This chapter may be known and cited as the "Municipal Water Use Law of the Town of Poestenkill."
This chapter is enacted pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the construction, maintenance, extension, repair, and regulation of a municipal water system in the Town of Poestenkill for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the Town with pure and wholesome water for domestic and commercial purposes and for protection against fire. Further, the purpose of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town.
Provisions of this chapter shall be administered to ensure orderly planning and development of facilities in the Town.
The Town Board shall be the governing body of the water district and shall by local law, rule or resolution guide all actions of the water district including the setting of fees and charges and the establishing of penalties for the misappropriation of water district resources.
It shall be the duty of the Water System Operator and/or Code Enforcement Officer to enforce the provisions of this chapter and to bring to the attention of the Town Board any violations or lack of compliance.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter, other than those provisions pertaining to the payment of charges for services established herein, shall be guilty of an offense against this chapter and shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $50 for each offense unless otherwise prescribed by this chapter. The continuing violation of any provision of any section of this chapter, other than those pertaining to the payment of charges for services established herein, shall constitute a separate offense for each and every day such violation of any provision hereof shall continue.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of words and terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
The latest revised standards of the American Society for Testing Materials.
The latest revised standards of the American Water Works Association.
Any person, firm, or corporation who undertakes to construct any building, either under contract or for resale.
The Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Poestenkill and/or such other person or persons as may be designated by the Town Board of Poestenkill for the purpose of enforcing its local laws, ordinances or regulations. For the purposes of this chapter, actions prescribed or authorized by this chapter to be taken by the Code Enforcement Officer or by the Water System Operator may be undertaken by either.[1]
That element of the water distribution system where the service laterals end and the supply line begins.
Any person, firm, or corporation who subdivides lands for the purpose of constructing or causing to be constructed buildings for which provisions are required to be made for water supply.
A single distinct household, consisting of one or more persons who live in a single residence or who live apart from other occupants of the same building.
The valved standpipe, connected to the water main, for supplying water for fire protection.
Any person having title to real property.
Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group.
The boundary line of a public highway, street, alley, or easement controlled by the Town of Poestenkill or other public entity or body.
Water collected from any well, spring, stream, pond, or lake which is treated and distributed to the public for human consumption.
The water distribution line from the main to the curb stop.
A waterline on the building side of the curb stop used for the distribution of water to the building.
The Town of Poestenkill, Rensselaer County, New York.
The duly elected Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill.
A licensed professional engineer duly appointed by the Town of Poestenkill, New York, or a consulting professional engineer retained by the Town of Poestenkill.
An improvement district created and established pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 or Article 12-A of the Town Law for the purposes of providing water to properties located within the boundaries thereof.
A pipe or conduit used for transporting water.
The water distribution line located in any public street or easement of the Town of Poestenkill or other public agency or body.
The waterline from the water main to supply a building.
All facilities for producing, pumping, storing, or distributing water within a water district or controlled or owned by the Town.
The person or persons employed by the Town of Poestenkill for the purpose of operating a water system or systems. For the purposes of this chapter, actions prescribed or authorized by this chapter to be taken by the Code Enforcement Officer or by the Water System Operator may be undertaken by either.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Amended 5-21-2015 by L.L. No. 2-2015]
The owner of any house, building, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the Town of Poestenkill and abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located a water main of any water district situated within the Town of Poestenkill may, but is not requried to, connect the plumbing facilities of said house, building or property directly to the water main, provided that adequate water supply is available, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any applicable provisions requried by the State of New York and Rensselaer County Health Departments.
Every person presenting a proposal for a major subdivision lying within or outside of an existing water district shall include plans for the connection of such subdivision to the public water supply. Such plans shall be to the specification and satisfaction of the Town Planning Board with the cost of such plans borne by the person undertaking the proposal. In the case of a proposed major subdivision lying outside of an existing water district, no connection shall be required if the cost of such connection would be greater than 120% of the cost of providing individual wells of adequate flow and quality to all homes within the proposed major subdivision. Every person presenting a proposal for a minor subdivision lying either within or outside of an existing water district may, but is not required to, include plans for the connection of such minor subdivision to the public water supply. Any such plans shall be to the specification and satisfaction of the Town Planning Board and the costs thereof shall be borne by the person undertaking the proposal.
No pipe or fixture connected with the water mains of any water district located within the Town of Poestenkill shall be cross-connected with pipes or fixtures supplied with water from any other source. All water supplied to any fixture or apparatus connected to a sanitary or storm sewer, public or private, shall be supplied through an approved physical break.
At such times as the Town Board deems it in the best interest of any inhabitants of any water district, the Water System Operator, on direction of the Town Board, shall shut off or limit the amount of water furnished to consumers within said district. In an emergency, the Water System Operator may direct that the water be shut off in any district or any part thereof.
The Town, its agents, representatives, and employees shall not be liable for damage or loss of any kind to person or property by reason of rust or discoloration of water supplied from or through any water system or by reason of change in pressure or by reason of shutting off the water supply from all or any part of any water system, with or without notice to any person.
Any person causing damage to water district property and/or contamination of the municipal water supply shall be strictly liable for the cost of repair of said damage or remediation of such contamination and shall also be strictly liable for any consequential damages arising from such damage or contamination. Such civil liability shall be in addition to any criminal sanction or penalty which might be applicable, whether arising under this chapter or any other provision of local, state or federal law.
A private water source, such as wells, springs, or cisterns, may be used in a structure served by public water for nonpotable use, provided that said water is not cross-connected into any fixture connected to the public water supply.
No owner or tenant of any premises supplied with water by any water district located within the Town of Poestenkill shall be allowed to supply water to other persons or families, or leave his or her faucet or fixtures in such shape or position that other parties may obtain water therefrom. If found so doing, the supply shall be discontinued and the supply will not thereafter be restored until all sums due for water have been paid and the additional sum of $50 paid as a penalty; and except where special permission is granted by the Town Board, each consumer must be supplied by an independent service pipe from the main. In case two or more parties are supplied with water from the same service, if either of the said parties fails to pay the water rate when due or to comply with any rules of the Town Board, the Water System Operator shall turn off the water from such pipe until the water rent is paid and the rules strictly complied with.
The Water System Operator, personally, and any person designated by him for that purpose, bearing proper identification, may at all reasonable hours have free access to all parts of the premises to which water is delivered for the purpose of inspection and examination of fixtures.
Any owner or duly authorized agent wishing to discontinue the water service from premises temporarily vacant must give written notice thereof at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Poestenkill and request the same to be turned off; otherwise, charges will be continued until such notice is given. A charge as established by the Town Board will be made for shutting off, and a similar charge for turning on, water service to cover the cost of both operations.
Standpipes or pipes for automatic suppression of fires in buildings, which fixtures are intended only for such use, will be permitted to be attached to a public water supply system. All such pipes must be provided with a suitable shutoff valve, which shall be outside the building and which shall be under the exclusive control of the Town of Poestenkill. Also, in the case of standpipes, a shutoff valve must be provided and placed at the bottom of the standpipe and at each hose opening, which valve shall be sealed by the Town of Poestenkill. In case such seals shall be broken for the extinguishment of any fire, the party breaking the seal shall immediately thereafter notify the Town Clerk, and the valve shall be resealed by a Town employee.