There shall be one City Judge with both civil and criminal jurisdiction pursuant to the laws of the State of New York. He shall serve a four-year term, shall have served for at least five years as an attorney and counselor of the Supreme Court of New York State prior to his election, shall be a resident of the City of Oswego and shall hold no other elective or appointive office.
During the temporary absence from the city of the City Judge or his incapacity or at such other times as he may inform the Mayor, in writing, of his temporary leave or vacation, the Mayor shall appoint a temporary City Judge. He shall be a competent and qualified attorney and will serve until the City Judge resumes his duties.
A vacancy in the office of City Judge shall be filled by the Mayor. The appointee shall serve until December 31 of the year in which the vacancy shall be filled by the voters of the city.
The City Judge shall deposit an appropriate record of all his findings and determinations with the City Clerk.
Nothing in this Charter shall impair the terms of the Oswego City Court Act of 1933 or any legislative amendments thereto.