[Adopted 2-28-1984 by L.L. No. 3-1984; amended in its entirety 2-27-2001 by L.L. No. 7-2001]
The City of Yonkers hereby recognizes the need to assist those members of our society that suffer from ailments and conditions generally recognized and termed as disabilities. The City of Yonkers further recognizes that all individuals have at least a moral obligation to assist in the removal of barriers to handicapped individuals and to use its efforts to support and enhance the availability of opportunities to handicapped citizens, including housing availability. The City of Yonkers further recognizes that the one means to achieve this goal is to provide incentives to property owners, through tax exemptions, for the provision of housing for handicapped individuals.
Pursuant to the legislation of the New York State Legislature codified as § 459 of the Real Property Tax Law, and amended as contained in Chapter 238 of the Laws of 1999 amending Real Property Tax Law § 459-C, this municipality is enabled to enact the following legislation for the betterment of the life, health and safety of the handicapped citizens, and hereby does so.
The provisions of this article shall apply to all property located within the City of Yonkers used solely for residential purposes as either a one-, two- or three-family residence owned and occupied as the legal residence of a disabled person as certified by the Yonkers Tax Assessor.
Any one-, two- or three-family residence used solely for residential purposes, located in the City of Yonkers, that is the real property of the resident owner of the real property who is physically disabled, shall receive an exemption from taxation from the City of Yonkers on said real property to the extent enumerated herein:
Income limits.
[Amended 6-22-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004; 6-26-2007 by L.L. No. 10-2007; 4-8-2008 by L.L. No. 5-2008; 1-17-2023 by L.L. No. 3-2023]
For the period commencing July 1, 2011, and expiring on June 30, 2024, no exemptions shall be granted if the income of the owner or combined income of the owners of the property for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of making application for exemption exceeds the sum of $29,000, except as provided in the following schedule:
Annual Income Equal to or Greater than
And Less than
Percentage of Assessed Value Exempt from Taxation
For the period commencing July 1, 2024, no exemptions shall be granted if the income of the owner or combined income of the owners of the property for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of making application for exemption exceeds the sum of $50,000, except as provided in the following schedule:
Annual Income Equal to or Greater than
And Less than
Percentage of Assessed Value Exempt from Taxation
The term "income tax year" shall mean the twelve-month period for which the owner or owners filed a federal personal income tax return or, if no such return is filed, the calendar year. Where title is vested in either, the husband or wife, their combined income may not exceed such sum. Such income shall include social security and retirement benefits, interest, dividends, total gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset which may be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset in the same income tax year, net rental income, salary or earnings and net income from self-employment, but shall not include a return of capital, gifts or inheritances. In computing net rental income and net income from self-employment, no depreciation deduction shall be allowed for the exhaustion, wear and tear of real or personal property held for the production of income.
Unless the title of the property shall have been vested in the owner or all of the owners of the property for at least 24 consecutive months prior to the date of making application for exemption; provided, however, that in the event of the death of either a husband or wife in whose name title of the property shall have been vested solely in the survivor by virtue of devise by or descent from the deceased husband and wife, the time of ownership of the property by the deceased husband or wife shall be deemed also a time of ownership by the survivor, and such ownership shall be deemed continuous for the purposes of computing such period of 24 consecutive months, and provided further that where property of the owner or owners and taken by eminent domain or other involuntary proceeding, except a tax sale, the period of ownership of the former property shall be combined with the period of ownership of the property for which application is made for exemption, and periods of ownership shall be deemed to be consecutive for purposes of this section.
Unless the property is used exclusively for residential purposes.
Unless the real property is the legal residence of and is occupied in whole or part by the owner or by all the owners of the property.
To qualify as physically disabled for the purposes of this article, an individual shall submit to the Assessor a certified statement from a physician licensed to practice in the state on a form prescribed and made available by the state board which states that the individual has a certifiable disability.
Application for such exemption must be made by the owner or all owners of the property annually on forms prescribed by the New York State Board of Equalization and Assessment, to be furnished by the City Assessor, and such application shall furnish the information and be executed in the manner required or prescribed in such forms and shall be filed in the City Assessor's office on or before the taxable status date for the City of Yonkers. Any person otherwise qualifying under this article shall not be denied the exemption under this article if he or she becomes 65 years of age after the appropriate taxable status date and on or before December 31 of the same year.
At least 60 days prior to the taxable status date, the City Assessor shall mail to each person who was granted exemption, or whose exemption was canceled because of excessive income pursuant to this article, on the latest completed assessment roll an application form and a notice that such application must be filed on or before the taxable status date and be approved in order for the exemption to be granted. Failure to mail any such application form and notice or the failure of such person to receive the same shall not prevent the levy, collection and enforcement of the payment of the taxes on property owned by such person.
The City Assessor may require any applicant to furnish such other and further information as may be reasonably necessary for him to establish the qualifications for exemption of said applicant. He may establish such rules and procedures and take such other steps as may be necessary to implement the provision of this article.
Any such conviction for having made any willful false statement in the application for such exemption shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $500 and shall disqualify the applicant from further exemption for a period of five years.