No underground lawn-sprinkling systems shall be installed in the City of Yonkers without written approval of the Bureau of Plumbing and the Bureau of Water Works, Department of Public Works, City of Yonkers. Application shall be made on a form approved by the Director of the Bureau of Plumbing. Such written approval must be submitted before application is made for connection to the Yonkers water supply mains.
Before written approval will be given, four sets of prints showing the system and its connection to the water meter in the premises shall be submitted to the Chief Plumbing Inspector. The prints shall show the hookup from the water meter to the underground sprinkler system and shall include the location and type of check valves, control valves, vacuum breaker, pipe material to be used, pitch of sprinkler lines, number of zones and consumption of water per zone.
When the application, plan and specification have been approved by the Chief Plumbing Inspector and the Commissioner of Public Works, the written approval and one set of plans shall be returned to the applicant.
Defective fixtures. All installed fixtures found defective or in an unsanitary condition shall be repaired, renovated, replaced or removed upon written notice from the Bureau.
Defective plumbing. Any part of the plumbing system found defective or in an unsanitary condition shall be repaired, renovated, replaced or removed and replaced.
Repairs. None but licensed plumbers will be permitted to alter, repair or make connections to any part of the plumbing system, building drain or building sewer of any building.
Pipes for future use. If soil or waste pipes are placed in a building for future use, the necessary ventilating pipes shall be also put in and the work tested and inspected as if for immediate use; all openings not in use shall be closed by plugs, screwed or caulked in.
Removal of nonconforming house sewers or drains. Whenever any house sewer or drain connected with any public sewer or drain becomes obstructed, broken or out of order or in such condition as to prevent the use of the house sewer or drain or unfit for the purpose of drainage or where any plumbing, drain or sewer that does not conform to the provisions of this chapter or the New York Uniform Code is uncovered or exposed for any reason, it shall be removed and replaced with material as approved by the Bureau. The owner, agent, occupant or person having charge of any building, yard, lot of land or other premises which are drained by said drain or house sewer shall, when directed by the Chief Plumbing Inspector, remove, reconstruct, alter, clean or repair said drain as the condition of said drain may require.
Construction of minor repairs. "Minor repairs," as used in this subsection, shall mean repairs to leaks in drains, traps or cocks, opening waste or supply pipes, traps or drains or repairing broken fixtures of frozen pipes. "Minor repairs" shall not include the doing of such work where connections to soil pipes, supply pipes, waste pipes or vent pipes are disturbed or inside leader pipes are used, nor shall it include the setting or replacing of fixtures.
Certain sewer connections prohibited. No connection through which it is designed to discharge offal, garbage, solid refuse or other matter which might clog or stop the pipes shall be made with the sewer system of the City or any of its branches, nor shall anyone discharge such matter into the sewer system.
Improper construction or use. The Bureau has power to stop the construction or use of drains, sewers and water mains not properly constructed or used or which are not in accordance with plans already approved. They may condemn and order the removal of any fixture or any plumbing and drainage that is defective when found to be dangerous to health.
Improvements ordered. The Bureau shall have the power to order changes or improvements in the existing plumbing or drainage on any premises within a specified time when, in its opinion, the requirements of this chapter or the New York Uniform Code or protection of the public's health demand such changes or improvements. Such order shall be issued to the owner, agent and/or lessee in writing, and the order shall state the time within which the work shall be completed and ready for inspection.