The Township Engineer or other Township designee shall inspect all phases of the installation of permanent BMPs and/or stormwater management facilities as deemed appropriate by the Township Engineer.
During any stage of work, if the Township Engineer or other Township designee determines that permanent BMPs and/or stormwater management facilities are not being installed in accordance with the approved stormwater management plan, the Township may revoke any existing permits or other approvals and issue a cease-and-desist order until a revised SWM site plan is submitted and approved, as specified in this chapter, and until the deficiencies are corrected.
A final inspection of all BMPs and/or stormwater management facilities shall be conducted by the Township Engineer or other Township designee to confirm compliance with the approved SWM site plan prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit.
A landowner or their developer shall be responsible for providing as-built plans of all SWM BMPs included in an approved SWM site plan for activities involving proposed impervious surfaces 1,000 square feet or greater and for earth disturbances 5,000 square feet or greater. The as-built plans and explanation of any discrepancies with the construction plans shall be submitted to the Township within 90 days of the completion of construction of the SWM BMPs.
As-built plans shall show the location and as-built conditions of all SWM BMP structures and include the following information: impervious surfaces included in the approved SWM site plan; topographic contours; and existing, proposed, and built impervious surfaces shown in the as-built drawings.
The as-built submission shall include a certification of completion signed by a design professional verifying that all permanent SWM BMPs have been constructed according to the approved plans and specifications.
The Township Engineer will review the as-built submission for consistency with the approved SWM site plan as well as actual conditions at the project site. After receipt of the completion certification by Newtown Township, the Township will conduct a final inspection.
Fees have been established by the Township to defray plan review and construction inspection costs incurred by the Township. All fees shall be paid by the applicant at the time of SWM site plan submission. A review and inspection fee schedule has been established by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors based on the size of the regulated activity and based on the Township's costs for reviewing SWM site plans and conducting inspections. The Township may periodically update the review and inspection fee schedule to ensure that review costs are adequately reimbursed.
The fees required by this chapter shall at a minimum cover:
Administrative costs (including solicitor's fee if applicable).
Review of the SWM site plan by the Township and the Township Engineer.
Site inspections.
Inspection of stormwater management facilities and drainage improvements during construction.
Final inspection upon completion of the stormwater management facilities and drainage improvements presented in the SWM site plan.
Any additional work required to enforce any permit provisions regulated by this chapter, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.