The Rural Residential District has a district boundary based
is the area between the two-and-one-half-mile arc from the center
of the village and the Agricultural District and without services
of public sewer and water. It is designed to provide low density in
order to preserve open space, reduce demand for services and reduce
scattered and premature development.
Dimensional controls shall be as follows:
A. Minimum lot area: 130,680 square feet.
B. Each additional dwelling unit: 21,780 square feet per unit.
C. Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
A. One of the following dwelling unit structures is permitted per lot:
One single detached dwelling per lot.
One single detached dwelling per lot with one accessory dwelling
[Amended 3-14-2017 ATM
by Art. 2]
One duplex dwelling per lot.
D. The seasonal, outside storage of items of personal property on residential
lots, provided that such items must be placed on the lot to the side
or rear of the dwelling, but their use for living and/or business
while so stored is prohibited.
E. Home occupation, occupying up to 500 square feet of the single-family
dwelling (requires TRC approval).
F. The keeping or harboring of all livestock in accordance with New
Hampshire Department of Agriculture's Best Management Practices.
Uses which may be permitted by special exception shall be as
A. Farm, agriculture, farming.
D. Conversion of a dwelling unit into a bed-and-breakfast.1
G. Horticultural establishments.1
H. Churches on lots with frontage on a state-numbered highway.1
I. Museum on lots with frontage on a state-numbered highway.1
1 NOTE: Requires Planning Board approval
under the provisions of RSA 676:4.
For other requirements, see:
A. Article
XXII, Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements.