[Adopted 4-26-1949 by G.O. No. 20-1949]
[Amended 6-12-1979 by G.O. No. 12-1979; 6-28-1983 by G.O. No. 12-1983; 7-26-1995 by G.O. No. 9-1995; 11-9-2016 by G.O. No. 18-2016[1]]
The Police Department is hereby authorized to issue, in triplicate, to any person making application therefor and entitled a certificate of good conduct for presentation to consuls outside the continental limits of the United States and to the Naturalization Bureau on application for citizenship papers upon payment of a fee in the amount of $30 for City of Yonkers residents and $60 for City of Yonkers nonresidents. Such fee shall be collected at the time of issuance of the certificate and shall be paid over to the Comptroller of the City of Yonkers not later than the fifth day of the month following the issuance of the certificate and shall be credited to the revenues of the Police Department.
Editor’s Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 1-1-2017.