[Added 1-10-1983 by Ord. No. 1983-1]
In SU-2 Special Use Districts, the regulations contained in this article shall apply.
Uses as of right. Any use of a building or lot located in the SU-2 Special Use District which is in lawful existence on the effective date of the ordinance establishing such district (Ordinance No. 1983-1) and which, in the absence of this provision, would not be in conformity with the provisions of this article shall be permitted to continue as of right in, on or at such building or lot.
Conditional use. A building may be erected, altered, occupied or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes, provided that such structure, erection, alteration, occupation or use is in conformity with a conditional use plan approved by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the procedures described in §§ 172-89 and 172-90:
Any use permitted in SU-1 Special Use Districts.
Nurseries and greenhouses.
New car sales when conducted as part of a car manufacturer's franchise system, provided that the provisions of § 172-117 are met, and when located on a four-lane divided highway.
Golf courses, golf driving ranges, playing fields, swimming clubs, public parks and similar recreational facilities.
Convalescent homes, nursing homes or similar uses, provided that such homes comply with the current standards for an intermediate skill care facility established under the law of Pennsylvania, and provided further that such home consists of no more than 12,000 square feet of gross floor area per acre, and provided further that it conforms with § 172-48.
Service office building.
Any building used or to be used for the purposes permitted by this subsection which contains 8,000 net square feet or less of floor space shall be constructed solely for the use of or shall be used or occupied solely by a single business entity and/or affiliates of such single business entity.
Any building used or to be used for the purposes permitted by this subsection which contains more than 8,000 net square feet of floor space may be constructed for the use of or occupancy by and may be used or occupied by more than one business entity, provided that each such business entity shall lease and use or occupy no less than 1,200 net square feet of floor space in such building.
[Amended 3-11-1985 by Ord. No. 1985-4]
Public schools, private or parochial schools, school dormitories, church, religious or philanthropic use.
A restaurant, at which all food is prepared, served and sold exclusively for consumption by patrons while seated inside the building at counters or tables.
Adult entertainment uses. The uses permitted by right and the uses permitted as conditional uses shall not include adult entertainment uses, as defined in this zoning chapter.
[Added 1-6-1997 by Ord. No. 1997-1]
All provisions and conditions of Article XIX (SU-1 Special Use Districts) shall likewise apply to uses permitted in Article XX (SU-2 Special Use Districts), except for:
Section 172-88.
Vehicle showrooms which are visible beyond the property lines of the site and outdoor display of automobiles, which shall be permitted when associated with a use under § 172-99B(3); § 172-89C(6) and (7) shall in all other respects apply in an SU-2 District.