The Pennsylvania Construction Code Act, 35 P.S. § 7210.101 et seq., as may in the future be amended, is hereby adopted as the building code of Fairview Township.
The Township adopts and incorporates by reference those codes recited at 34 Pa. Code § 403.21, as may in the future be amended, as its Construction Code; provided that the Township does not adopt administrative and enforcement provisions of said codes insofar as such provisions are inconsistent with or conflict with the UCC, regulations at 34 Pa. Code § 401.1 et seq. and this chapter.
The Township adopts by reference regulations governing training and certification, administration and other matters governing implementation of the UCC as adopted by the Department of Labor and Industry, as may in the future be amended.
Codes adopted by this chapter to govern construction and other regulated activities shall also govern the use, occupancy and condition of buildings and structures following issuance of a UCC certificate of occupancy. The Board of Supervisors shall have authority to designate persons responsible for administration and enforcement of such codes following construction and other activity regulated by the UCC, and such code administration and enforcement personnel shall have all authority to inspect premises, issue notices (including stop-work, unsafe building and other orders) and take other actions as are necessary to ensure compliance with standards of said codes.
In addition to the standards as set forth in the UCC and codes adopted in § 169-1 of this chapter, all construction activity subject to the UCC and this chapter shall further comply with the following requirements:
Design frost depth. Use 48 inches to the bottom of footing.
Design snow load. Use a roof snow load of 40 psf (pounds per square foot) applied as per Section 1608 of the International Building Code.
Design wind load. Use values and methodology provided in Section 1609 of the International Building Code for the specific structure type and condition.
Knox box. A "Knox box," or box containing a key which will allow for entry by fire department personnel, shall be installed outside the main door of a commercial or industrial building.
Table R301.2(1) of the International Residential Code shall be as set forth on Appendix A to this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the Township office.