In any subdivision made under the Newtown Township ordinance in R-1 or R-1A Residence Districts, lot areas, except corner lots, may be reduced to not less than 75% of the minimum lot area permitted in the district, and requirements for frontage, side yards and rear yards may be reduced by not more than 15%, provided that:
The Board of Supervisors approves.
The average of the areas of the individual lots within the subdivision shall be not less than the minimum lot area required for the district.
If any lot created within such subdivision is of such size that it could be further subdivided, further subdivision thereof shall be prohibited by a deed restriction or agreement satisfactory to the Township Solicitor and recorded in the county office for the recording of deeds prior to the issuance of a building permit for the erection of any structure within the subdivision or, if acceptable to the Township, either by transfer of a conservation easement or development rights to the Township.
Any lot, tract or area created within such subdivision for park or recreational purposes, if acceptable to the Board of Supervisors, may be dedicated to the Township by a formal deed of dedication. If any such lot, tract or area is not so dedicated, provision for its conservation, maintenance and future use shall be made by deed restriction or agreement satisfactory to the Township Solicitor and recorded in the county office for the recording of deeds prior to the issuance of a building permit for the erection of any structure within the subdivision.