This article shall apply to locations or areas where the following activities are regularly carried out:
The application of flammable or combustible paint, varnish, lacquer, stain or other flammable or combustible liquids applied as a spray or by other means, in continuous or intermittent processes.
Dip tank operations in which articles or materials are passed through the contents of tanks, vats or containers of flammable or combustible liquids, including coating, finishing, treating and similar processes.
[Amended 3-14-2000 by L.L. No. 4-2000]
A permit shall be required for the application of flammable or combustible finishes within the scope of this article. Said permit shall be obtained from the Fire Prevention Division.
Spray-finishing operations shall not be conducted in buildings used for assembly, education, institutional or residential occupancies, except in a room designated for said purpose, protected with an approved extinguishing system and of masonry construction.
[Amended 3-14-2000 by L.L. No. 4-2000]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any area in which dangerous quantities of flammable vapors or combustible residues, dusts or deposits are present due to the operation of spraying processes. The Fire Prevention Division may define the limits of the spraying area in a specific case. A spraying area shall include:
The interior of spray booths.
The interior of ducts exhausting from spraying processes.
Any area in the direct path of spray or any area containing dangerous quantities of air-suspended combustible residue, dust deposits, spray or vapor as a result of spraying operations.
Spray booths shall be constructed substantially of noncombustible materials.
The interior surfaces of spray booths shall be smooth and continuous, without edges, and otherwise designed to prevent the pocketing of residues and facilitate the safe cleaning and washing without injury.
The floor of the spray booth and operator's working area, if combustible, shall be covered with noncombustible, nonsparking material of such character as to facilitate the safe cleaning and removal of residues.
The distribution of baffle plates, if installed to promote an even flow of air through a booth or cause the deposit of overspray before it enters an exhaust duct, shall be of noncombustible material and readily removable or accessible on both sides for safe cleaning. Such plates shall not be located in exhaust ducts.
Each spray booth having a frontal area larger than nine square feet shall have a metal deflector or curtain not less than 2 1/2 inches deep, installed at the upper outer edge of the booth over the opening.
Each spray booth shall be separated from other operations by not less than three feet, or by a greater distance or by such partition or wall as the Fire Prevention Division may require to reduce the danger from juxtaposition of hazardous operations.
Spray booths shall be so installed that all portions are readily accessible for cleaning. A clear space of not less than three feet on all sides shall be kept free from storage or combustible construction.
When spraying areas are illuminated through glass panels or other transparent materials, only fixed lighting units shall be used as a source of illumination. Panels shall effectively isolate the spraying area from the area in which the lighting unit is located and shall be of noncombustible material of such a nature or so protected that breakage would be unlikely. Panels shall be so arranged that normal accumulations of residue on the exposed surface of the panel will not be raised to a dangerous temperature by radiation or conduction from the source of illumination.
The application of flammable and combustible finishes within the scope of this article shall be conducted in accordance with the appropriate standards of the NFPA.