This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Canandaigua
Lake Uniform Docking and Mooring Law."
The purpose and intent of this article is to:
A. Regulate navigational access to Canandaigua Lake, a navigable water
of the State of New York and a resource that is held in public trust
and owned by the State of New York, based on a uniform set of standards
adopted by the City of Canandaigua and the Towns of Canandaigua, Gorham,
Italy, Middlesex and South Bristol that include, at a minimum:
(1) The length, dimensions and density of docks, moorings, and associated
(2) The number of boats, or boat slips and moorings, allowed per lineal
foot of shoreline based on the tier assigned to the adjoining zoning
B. Protect the public's interest in navigation, public access,
fishing, swimming and environmental and aesthetic protection.
C. Ensure the adjoining parcel owners reasonable navigational access
to Canandaigua Lake.
D. Provide navigational access in a manner that minimizes overcrowding,
congestion and hazards to navigation on Canandaigua Lake.
E. Regulate and restrict the manner of construction and location of
docking and mooring facilities, associated facilities, and related
structures constructed in or over the underwater lands of Canandaigua
Lake in a manner that is consistent with the laws and regulations
of the State of New York and the United States within or bounding
this municipality to a distance of 1,500 feet of the mean high water
F. Protect the public health, safety and welfare.
G. Advance the orderly development of the City of Canandaigua that is
consistent with the provisions of any and all local laws, regulations,
or ordinances related to the land adjoining the mean high water mark.
For the purposes of this article, the following definitions
A parcel of land encompassing the mean high water mark of
Canandaigua Lake.
The portion of the dock that is attached to the main walkway.
Boathouses, boat accessory structures, boat stations, boat
hoists, and boat hoist structures.
Any vessel, floating craft, or personal watercraft which utilizes a docking or mooring facility, including but not limited to canoes, rowboats, kayaks, sailboards, aircraft and other small boats or personal watercraft as defined in New York State Navigation Law § 2 Subsection
An enclosed storage structure, the purpose of which is the
storage of related boating accessories and that shall have no utility
service except electricity. A boat accessory structure shall not be
defined to mean a boat hoist structure, boat station or boathouse.
Any mechanical device, the purpose of which is to remove
the boat from the water for waterside storage and that shall not have
a roof.
A seasonal open-sided structure placed in the water with
an attached mechanical device to raise or lift a boat out of the water
for waterside storage. A boat hoist structure shall not be defined
to mean a boat station, boathouse or boat accessory structure.
A permanent enclosed structure that provides direct water
or rail access for boats, and is wholly or partially supported or
constructed below the mean high water mark. A boathouse has a permanent
roof and one or more enclosed sides and shall have no utility service
except electricity. A boathouse shall not be defined to mean a boat
hoist structure, boat station or boat accessory structure.
A waterside storage area adjoining or within any structure,
boat hoist structure, boat station, boathouse, dock or pier, the purpose
for which is the storage of a boat.
A permanent open-sided structure with a roof, constructed
in the water, with a mechanical device, the purpose of which is to
raise or lift a boat out of the water for waterside storage. A boat
station is intended as a permanent boat hoist structure. A boat station
shall not be defined to mean a boat hoist structure, boathouse or
boat accessory structure.
Any permanent or seasonal structure, fixed platform built
on floats, columns, open timber, piles, or similar open-work supports,
or cantilevered structures, including piers and wharves that are designed
to provide permanent or seasonal access from the shoreline to Canandaigua
One or more structures, docks, mooring buoys or a combination
thereof, associated with an adjoining parcel used for the docking
or mooring of boats.
The official designated by the legislative body of this locality
to enforce the provisions of this article.
Replacement cost of the building/structure at the time of
loss or damage.
The water and submerged land area located lakeside of the
mean high water mark between the adjoining parcel's facility
area lines, subject to the requirements of this article to a distance
Facility Type
Distance Perpendicular To Mean High Water Mark
Tier 1 docking and mooring facilities
Tier 2 and 3 docking facilities only
200 feet except as provided for in § 287-31G.
Tier 2 mooring facilities only
375 feet
Tier 2 both docking and mooring facilities
200 feet for the dock plus up to an additional 175 feet for
The lines which are used solely for determining the boundaries for the placement of docking and mooring facilities, and all other facilities subject to this article. The method for establishing facility area lines is found in §
The vertical distance measured from the mean high water mark
to the highest portion of the building or structure.
The distance of the tie line. The lineal feet of shoreline for developments that involve alteration of the shoreline will be measured at the natural mean high water mark before such alteration. The mean high water tie line of the adjoining parcel which is described in §
287-25 determines the lineal feet of shoreline.
The section of the dock that extends from the mean high water
mark toward the center of the lake.
A facility that provides docking and/or mooring facilities
and associated land-based support facilities such as parking, marine
fueling, restrooms, marine dump station, and incidental sales and
The approximate average low water level or high water level
for a given body of water at a given elevation, determined by reference
from survey datum provided by the United States Geological Service
(USGS). According to the New York State Office of General Services,
the mean low water level for Canandaigua Lake is 686.60 feet above
mean sea level. According to the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, Division of Environmental Permits, the mean high water
level is 689.40 feet above mean sea level. These heights are measured
above mean seal level.
A floating object anchored to the bed of the lake to which
a boat could be attached for waterside storage. A mooring buoy is
considered a boat slip for the allotment of docking and mooring facilities.
A point of water discharge at the mean high water mark of
Canandaigua Lake from a stream, gully, culvert, channel or other conveyance
The type of construction for any dock, boathouse, boat station,
structure or boat accessory structure that is anchored to the bed
of the lake and is not designed to be removed each season.
Any structure extending out into or over the water built
upon fill, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, earth,
clay, silt, sand, gravel, stone, rock, shale, concrete (whole or fragmentary),
ashes, cinders, slag, metal, whether or not enclosed, or containing
crib, crib work of wood, timber, logs, concrete or metal, or bulkheads
and cofferdams or timber sheeting, bracing and piling or steel sheet
piling, or steel H piling, separate or in combination.
The type of construction for any dock, boat hoist or structure
that is designed to be removed on an annual basis.
A steep slope is defined as 30° (or slope of 57%) or
greater as measured from the horizontal, for a vertical height of
20 feet or more, with the toe of the slope commencing within 10 feet
of the mean high water mark. If the toe of the slope is greater than
10 feet from the mean high water mark, it is not considered a steep
slope under this article.
Figure 1
Steep Slope Diagram
(not drawn to scale)
An adjoining parcel where less than 20 contiguous lineal
feet of the parcel boundary adjoining the mean high water mark are
not characterized by steep slopes. Parcels that have more than 10
feet measured from the mean high water mark to the toe of the steep
slope for 20 contiguous lineal feet or greater will not be considered
a steep slope parcel.
Anything constructed, erected, anchored, suspended, placed
in, on or above, or any object constructed, erected, anchored, suspended
or placed on the water side of the mean high water mark.
The horizontal lineal distance measured in a straight line
between the lot lines at the mean high water mark.
The temporary use of a docking or mooring facility by patrons
of a restaurant, hotel or motel on an adjoining parcel.
The lake side of the mean high water mark.
All site plan approvals required by this article and all variance
applications shall be subject to the provisions of § 239
of the General Municipal Law and the bylaws of the Ontario County
Planning Board.
The 87 boathouse parcels located at the City Pier in the City of Canandaigua shall be grandfathered from the regulations of this article, but shall continue to be regulated by the remaining articles of Chapter
287 of the Municipal Code of the City of Canandaigua.
Amendment procedures for this article are contained in § 46-a,
Subdivision 4, of the New York State Navigation Law. Amendments can
only be made by a unanimous adoption of a local law by the six municipalities
after proper public hearing and environmental review. Such amendments
shall become effective only upon approval by the Commissioner of the
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
Should any section or provision of this article be determined
by any court to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall
not affect the validity of this article as a whole or any part thereof
other than the part(s) so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
The City of Canandaigua may, by resolution, establish appropriate
fees for the review and processing of the permits under this article.
Violations of this article shall be remedied according to the
violation and penalty section of the City of Canandaigua Zoning Code
and pursuant to § 268 of Town Law or General City Law. In
addition, other and state laws may apply, including the New York State
Navigation Law.
This article shall take effect upon approval by the Commissioner
of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
and filing with the New York State Department of State.