The purpose of this article is to establish regulations for Planned Districts that will coincide with the general pattern of land use established by this chapter for the development of the Town and to further the purposes set forth in §
340-2 hereof. Planned districts are established herein to encourage development of harmonious, efficient and convenient neighborhoods and business developments by promoting variety in land use, residential density and site design through clustering of buildings and preservation of unique natural features of the site. Additionally, the intent of this article is to ensure that Planned Districts:
A. Promote the conservation of energy and energy-efficient patterns
of development;
B. Provide for the protection of existing and planned public drinking
water supplies, their tributaries and watersheds;
C. Provide adequate, safe, and efficient transportation systems;
D. Avoid congestion by relating types and levels of development to the
capacity of the circulation system, and maintain a safe level of service
of the system;
E. Provide for pedestrian access to and between public and private facilities,
including, but not limited to, schools, employment centers, shopping
centers, recreation areas and residences;
F. Maintain harmony with neighboring uses;
G. Provide standards for and requirements of provisions for adequately
and properly designed physical improvements, including plantings and
proper property maintenance;
H. Further the accomplishment of the goals of the affordable housing
element of the Town's Comprehensive Community Plan;
I. Preserve the unique natural features of the site; and
J. Create a cohesive campus-like development that features walkablity
and integration of uses. A campus-like project includes various interrelated
uses and a shared pedestrian and vehicular circulation pattern, with
the potential for a common focal point, gathering space, or open space.
[Amended 11-14-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-26]
A. The tract of land for a planned development shall consist of not
less than the following minimum lot criteria and NET area requirements
after freshwater wetlands, wetland buffers, slopes in excess of 8%,
easements, and previously developed (not proposed for redevelopment)
areas have been deducted from the following land area calculations:
(1) Net area equal to at least 20 acres unless the Planning Board and Town Council approve a waiver of this requirement where the Planning Board finds that the proposed area provides adequate and suitable area for the use(s) proposed to be added, and is consistent with the goals and purposes of Planned Districts as set forth in §
340-92, and provides for a campus-like setting with an efficient, integrated pattern of development providing for easy pedestrian access to and between facilities and other pedestrian-friendly amenities; has adequate and suitable infrastructure and parking and properly manages traffic safety and circulation issues; has suitable designed physical improvements, including plantings and landscaped buffering for the protection of abutters; and is consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Community Plan.
(2) Length of continuous frontage on an improved public street: 100 feet.
(3) Total maximum building coverage shall be determined on a sliding
scale, as follows:
If less than 25% of the total gross tract is excluded due to
the existence of steep slopes and/or wetlands, then the maximum lot
coverage shall not exceed 40% of the net tract.
If 25% to 40% of the total gross tract is excluded due to the
existence of steep slopes and/or wetlands, then the maximum lot coverage
shall not exceed 50% of the net tract.
If more than 40% of the total gross tract is excluded due to
the existence of steep slopes and/or wetlands, then the maximum lot
coverage shall not exceed 60% of the net tract.
B. The tract of land for a Planned Mixed Use Development District shall
consist of not less than the following minimum lot criteria and net
area requirements after freshwater wetland buffers, slopes in excess
of 8% easements, and previously developed (not proposed for redevelopment)
areas have been deducted from the following land area calculations:
(1) Net area equal to at least 10 acres; and
(2) Length of continuous frontage on an improved public street: 100 feet.
Proposed projects and structures shall be required to follow
in the spirit and character of the neighborhood and/or area in which
it is to be located with specific regard to the height, size, and
style of other residential structures in the immediate vicinity. Said
structure(s) shall be harmonious and blend with the existing nearby
built and natural landscape and shall not alter the character of the
surrounding neighborhood(s). The Planning Board shall have final approval
over the exterior styling of building architecture and facades of
buildings and projects proposed in the Planned District zones in terms
of height, size, style and harmonious compatibility with the surrounding
Streets in a proposed Planned District that are to be dedicated
for public use shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions
of the Johnston Land Development and Subdivision Review Regulations. Streets in a proposed Planned District that are to be
kept private and will not be dedicated for public use shall require
Planning Board approval, which may be contingent upon the developer
adhering to the provisions of the regulations as determined on a case-by-case
basis. This determination shall be in accordance with and consideration
of the proposed uses for the site while insuring the health, safety,
and welfare of the targeted population and adequate accessibility
for emergency vehicles.
Signs erected or installed within a Planned District shall conform to the regulations set forth in §§
340-42 through