[Adopted 2-12-1972 by Res. No. 1973-7 (Part 10, Ch. 2, Art. B, Sec. 10-2016, of the 1976 Code of Ordinances)]
The Board of Commissioners hereby establishes regulations authorizing employment of members of the Township police force and auxiliary policemen to provide police-related services on off-duty hours, as requested, subject to assignment and approval of the Chief of Police or his designated officer.
The officers serving in this capacity would be covered under the existing Township insurance program.
The Township Commissioners are authorized to establish the rate to be charged the party requesting the service, also the rate to be paid to the officer serving in this capacity.
The responsible party requesting the services shall be required to file a written request, on a form furnished by the Township, 48 hours prior to the date of requested services, also assuming responsibility of payment to the Township.