[Added 6-27-1995 by G.O. No. 8-1995]
It shall be prohibited and unlawful for any person to enter any municipal building, including but not limited to City Hall, the Health Center or Cacace Justice Center, or upon any other City property or land for the purposes of soliciting orders or to discuss information relating to bid or contract procedures of the City of Yonkers or proposals for bids or contracts for the City of Yonkers or any department, bureau or agency thereof with any City employee, except for those employees of the Purchasing Department, Commissioners, department heads, their deputies or officials designated by the Mayor. All inquiries concerning bid preparations or preparations of requests for proposals are to be made to employees of the Purchasing Department, Commissioners, department heads, their deputies or other employees duly authorized by the Mayor, and only those persons.
No City employee or official, except an employee of the Purchasing Department, a Commissioner, a department head, their deputies, the Mayor or a person specifically authorized by the Mayor shall provide information to any non-City employee or official, whether verbal, written or otherwise, in person, by telephone or otherwise, relating to any proposed City contract or any request for proposal or bid or information which is to be used in the preparation of either a bid specification or request for proposal, and any person shall immediately refer such inquiry to that person's Commissioner, department head or deputy or to the Purchasing Department.
Exempt from the restrictions of this chapter shall be any authorized representative of news reporting or gathering agencies or organizations, including the print and broadcast media in furtherance of their legitimate reporting function, if otherwise permissible.
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person, including a City employee or official, who is found guilty of knowingly violating § 13-55 above. In addition to any other penalties provided by this section or by law for a Class I offense, violation of this article may result in the rejection of a bid, a proposal or an order which contains information obtained in violation of this article or by a person or party who has violated this article.