[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Oswego 5-22-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to promote water safety, prevent drowning and protect the lives and health of persons using the Oswego River. It is further the purpose of this chapter to authorize and empower the Chief of Police of the City of Oswego to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
The area from the east bank of the Oswego River to the west bank thereof, from the base of the New York State dam known as the "High Dam," also known as the "Varick Dam," to the southern base of the Utica Street Bridge in the City of Oswego.
A Coast Guard-approved life jacket or life preserver designed to assist the wearer to keep afloat in water.
All persons using, entering into, standing in, walking in, floating on, or otherwise present in the designated area of the Oswego River are required to wear a personal flotation device at all times while present in the designated area.
Any person who violates a provision of this chapter shall be guilty of an offense and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 for the first offense. The penalty for the second offense shall be not less than $100 nor more than $250. The penalty for the third offense shall be not less than $250 nor more than $500. The penalty for the fourth offense, and each offense thereafter, shall be not less than $500 nor more than $1,000.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.