The Newtown Township Board of Supervisors shall appoint a Landscape Inspector for the purpose of administering the provisions of this chapter. The Landscape Inspector shall be appointed annually by the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors.
When an application is required pursuant to Article V as part of a submission under Chapter 148, Subdivision and Land Development, the provisions of such chapter for application, review, site inspections, performance and maintenance guaranties, application fees, violations and penalties shall govern such an application.
The applicant shall agree, in writing, to reimburse the Township for all costs of administration and review of the application by the Township. Funds shall be deposited with the Township in an amount as specified by the Township.
Fees covering the cost of inspections shall be paid by the applicant to the Township prior to plan approval. If problems arise requiring more extensive involvement of the Township during the inspection process, any resulting costs that exceed the initial fee will be assessed to the applicant.
Upon the request of the Township, a cost estimate covering landscape development shall be submitted with the final landscape plan. The cost estimate may serve as the basis for establishing an escrow account for the landscape improvements.
Appeals from any action or decision of the Township or from other administrative actions of the Township, in relation to the terms of this chapter, shall be to the Board of Supervisors.
Major modifications of any approved final landscape plan shall be resubmitted in the same manner as the original plan. All development and land disturbance activities may be suspended by the Township Manager pending the approval of modified plans.
Field modifications of a minor nature may be approved by the Township Manager in the form of written authorization.
If, at any time, the Township determines that the site work does not conform to the approved plan, a written notice to comply shall be given to the developer. Such notice shall set forth the nature of corrections required and the time within which corrections shall be made. Upon failure to comply within the time specified, the developer shall be considered in violation of this chapter, and the Township may issue a cease and desist order on all work on the site until corrections are made.
If corrections are not undertaken within the time specified or the applicant violates the cease and desist order:
Penalties shall be imposed per § 104-23 hereof; and/or
The work shall be completed by the Township and the costs charged to the developer.
[Amended 6-12-1995 by Ord. No. 1995-5]
Anyone damaging trees, shrubs or other vegetation located within the road right-of-way, in public parks and on property owned and utilized by the Township by cutting, striking or by vehicle shall be subject to a fine for each tree, shrub or other vegetation damaged of not more than $1,000, plus the costs of replacement of such damaged trees, shrubs or other vegetation.
Anyone violating any provision of § 104-22A shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than $1,000 for each and every violation. Each day that the violation continues after proper notification shall be a separate violation. In addition thereto, the Township may institute injunctive, mandamus or any other appropriate action or proceeding at law or equity for the enforcement of this chapter or to correct violations of this chapter, and any court of competent jurisdiction shall have the right to issue restraining orders, temporary or permanent injunctions or other appropriate forms of remedy or relief.