[Added 8-16-2011 by Ord. No. 6694]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A company engaged in the business of booting or otherwise immobilizing motor vehicles and properly and currently licensed by the City to do business in the City.
The attachment of a lockable, road wheel clamp or similar device (sometimes referred to as a "boot") to a motor vehicle that renders the motor vehicle immovable until the device is unlocked or removed. Immobilization sometimes is referred to as "booting."
The act of immobilization (or "booting") of a motor vehicle.
Any vehicle propelled by a motor, including without limitation automobiles, trucks, vans, motorcycles, and motor scooters.
The owner of the parking lot or area or the authorized operator of the parking lot or area, and any person having a financial or other beneficial interest in:
The property on which the parking lot or area is located;
The business of the owner of the parking lot or area; or
The business of the operator of the parking lot or area.
No motor vehicle parked in a privately owned parking lot or area may be immobilized without the permission of the motor vehicle's owner, except only if all of the following conditions are present:
The vehicle is parked illegally, or otherwise is not authorized to park in the place it is located, at the time of being immobilized;
Immobilization is undertaken by an authorized booting company;
The parking lot or area has been posted with warning signs complying with the requirements of this article (see § 496-156);
Immobilization has been authorized in writing by the parking lot owner or operator, or by a duly authorized agent of the parking lot owner or operator;
The motor vehicle owner or authorized user is not present, and has not been present, at any time during the immobilization activity;
Notice of the immobilization must be given to the Police Department at least 15 minutes after immobilization is undertaken, which notice must include all of the following information: the time the immobilization occurred, the parking lot location, the description and license plate number of the motor vehicle.
No person or entity may immobilize a vehicle on private property without first securing a vehicle immobilization license issued by the City of Crystal Lake Chief of Police, or his designee.
Application. All applicants for a vehicle immobilization license must complete a license application in a form provided by the City. The application must include all the following information:
The name, business address, and permanent telephone number of the applicant.
A list of the names, home addresses and telephone numbers of each owner and employee of the applicant and, for each such person, a list of each conviction for any crime or ordinance violation within the five years immediately preceding the date of the application, including for each conviction the specific charge, the date of conviction, the place of conviction, and the sentence.
A list of each privately owned parking lot and area at which the applicant intends to undertake immobilization and the names of each parking lot owner and operator and of each person authorized to order the immobilization.
Proof of liability insurance in the amount not less than $100,000 per person for injury or death and not less than $25,000 per property damage incident, issued by an insurer authorized to underwrite risks in Illinois.
A sample of the window immobilization notice complying with the requirements of § 496-157.
Fee. The annual fee for a vehicle immobilization license is $100. This fee is nonrefundable. This fee must be paid at the time an application is submitted.
License term; renewal fee; termination. A vehicle immobilization license is for a term not exceeding one year. Every vehicle immobilization license will expire on April 30 of each year. The annual fee for renewal of a vehicle immobilization license is $100, which must be paid prior to the date of expiration of the license. A vehicle immobilization license is terminated automatically and without further action of the City if the renewal fee is not paid within 15 days after the time required by this subsection. In the event of such termination, the vehicle immobilization license cannot be reissued by the City except after payment by the licensee of the full annual fee.
When any information required on the vehicle immobilization license application has changed, or is supplemented with new information, the authorized booting company must submit that changed or supplemental information to the City within 15 days after the change or supplement, on a form provided by the City.
Every private parking lot or area on which immobilization may be undertaken at any time must be posted with not fewer than two warning signs complying with the requirements of this section for not less than 14 days before the first immobilization occurs.
Every required warning sign must be approved by the City's Community Development Department prior to its installation, and all warning signs are subject to the fees provided in this Code. The Community Development Department may specify the locations within the parking lot or area where the warning signs must be posted. The Community Development Department also may require the installation of more than two warning signs if the Department determines that the size or configuration of the parking lot or area warrants more than two signs to properly alert motor vehicle drivers.
[Amended 6-3-2014 by Ord. No. 7036]
All required warning signs must meet all of the following standards:
Each sign must be posted in a location within the parking lot or area that is clearly visible at all times by vehicle operators. Each posted location must be free from obstruction by any natural or man-made objects.
Each sign must include a warning that unauthorized vehicles will be immobilized.
Each sign must be not less than 24 inches in height and 36 inches in width.
Each sign must be posted with the bottom of the sign not less than four feet above the ground nor more than eight feet above the ground.
The lettering on each sign must be painted with reflective material that provides a dramatic contrast from the color of the sign background.
Each sign must state the maximum total cost to be paid for release of the immobilized vehicle. That amount may not exceed $100 (see § 496-159).
Each sign must contain the name and telephone number of the authorized booting company.
The authorized booting company must place a notice on the window of the driver's door of every motor vehicle that has been immobilized. The notice must be easily removable and must include all of the following information:
The name and telephone number of the authorized booting company and of a person to contact for vehicle release.
The total cost for release of the vehicle.
All acceptable forms of payment of the release cost.
The time/date of, and reason for, immobilization of the vehicle.
An authorized booting towing company must remove an immobilization device within 60 minutes after receiving a request for that removal, except only if the authorized booting company cannot meet that time requirement because it is currently actively engaged in another immobilization device removal. Under those, and all other, circumstances, the authorized booting company must respond to the removal request and remove the device as quickly as possible.
The total charge for complete release of a vehicle that has been immobilized on a private parking lot or area may never exceed $100. The authorized booting company must accept payment of the charge in cash or by credit or debit card.
The authorized booting towing company must maintain a telephone number at which a company representative can be reached 24 hours per day, every day.
Any person, firm or corporation who or which violates the provisions of this article may, in addition to any penalty imposed under Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty, of this Code, suffer the penalty of having his, her or its vehicle immobilization license revoked for any such violation. Revocation shall be in writing signed by the Chief of Police. Each incident of violation shall be a separate offense and punishable as described.
This article does not apply to immobilization activities conducted by or on behalf of the City, or the Police Department or any other public law enforcement agency, or the Fire Rescue Department or any other public fire/rescue agency, or any other governmental official engaged in her or his official duties.