[Adopted 4-23-1957 by G.O. No. 17-1957]
[Amended 7-3-1973 by G.O. No. 6-1973; 6-14-2022 by Ord. No. 7-2022]
It shall be the duty of every owner, tenant, lessee, occupant or person in charge of any building or structure used in whole or in part for dwelling purposes, except where the partial use of such building or structure is incidental to the carrying on of a business, industrial, manufacturing or other establishment therein conducted for profit, or in charge of any building or structure used exclusively as a hospital, orphan asylum, home for the blind, home for the aged or indigent, convalescent home, educational institution or for religious purposes by a corporation or association organized for one or more such purposes, provided that no officer, member or employee of such corporation or association is receiving or is entitled to lawfully receive any pecuniary profit from the operation thereof, except reasonable compensation for services rendered, to provide and cause to be kept and provided for the exclusive use of such building or part thereof a sufficient number of receptacles to accommodate all accumulations of garbage, waste, refuse and ashes between collections, in the manner set forth in this article. In the event that plastic bags are used as receptacles, they must be securely packed and fastened so there is no spillage of any kind therefrom.
It shall be the duty of any owner, lessee or person, firm or corporation in control of any business, industrial, manufacturing or other commercial activity to provide receptacles that are made of heavy-duty plastic and a nonremovable lockable lid in sufficient number to accommodate all accumulations of garbage, waste, refuse and ashes between collections. This shall not apply where a dumpster or other roll-off type receptacle is utilized.
[Amended 7-3-1973 by G.O. No. 6-1973; 4-11-1978 by G.O. No. 5-1978; 6-12-1990 by G.O. No. 2-1990[1]]
All garbage deposited in receptacles shall be securely wrapped. All receptacles containing garbage shall be tightly covered at all times. No receptacle shall be filled to a greater height than a line within such receptacle three inches from the top thereof, nor shall any such receptacle, when filled, contain more than two cubic feet of material nor weigh more than 50 pounds, except as may be authorized by the Commissioner of Public Works. Every such receptacle shall be kept at all times in a condition satisfactory to the Department of Public Works.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
[Amended 7-3-1973 by G.O. No. 6-1973]
On regularly scheduled daytime or nighttime collections, all such receptacles shall be placed by the owner, tenant, lessee, occupant or person in charge of any such building or structure at the curb immediately in front of the premises upon which the building or structure is located and, after the contents thereof have been collected by the Department of Public Works, shall be thereafter removed from the curb by such owner, tenant, lessee, occupant or person in charge of the building or structure within eight hours after such collection. For regularly scheduled daytime collection, receptacles or acceptable trash bags will not be placed at the curb or on the sidewalk or street before sundown of the evening prior to the collection; and for regularly scheduled nighttime collection, receptacles or acceptable trash bags will not be placed at the curb or on the sidewalk or street before 12:00 noon of the night of the collection.
[Amended 8-13-1970 by G.O. No. 26-1970; 7-3-1973 by G.O. No. 6-1973; 6-12-1990 by G.O. No. 2-1990]
No residential collections will be made from receptacles that are not made of metal, plastic or other suitable material, including heavy trash bags approved by the Commissioner of Public Works. However, the use of canisters in excess of the volume and weight set forth in § 91-17 hereof is authorized upon approval by the Commissioner of Public Works.
Except as may be provided pursuant to Subsection C of this section, no collection of ashes, garbage, refuse or other waste of any kind or description, including trade waste, will be made by the Department of Public Works from any business, industrial, manufacturing or other establishment conducted for profit.
The Commissioner of Public Works may collect garbage, refuse and waste from multiple dwellings by use of roll-off service pursuant to the fees authorized in § 91-24.
[Added 6-2-1990 by G.O. No. 2-1990[1]]
Any owner, lessee or person, firm or corporation in control of any business, industrial, manufacturing or other commercial activity shall:
Remove and dispose of all garbage and waste at his, its or their own cost and expense by arranging for removal and disposal with a private garbage collector licensed pursuant to Article I of this chapter.
Post a sign which states clearly and legibly the trade or business name, address, telephone number and the days and time of the pickup by the private carter serving the establishment. Such sign shall be displayed by affixing it to a window near the principal entrance to the commercial establishment so it is visible from outside the building.
Notify the Department of Public Works of all the information required to be displayed in accordance with Subsection A(2).
Any two or more commercial establishments which generate less than 20 gallons of garbage within seven consecutive days may jointly and collectively arrange for removal and disposal of garbage with a single private collector, so long as:
The removal and disposal agreement designates a single collection point which is within walking distance of the commercial establishments and which does not pose any risk to the public health or violate applicable health laws and regulations; and
The Department of Public Works is notified of the terms of the agreement, the names of the parties involved and the collection point within 30 days of the creation of the agreement.
Any owner, lessee or person, firm or corporation in control of any business, industrial, manufacturing or other commercial activity may be granted a waiver from complying with Subsection A or B of this section by the Mayor. This waiver will be granted only upon a showing that the garbage or waste is being disposed of by the owner in a manner acceptable to the City and in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Once granted, this waiver may be rescinded by the Mayor at any time if it is determined by the Department of Public Works that the owner is not disposing of the garbage or waste in accordance with this section.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
The Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Public Works are authorized to adopt such regulations as they may deem reasonable to be required to carry out the provisions of this article and may grant such waivers of the provisions thereof as may assist in the enforcement of the general purposes of such provisions. Any such regulations shall be published once in the official newspapers of the City before becoming effective.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Where the Commissioner of Public Works or the Commissioner of Public Works is of the opinion that a receptacle is unsatisfactory for the purpose of this article, he may, after notice in writing to the owner thereof, cause the receptacle to be destroyed.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
[Amended 10-27-1964 by G.O. No. 59-1964; 11-10-1970 by G.O. No. 36-1970]
The Commissioner of Public Works may, in his discretion, make reasonable rules and regulations providing for the removal from premises of receptacles containing waste matter described in this article and for the return of such receptacles after such waste matter has been removed therefrom. In no event shall any receptacle be removed from the interior of any building or structure.
[Amended 10-27-1964 by G.O. No. 59-1964; 8-13-1970 by G.O. No. 26-1970; 11-23-1976 by G.O. No. 21-1976; 7-28-1983 by G.O. No. 13-1983; 6-12-1990 by G.O. No. 2-1990; 5-28-1991 by G.O. No. 10-1991]
The fees authorized in this chapter shall be as follows:
Rental of containers for roll-off service:
Twenty-cubic-yard container: $125 per month.
Thirty-cubic-yard container: $150 per month.
Forty-cubic-yard container: $200 per month.
Roll-off service: $100 per ton for in excess of two collections per week.
All moneys received by the Comptroller for the aforementioned service shall be credited to the revenues of the Department of Public Works and shall be available for the payment of the salary, wages or compensation of persons employed in carrying out such special services.
All service charges or fees paid in advance shall not be refunded, in whole or in part, except in a case of duplicate payment or for service canceled by the City at the discretion of the Commissioner of Public Works.
[Added 6-13-1972 by G.O. No. 5-1972]
It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Conservation to provide for the collection of all garbage and refuse accumulated in City-owned parks and recreational facilities and to place said garbage and refuse in suitable receptacles, as defined in this article, at the curb immediately in front of the said park or recreational facility; and after the contents thereof have been collected by the Department of Public Works, said Commissioner shall provide for the removal of the receptacles from the said curb on the same day; and it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works to provide for the collection of said receptacles from the curb immediately in front of a City-owned park or recreational facility.