All meat, poultry and fish shall be sold, advertised or offered for sale by avoirdupois net weight and shall not be sold or offered for sale by the head or piece. Except for immediate consumption on the premises where sold or as one of several elements comprising a ready-to-eat meal sold as a unit for consumption elsewhere than on the premises where sold, all meat, meat food products, poultry (whole or parts) and all seafood, except shellfish, offered or exposed for sale or sold as food shall be offered or exposed for sale by net weight.
It shall be unlawful for any person to have in or upon any vehicle transporting meat and meat products within the City of Yonkers any hypodermic, syringe, pump or other device that can be used for the injection or pumping of any fluid or other substance into the meat.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale at retail or at wholesale any pickled, pumped, cured or otherwise processed meat or meat products which shall contain added curing solution or any other liquid more than 10% by weight of the total weight of the meat, except that pickled, pumped, cured or otherwise processed beef brisket shall not contain more than 20% by weight of added curing solution or any other liquid.
All pickled, pumped and cured meat products shall be labeled as to net weight and shall specify the percentage by weight of added curing solution.
Standard for hamburger. No person shall sell or offer for sale meat as hamburger unless it shall consist of chopped fresh beef, with or without the addition of beef fat or of seasoning, and in no case shall it contain more than 25% of fat.
Labeling of chopped meat. No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale as chopped meat any meat chopped in advance of sale unless it is labeled specifically to state the type of meat which it contains, and in no case shall chopped meat contain more than 25% of fat.
All meats purchased, whether prepackaged or cut to order and then requested by the customer to be ground on the premises, shall be ground in a meat grinder which shall be so placed as to be in clear and unobstructed view of the public.
At no time between the purchase of the meat to be ground and the delivery of the ground meat shall the meat be removed from the clear and unobstructed view of the customer.
Meat grinders used for custom grinding shall be so situated that the customer can have a clear and unobstructed view of the grinding from a position not more than 10 feet from the meat grinder.
There shall be no colored lights or spotlights in, on, near or above the meat display case or showcase which make the food products contained therein appear better than they actually are.
Any person selling eggs to a retailer shall furnish to him an invoice, prior to or accompanying the delivery, specifying the grade and size according to the New York Retail Egg Grades.
Invoice. This shall be understood to mean a statement bearing the name and address of the wholesaler or jobber, and the name and address of the retailer, the date of delivery and the grade and size of each lot of eggs.
Each lot of eggs covered by an invoice must be listed separately and the grade and size stated.
Any person exposing for sale or offering for sale eggs to a consumer shall give notice of the exact grade and size of the eggs in the following manner:
If the eggs are offered or exposed for sale in cartons or other containers, by plainly and conspicuously printing or writing on each carton or container an exact grade and size. In addition, the size and weight per dozen of the eggs must be displayed on a placard exhibited among or closely adjacent to the eggs in accordance with the listing as set forth in § 31-46B of this article.
If the eggs are offered or displayed for sale in bulk, by plainly and conspicuously indicating the exact grade and size by a placard exhibited among or closely adjacent to the eggs in accordance with the listing as set forth in § 31-46B of this article.
An advertisement of eggs for sale at a given price shall plainly and conspicuously indicate the grade and size.
The marking of the grade and size upon any placard as to eggs offered or displayed for sale in bulk, or upon any carton, bag or other container in which eggs are exposed for sale or delivered to the purchaser, shall be in legible printing or writing in letters not less than 3/8 inch in height, and the size designation shall not be abbreviated.
The use of the term "fresh" or any other term of similar import shall not be deemed to be a substitute for grade designation.
Terms designating weight and size must be applied to each lot of eggs in connection with a sale, offering for sale or advertisement for sale.
The following terms shall be used according to the weights given:
Jumbo, 30 ounces or over per dozen.
Extra large, 27 to 30 ounces per dozen.
Large, 24 to 27 ounces per dozen.
Medium, 21 to 24 ounces per dozen.
Small, 18 to 21 ounces per dozen.
Peewee, less than 18 ounces per dozen.
The individual eggs in each dozen must meet minimum weight for the sizes listed.