[Amended 11-13-1978 by Ord. No. 1978-10; 7-12-1993 by Ord. No. 1993-3]
Outdoor lighting hereafter erected or maintained in the Township shall conform with the provisions of this article and the provisions of the Township Building Code[1] and all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Township.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 69, Art. I, Building Code, and Ch. 79, Construction Code, Uniform.
[Amended 9-11-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-05]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The manufacturer's catalog sheets, including photographs or pictures showing the design of the fixture and the performance data for the luminaires. The cuts also show lighting fixture supports, poles and the light standards which are proposed with applicable notes.
A quantitative unit for measuring illumination equivalent to the illumination produced by a plumber's candle (standard source), measured at a distance of one foot; one lumen per square foot.
The density of luminous flux on a surface.
A line plotted on any appropriate set of coordinates which shows all the points of a surface where the illumination is the same as an isolux (isofootcandle) line. When a series of such lines for various illumination levels is plotted on the same set of coordinates, an isolux diagram is formed.
A complete lighting unit, lighting unit assembly (including reflectors, glassware, socket, etc.) and accessories for mounting.
A surface or element of a luminaire designed to direct light in a desired direction.
Plan requirements.
Final lighting plan. The location and type of all proposed exterior lighting fixtures for parking areas shall be indicated on the final lighting plan, along with the expected hours of operation. On all pedestrian and vehicular use areas indicated on the lighting plan, an isolux diagram shall be drawn to sufficiently indicate the illumination levels furnished by each luminaire and the pattern of coverage on these areas. Reproduction of the cuts shall be transferred to the lighting plan for each type and configuration of proposed exterior lighting.
Final landscape plan. The location and type of all proposed exterior lighting fixtures shall be indicated on the final landscape plan to ensure that there is no conflict between the location of light standards and the location of trees and that trees will not adversely affect lighting patterns. Lighting fixture locations shall be indicated on the plan by symbol.
Design standards. Lighting for safety purposes to illuminate parking and/or pedestrian areas shall conform to the following:
Lighting shall be designed so that the illumination does not appear beyond the property line on which the lighting originates at levels above 0.2 footcandle.
Parking areas shall be lighted using support poles or lighting standards. The fixtures shall be located within or adjacent to parking areas, in raised traffic islands, parking bay separators or adjacent landscape areas. Parking areas shall not be lighted by means of floodlighting attached to buildings. Poles or standards shall be located so as not to be damaged by automobiles being parked (front overhang: minimum 39 inches; rear overhang: minimum 60 inches).
The maximum height of outdoor lighting standards and fixtures shall not exceed 20 feet in height, measured from the ground level to the top of the fixture.
All light fixtures shall be of the shielded type and provided with deflector light cutoff shields.
Site lighting shall not be lighted by means of floodlights attached to buildings, except for single-family dwelling units.
Other lighting.
Design standards for athletic fields and other similar lighting not included in Subsection C above shall be permitted by special exception. The height and design of the lighting array shall be determined on a case-by-case basis considering the following issues:
Spill light.
Sky glow.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A subjective effect from the highest amount of light from the brightest source of light which must be mashed by reflects or other devices to be reduced.
The bright aura in the night sky which requires reflections be controlled.
The footcandles measured beyond the area you are trying to illuminate. In no event shall footcandles exceed 0.2 at the property line.
The applicant shall formulate their design based on requirements of the Illumination Engineering Society, the NCAA and the requirements of the various sports groups or similar criteria for lighting in excess of 20 inches in height.
All lighting must be directed onto the field in question to the maximum extent possible. The height shall be determined by this factor in conjunction with Subsection D(1) and (2) above.
Applicability. The submission requirements under this section shall be part of the submission of any subdivision and land development applications, where applicable. Any application for subdivision or land development, which includes the installation of outdoor lighting, shall not be considered complete unless accompanied by the appropriate submittals as outlined in this section.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to be applied retroactively to existing lighting. When more than 50% of the lighting fixtures on a property are replaced, the new lighting fixtures shall conform to this section.