It has come to the attention of this City Council and said Council finds and declares that many residential areas in Yonkers are inundated with the parking of vehicles owned by nonarea residents. These nonresidents who park in such areas include:
Commuters who park and then take public transportation to their jobs.
People who are employed in business and commercial areas abutting residential areas.
Individuals who use parks or public facilities within or abutting residential areas.
Students attending nearby schools.
In order to protect the integrity of residential areas in Yonkers and to ensure the tranquility and quiet enjoyment to which area residents are entitled and in order to limit air pollution and environmental effects which unlimited automobile usage cause, this City Council finds and declares that it is in the best interest of the City of Yonkers and its residents to restrict parking in certain areas of the City.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The owner or owners or tenant or tenants of or in a dwelling whose mailing address fronts upon a residential area, as hereinafter defined; and commercial owners and commercial tenants, their employees and their customers, of properties whose mailing address fronts upon a residential area, as hereinafter defined.
The City Clerk of the City of Yonkers.
A decal or sticker issued by the City Clerk to an area resident in a residential area to be affixed to the resident's automobile.
An area which the City Council has determined to be protected.
The Traffic Engineer of the City of Yonkers.
Whenever the City Council, upon the advice and findings of the Traffic Engineer, determines that parking in a specific residential area should be restricted to area residents, it shall cause a notice of that determination, including a description of the streets within said area, to be published in the official newspapers of the City, and it shall cause signs, denoting said area, to be erected therein. Effective 10 days after publication and upon the erection of signs denoting the area and reciting the restriction, it shall be unlawful for anyone other than an area resident to whom a permit has been issued to park in the area.
Anyone, other than an area resident to whom a permit has been issued, who parks in a restricted area shall be subject to a fine of $15.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to vehicles parked temporarily in order to provide goods or services to area residents.
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to prohibit the issuance of visitor parking permits valid for limited periods of time.
Upon receipt of a written request from residents in a residential area claiming that that area should have restricted parking, the City Council shall cause the Traffic Engineer to investigate said request. Upon investigation, the Traffic Engineer shall transmit his advice to the City Council, which shall thereafter determine if parking should be restricted in said area.
The advice of the Traffic Engineer shall be based upon his professional opinion as to what effect said restriction shall have upon traffic in the area as well as whether or not the health, welfare and safety of area residents requires it.
The determination of the City Council shall be based upon the advice of the Traffic Engineer as well as its judgment as to the effect of the restriction upon the entire City. Before the Council makes such determination, an official notice of a public hearing shall be published in the City's official newspapers.
Upon a determination of the City Council that parking in a residential area should be restricted to area residents and upon the publication of said determination and the posting of signs, the City Clerk shall issue a permit to an area resident applying for it, together with two visitor permits, which shall expire on the same date as the resident permit. The application and permits shall be in such form as said Clerk determines. Said Clerk may require any proof of residency he determines necessary before issuing a permit.
Any permit so issued shall be valid only for the specific residential area the City Council has determined to be restricted.
The fee for any permit issued hereunder shall be $2 per vehicle to a maximum of $2 per family, payable at the time of issuance and before the first day of each year thereafter.
Area residents who conduct a professional business from their premises may apply to the City Clerk for professional privilege stickers. No more than six such permits shall be issued to such professional individuals per year, at the charge of $2 per permit. Lost, stolen, destroyed or missing permits may be replaced with an additional charge of $1 per permit.
[Added 11-26-1996 by L.L. No. 15-1996]
Authority. In accordance with § 1640-e of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and this Code of the City of Yonkers, the City Council hereby establishes a residential parking permit system in the Tibbetts Brook Park area of the City of Yonkers, notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary.
Findings and purpose. The City Council has found and determined that residents living in the vicinity of Tibbetts Brook Park in the City of Yonkers, which is a county-owned and operated park, are suffering interference with the tranquility and quiet enjoyment of their neighborhood by reason of visitors and users to the county-owned park who either cannot find or do not qualify for a parking space within the county park facility and use the abutting residential streets for uses not intended, including parking of vehicles during usage of the county park and using the residential streets for changing of clothes, eating and drinking and personal sanitation reasons. This use has resulted in significant health and safety problems for the area residents, as well as for the emergency vehicles requiring access to the residential area. These factors necessitate the enactment of a residential parking system for this area.
Exemption. This section shall not apply to motor vehicles registered pursuant to § 400-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Restriction. No vehicle shall be parked in the area generally bounded by Harrison Avenue, proceeding south from Tibbetts Brook Park to Alan B. Shepard Place; Tibbetts Road, proceeding southerly from Tibbets Brook Park to Alan B. Shepard Place; Sedgewick Avenue, proceeding southerly from Tibbetts Brook Park to Alan B. Shepard Place; Jervis Road, between Harrison Avenue and Sedgewick Avenue, and from the northern intersection of Sedgewick Avenue, proceeding southerly along Jervis Road to the Alan B. Shepard Place line; provided that said streets do not abut properties which are zoned for commercial/retail; use for a period of time in excess of 90 minutes, unless said vehicle has prominently displayed a permit obtained from the Parking Violations Bureau of Yonkers properly affixed to the automobile vehicle during the hours from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., seven days per week, from April 1 to and including October 31 of each and every year.
Permits; fees. The Parking Violations Bureau of the City of Yonkers shall have available for issuance blank permits to be used in this area, at least 20% of which shall be available to be purchased by nonresidents of the Tibbetts Brook parking area. The permit fees shall be paid for any calendar year or part thereof and be set as $5 for City residents and $10 for nonresidents of the City. The moneys received from said fees shall be credited to the general fund of the City of Yonkers.
The City of Yonkers shall post appropriate signs to be conspicuously posted in this area advising the public of the restricted permit parking.
Penalties. A violation of this provision shall subject the violator to pay a fine as set by the Parking Violations Bureau, or the City Council, from time to time, not to exceed $65.
Authority. In accordance with § 1640-j of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and this Code of the City of Yonkers, the City Council of the City of Yonkers hereby establishes a residential parking permit system in the Garrett Park neighborhood of the City of Yonkers, notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary.
Findings and purpose. The City Council has found and determined that residents living in Garrett Park neighborhood are suffering interference with the tranquility and quiet enjoyment of their neighborhood by reason of visitors and users of the nearby Metro North Bronxville Station, Lawrence Hospital and shoppers or employees of Bronxville stores who cannot find parking spaces and who use the abutting Yonkers residential streets as a free and convenient alternative while shopping or working in Bronxville or commuting to Manhattan. This use has resulted in a significant safety problem for area residents as well as for emergency vehicles requiring access to the residential area. These factors necessitate the enactment of a residential parking system for this area.
Exemption. This section shall not apply to motor vehicles registered pursuant to § 400-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Restriction. No vehicles shall be parked in the area generally bounded within the Garrett Park area of the City of Yonkers which shall mean that area encompassing Palmer Road, from Parkview Avenue to Bronxville Road; Garrett Place; Parkview Avenue from Palmer Road to 103 Parkview Avenue, north of Pondfield Road West; Pondfield Road West from Bronxville Road to the Bronxville Border and Gard Avenue from Pondfield Road West to 19 Gard Avenue, north of Pondfield Road West; provided that said streets do not abut properties which are zoned for commercial/retail use; unless said vehicle has prominently displayed a permit obtained from the Parking Violations Bureau of Yonkers properly affixed to the automobile or vehicle during the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, each week.
Permit fees. The Parking Violations Bureau of the City of Yonkers shall have available for issuance blank permits to be used in this area, which shall be available to be purchased by any resident whose residence is within the Garrett Park area as defined in Subsection D above or on Bronxville Road from Palmer Road to West Pondfield Road. The permit fees shall be paid for any calendar year or part thereof and be set at $25. The moneys received from said fees shall be credited to the general fund of the City of Yonkers.
The City of Yonkers shall post appropriate signs to be conspicuously posted in the area advising the public of the restricted permit parking.
Penalties. A violation of this provision shall subject the violator to pay a fine as set by the Parking Violations Bureau, or the City Council, from time to time not to exceed $65.
[Added 10-27-2009 by L.L. No. 9-2009]
Authority. In accordance with § 1640-e of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and this Code of the City of Yonkers, the City Council of the City of Yonkers hereby establishes a residential parking permit system in the Yonkers Raceway/Empire City neighborhood of the City of Yonkers, notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary.
Findings and purpose. The City Council has found and determined that residents living in Yonkers Raceway/Empire City neighborhood are suffering interference with the tranquility and quiet enjoyment of their neighborhood by reason of patrons, employees and users of the nearby Yonkers Raceway/Racino who do not use the complimentary parking spaces and shuttle services available at the Raceway/Racino and who use the abutting Yonkers residential streets as a free and convenient alternative, despite the availability of free self-parking, valet parking and continuous shuttle service to the parking spaces. These users park on the nearby streets for the perceived convenience and accessibility to the Raceway/Racino. The resulting lack of parking for 260 residents on the streets near their homes in this area has led to traffic hazards, congestion, noise pollution and litter and debris on the streets, sidewalks and lawns. These factors necessitate the enactment of a residential parking system for the residents of this neighborhood.
Exemption. This section shall not apply to motor vehicles registered pursuant to § 400-a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Restriction. Unless said vehicle has prominently displayed a permit, obtained from the Parking Violations Bureau of the City of Yonkers, properly affixed to the automobile, allowing parking in said area, for the period of seven days per week, 24 hours each day, for each and every day of the year, no vehicles shall be parked in the area generally bounded within the Yonkers Raceway/ Empire City area of the City of Yonkers consisting of the following roadways:
Belmont Avenue from Orient Street to Yonkers Avenue;
Boone Street from Central Park Avenue to dead end;
Clark Street from Central Park Avenue to Orient Street;
Loring Avenue from Central Park Avenue to Orient Street; and
Chamberlain Avenue from Belmont Avenue to Central Park Avenue.
Permit fees. The Parking Violations Bureau of the City of Yonkers shall have available for issuance blank permits to be used in this area, at least 20% of which shall be available to be purchased by nonresidents of the Raceway/Empire City parking area. The permit fees shall be paid for any calendar year or part thereof and be set as $25 for residents and $50 for nonresidents of the City. The moneys received from said fees shall be credited to the general fund of the City of Yonkers.
The City of Yonkers shall post appropriate signs to be conspicuously posted in the area advising the public of the restricted permit parking.
Penalties. A violation of this provision shall subject the violator to pay a fine not to exceed $70.