center line with bearings, distances, curve data and stations corresponding to the profile.
Right-of-way and curblines with radii at intersections.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Tie-ins by courses and distances to intersection of all public roads, with their names and widths.
Location of all monuments with reference to them.
Property lines and ownership of abutting properties.
Location and size of all drainage structures, sidewalks, public utilities, lighting standards, and street name signs.
Horizontal plan (storm drains and sanitary sewers).
Location and size of line with stations corresponding to the profile.
Location of manholes or inlets with grade between and elevation of flow line and top of each manhole or inlet.
Property lines and ownership, with details of easements where required.
Beginning and end of proposed construction.
Location of laterals.
Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities in the vicinity of storm and/or sanitary sewer lines.
Hydraulic design data for culverts and/or bridge structures.
Profile (streets).
Profile of existing ground surface along center line of street.
Proposed center-line grade with percent on tangents and elevations at fifty-foot intervals, grade intersections and either end of curb radii.
Vertical curve data, including length, elevations and minimum sight distance as required by the Borough.
Cross section (streets).
Right-of-way width and location and width of paving.
Type, thickness and crown of paving.
Type and size of curb or swale if no curb.
Grading of sidewalk area.
Location, width, type and thickness of sidewalks.
Typical location of sewers and utilities with sizes.
Profile (storm drains and sanitary sewers).
Profile of existing ground surface with elevations at top of manholes or inlets.
Profile of storm drain or sewer showing type and size of pipe, grade, cradle, manhole and inlet locations, and elevations along flow line at fifty-foot intervals.
The soil erosion and sedimentation control plan for the construction phase of the project shall be submitted.
Other required information. The information required by the following provisions of this chapter shall be submitted.
Section 355-17D(9).
Section 355-17D(11).
Certification of sewage facilities.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
For wells that are required to be reviewed by the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), certification of DRBC approval shall be submitted prior to the granting of final approval of the subdivision or land development application.
Improvements or guarantee thereof prerequisite to final plan approval.
Improvements. Before approving any subdivision or land development plan for recording, the Borough Council shall either require that the necessary grading, paving and other improvements herein specified shall have been installed in strict accordance with the standards and specifications of the governing body, or that the governing body be assured by means of a proper contract and completion guarantee, as set forth in § 355-18E(2) hereof, that the improvements will subsequently be installed by the developer.
Contracts. In all cases where the necessary grading, paving and other improvements required herein shall not have been installed in strict accordance with the standards and specifications of the Borough prior to approval of the final plan, the developers shall enter into a written agreement[3] with the Borough in accordance with the requirements of the Municipalities Planning Code in the manner and form approved by the Borough Solicitor, wherein developers shall agree, to the extent applicable:
To construct or cause to be constructed at his own expense all streets, street signs, curbs, sidewalks, street and buffer plantings, streetlights, fire hydrants, water mains, sanitary sewers (including capped sewers and capped water mains), storm sewers, drainage, grading and erosion control improvements, and other improvements, including off-site improvements as may be required by the Borough shown on said subdivision or land development plan, all in strict accordance with the standards and specifications of the Borough and within the time specified in said agreement. (See Appendix A.[4])
To make adequate provisions with the Borough Engineer for the inspection of the construction of the aforesaid improvements to assure strict compliance with the Borough standards and specifications.
To secure the structural integrity of the required improvements for the subdivision as well as the functioning of the required improvements in the subdivision in accordance with the design and specifications of that particular final plat of the required improvements, including streets, street signs, curbs, sidewalks, street and buffer plantings, streetlights, fire hydrants, water mains (including capped water mains), sanitary sewers (including capped sewers), storm sewers, drainage, grading and erosion control improvements, and other improvements, including off-site improvements, as may be required by the Borough, for the period of 18 months from the date of acceptance of dedication of some or all of the required improvements following completion.
To pay all costs, charges or rates of the utility furnishing electric service for the streetlighting facilities installed by the developer until such time as the streets shown on the subdivision and/or land development plan shall have been accepted or condemned by the Borough for public use, and to indemnify and save harmless the Borough from and against all suits, actions, claims and demands for electric service as aforesaid, or any part thereof, to the time that said streets shall be accepted or condemned as public streets in the manner hereinabove set forth.
To post, contemporaneous with the execution of such agreement, such financial security as is required by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended.
To obtain the easements and releases required by this chapter.
To reimburse the Borough promptly for reasonable attorney's and engineer's fees and fees for other professionals employed by the Borough to review or process subdivision and land development plans.
The provisions of this section shall not relieve the developer from the penalties provided for in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code for violations of this chapter.[5]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Approval of plans.
Appropriate approval blocks shall appear on the first sheet or title sheet of the set of plans. All approved final plans shall be signed by the Borough Engineer, a designated member of the Planning Commission and the Borough Council. Such signatures shall be placed on Mylar or its equivalent prints of the approved plan for recording with the County and Borough. All sheets other than the first shall be date stamped, approved and marked for identification purposes.[6]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Before acting on any subdivision or land development plan, the Borough Council may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice.
Notes and certificates. The record plan must include the required notes and certificates:
On all applications where improvement construction plans are required, the following note shall appear on the record plan:
"The approved improvement construction plans, sheets 1-_____, which may be inspected at the office of the Borough Secretary, have been made a part of the approved final plan (record)."
The signature of the certified land surveyor may determine property boundaries. (P.L. 534, No. 120 of 1979.)
An acknowledgment, as follows:
Where the owner(s) of record are individuals, all shall join as follows:
: SS
COUNTY OF _______________________
On the _____ day of ____________, 20_____, before me, the subscriber, a notary public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in ___________, ___________, personally appeared (name or names of all owners), known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person(s) whose name(s) (is/are) subscribed to the foregoing plan, and acknowledge that (he/she/they) (is/are) the registered owner(s) of the designated land, that all necessary approval of the plan has been obtained and is endorsed thereon, and that (he/she/they) desire that the foregoing plan be recorded according to law.
WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires _____
Where the owner of record is a corporation:
: SS
COUNTY OF _______________________
On the _____ day of ____________, 20_____, before me, the subscriber, a notary public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, residing in ___________, ___________, personally appeared (name of officer of corporation), who acknowledged (himself/herself) to be the (president or secretary) of (name of the corporation), a corporation, and that as such (president or secretary), being authorized to do so, (he/she) executed the foregoing plan by signing that the said corporation is the registered owner of the designated land, that all necessary approval of the plan has been obtained and is endorsed thereon, and that the said corporation desires that the foregoing plan be recorded according to law.
WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires _____
Sample signature blocks:
Approved by resolution of the Borough Council of Penndel, County of Bucks, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at a meeting on the _____ day of _____, 20_____.
Recommended for approval by the Penndel Borough Planning Commission on the _____ day of _____, 20_____.
Recommended for approval by the Penndel Borough Engineer on the _____ day of _____, 20_____.
Recording notation:
Recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in Plan Book _____, Page _____, on the _____ day of ___________, 20_____.
Signatures to appear on plan. The following signatures shall be placed directly on the plan in black ink:
The owner or owners of record of land. If the owner of record of land is a corporation, the signatures of the President and Secretary shall appear.
The notary public acknowledging the owner's statement of intent.
The licensed engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan. If an architect or a landscape architect collaborated in the preparation of the plan, his signature shall also appear.
The Chairman and Secretary of the Borough Planning Commission.
The Council of Penndel Borough.
Declaration of restrictions and covenants. Before approving any subdivision or land development plan for recording, the developers shall deliver to Borough Council a declaration of restrictions and covenants which has been fully executed in a form acceptable to the Borough and sufficient for recording. Said declaration shall provide, inter alia, as follows:
That the conditions, restrictions and covenants shall be covenants running with the land.
That the conditions, covenants and restrictions shall be enforceable by Penndel Borough.
That all improvements and facilities shall be subject to a general easement in favor of the Borough of Penndel, its successors and assigns, its agents, servants, workmen and employees, contractors and subcontractors, for the purpose of ingress, egress, on foot or with equipment, for the purposes of repairing, renovating and maintaining all drainage facilities and other improvements; however, the Borough of Penndel, its successors and assigns, shall have no duty to maintain and/or repair any such improvements and shall do so only if such maintenance and/or repair is not performed by the developer, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. Furthermore, all such maintenance and repairs by the Borough of Penndel, its successors and assigns, shall be at the expense of the developer and/or his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, and/or at the expense of each and every owner of a lot or unit, jointly and severally. In addition, all such maintenance and/or repairs shall be performed by the Borough of Penndel only at such times as the Borough, in its sole discretion, determines so to do
That no occupancy permit shall be issued by the Borough for any resident on any lot within any unit within the development until the Borough Engineer shall certify that such lot or unit has completed roads across its entire frontage, continuous completed road access to public roads now existing, and fully operating supporting facilities such as, but not limited to, drains and sewers.
A list of all conditions of final subdivision plan approval.
A statement that the recorded subdivision plan represents only one sheet of a number of sheets and documents which comprise the final plan. That the premises which are the subject of this agreement are subject to all the pages of the final subdivision plan and documents as approved, even though such pages and documents are not recorded. That copies of the full set of final plans and documents may be reviewed at the Penndel Borough office during regular business hours.
That the agreement is intended to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Bucks County.
A certification by the registered surveyor, which shall read as follows:
I hereby certify that I am a registered professional land surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; that this is a true and accurate survey made on the ground, completed by me on _____, 20_____; that all the markers shown thereon actually exist; that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown; and that no encroachments, rights-of-way or easements exist except as shown herein.
A certification by the Borough Engineer shall read as follows:
I hereby certify that I am a registered professional land surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; that this is a true and accurate survey made on the ground, completed by me on _____, 20_____; that all the markers shown thereon actually exist; that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown; and that no encroachments, rights-of-way or easements exist except as shown herein.
Purpose. The purpose of the final plan stage is to ensure formal approval by the Penndel Borough Council before a plan for a minor subdivision is recorded as required by § 355-20 of this chapter.
Application procedure.
The minor subdivision applicant shall submit the required number of copies of the final plan and supporting information along with any required completed application forms and fees to the Borough Secretary. The date of receipt shall be marked on each copy.
No final plan shall be accepted by the Borough unless the appropriate fee in accordance with the current fee schedule adopted by resolution by the Borough Council shall be paid by check or money order at the time of submission to the Borough.
The final plan shall be clearly labeled as a final plan.
Where any revision is made or when the plan is a revision of a previously approved final plan, solid lines shall show the currently proposed features. A symbol and reference number shall identify the aspect revised on the field of the drawing. All revisions shall be noted in a revision block and listed by symbol and reference number. An explanation of each revision shall be included in the revision block.
Within the time limits established by the Municipalities Planning Code, the Borough Council shall:
Review the applicant's submission.
Review any reports submitted by the Penndel Planning Commission and other applicable reviewing agencies.
Listen to the applicant's presentation, if requested.
Render its decision within the provisions of the statute, in writing, and this shall be sent to the applicant by mail at the address provided by the applicant on the application form.
When the application is not approved as filed, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe which requirements have not been met and cite the provisions of the statute or ordinance.
Size and scale of plans. The final plans shall be prepared in accordance with the specifications and requirements of § 355-17C.
Required information.
Site survey.
Name of the proposed subdivision or identifying title.
Name and address of the owner of record of the property to be subdivided, any authorized agent, and the applicant.
Name of the professional land surveyor responsible for the property survey in accordance with Act 367 of 1979.[1]
Editor's Note: See 63 P.S. § 148 et seq.
Municipality in which the subdivision or land development is located.
North point, date and scale (written and graphic).
Tax map lot numbers of the property to be subdivided.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site, at a scale not less than 800 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets, roads, zoning districts, and municipal boundaries existing within 1,600 feet of any part of the property.
The names of owners and tax map numbers of land immediately adjacent or across contiguous highways, streets and roads, and the names of proposed or existing subdivisions and land developments immediately adjacent or across contiguous highways, streets and roads.
All existing highways, streets and roads on, adjacent to, or within 100 feet of any part of the tract, including name, right-of-way width and cartway width.
All existing buildings and their uses, bodies of water, sewers, water mains, on-site septic systems and wells, culverts, petroleum or petroleum product lines, gas lines, electric and telephone lines, fire hydrants, all other utilities and other significant man-made features on the tract.
All existing property lines, easements and rights-of-way, and the purpose for which the easements have been established.
Pursuant to Act 287 of 1974,[2] all underground utility lines shall be shown on the plan. The type of line, the utility company owning the line, the size of the line, and the width of any right-of-way or easement shall be shown.
Editor's Note: See 73 P.S. § 176 et seq.
Site boundaries (bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds, and distances to the hundredth of a foot).
Total acreage of the tract to the thousandths of an acre and in hundredths of square feet.
Natural features map. The following information may be shown superimposed upon a copy of the survey map or may be submitted as a separate sheet:
Floodplain soil types.
General slope areas. The Soil Survey of Bucks and Philadelphia Counties, Pennsylvania, may be used for identification.
Zero to 15%.
Fifteen to 25%.
Twenty-five percent and over.
The location of forests and of isolated trees of four-inch caliper or more.
Lakes and ponds.
Rock outcroppings.
The boundaries of the various soil types and identification keys as indicated in the Soil Survey of Bucks and Philadelphia Counties, Pennsylvania, with a description of each soil type and limitations of the soils for on-site sewage disposal.
Name of the engineer or other professional person responsible for the natural features map.
Site plan of proposed project. The following information may be shown superimposed upon a copy of the survey map or may be submitted as a separate sheet.
Name of the proposed subdivision or identifying title.
Name and address of the owner of record of the property, any authorized agent and the applicant(s).
Name and address of the engineer, surveyor, architect or landscape architect responsible for the plan.
Zoning requirements, including:
Applicable district.
Maximum density permitted and proposed density.
Required and proposed lot sizes.
Required and proposed open space and impervious surface ratios, if applicable.
Any variances or special exceptions granted.
Minimum building setback lines (front, side and rear) for each lot.
Lot width requirements.
Buffer yards.
A location map for the purpose of locating the site at a scale no less than 800 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets, roads, zoning districts and municipal boundaries existing within 1,600 feet of any part of the property.
North point, date and scale (written and graphic).
Site boundaries.
All existing highways, streets and roads on, adjacent to, or within 100 feet of any part of the tract, including name, right-of-way width and cartway width.
Types and locations of proposed buildings.
Resource protection areas.
Size of the parcel of land to the thousandth of an acre and in hundredths of square feet.
The size of each parcel of land after the subdivision to the thousandth of an acre and in hundredths of square feet.
Setbacks and yard requirements, as specified in the Penndel Borough Zoning Ordinance, along the proposed lot line. Any proposed or existing building which would be located within the proposed setback or yard requirement shall be illustrated on the site plan.
The information requirements of § 355-19D(1) and (2) may be varied by the Penndel Borough Council if the Council finds the specific requirements to be inappropriate, unnecessary or present a hardship as defined in § 355-9 of this chapter.
Approval of plans.
Before final plan approval is granted, the applicant shall:
Obtain the easements and releases required by this chapter.
Reimburse the Borough promptly for attorney's and engineer's fees and fees to other professionals employed by the Borough to review or process subdivision plans.
If approved by the Borough Council, two exact copies of the approved final plan on Mylar or its equivalent shall be submitted for the required signatures.[3]
Appropriate approval blocks [see § 355-18F(3)] shall appear on the first sheet or title sheet of the set of plans. All approved final plans shall be signed by the Borough Engineer, a designated member of the Planning Commission and the Borough Council. Such signatures shall be placed only on prints of the approved plan on Mylar or its equivalent. All sheets other than the first shall be date-stamped, approved and marked for identification purposes.[4]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Before acting on any subdivision plan, the Borough Council may hold a public hearing thereon after public notice.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The provisions of this section shall not relieve the developer from the penalties provided for in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code for violations of this chapter.
A certification by the registered surveyor, which shall read as follows:
I hereby certify that I am a registered professional land surveyor, licensed in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; that this is a true and accurate survey made on the ground completed by me on _____, 20__; that all the markers shown thereon actually exist; that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown; and that no encroachments, rights-of-way or easements exist except as shown herein.
A certification by the Borough Engineer shall read as follows:
Reviewed and approved by the Engineer of the Borough of Penndel on the, _____ day of _____ 20__.
Borough Engineer
Upon approval of a final plan of a subdivision or land development, the applicant shall, within 90 days of such final approval, record the plan in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Bucks County. The Borough shall not execute a plan for recording and no plan shall be recorded unless all owners of record have executed the plan. The applicant shall notify the Borough Council in writing of the date of such recording and the plan book and page wherein the subdivision or land development plan is recorded. If the plan is not recorded within the ninety-day period, the approval shall lapse and become void, unless otherwise specified by the Borough Council.
Streets, parks and other public improvements shown on a subdivision or land development plan to be recorded may be offered for dedication to the Borough by formal notation thereof on the plan, or the owner may note on the plan that such improvements have not been offered for dedication to the Borough.
Every street, park or other improvement shown on a subdivision or land development plan that is recorded, as provided herein, shall be deemed to be a private street, park or improvement until such time as the same has been offered for dedication to the Borough and accepted by resolution and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County or until it has been condemned for use as a public street, park or other improvement.