[Amended 9-13-2011 by Ord. No. 2224-2011; 9-11-2012 by Ord. No. 2252-2012; 5-12-2015 by Ord. No. 2350-2015; 10-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2594-2021; 4-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2661-2023]
Company Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall consist of regular firefighters, probationary firefighters, junior firefighters, candidate firefighters and associate firefighters for each company. The complement of members shall include all officers. Qualifications of active members shall be:
Active regular firefighters.
No person shall be appointed a member of the Fire Department unless they:
Are a citizen of the United States;
Are sound in body and in good health;
Have a high school diploma or an equivalency certificate or are able to read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently;
Are of good moral character;
Have not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude;
Are a resident of the municipality or a contiguous municipality;
Have reached the age of 18 years;
Have completed the training requirements of § 13-9B or equivalent.
Any person who has resigned as a member of the Fire Department and seeks to re-enter the Department may qualify for appointment, provided that he/she has previously served the Department as a member in good standing for at least two years or reapplies within one year of resignation and meets all of the other qualifications provided in this chapter. Removal of residence from the municipality or a contiguous municipality shall be cause for dismissal from the Department.
Any person who is separated from the Department for a period of two years or longer and did not maintain active firefighter status shall re-enter the Department following the recommendations of the Board of Fire Commissioners.
Probationary firefighter.
A probationary firefighter is a candidate member who meets all other requirements of Subsection A and § 13-9D. A probationary firefighter will be on probation for a minimum of six months and, until voted to active regular member status, shall receive all benefits afforded to regular members by the Borough of Fair Lawn, except voting privileges and holding firematic office.
If a probationary firefighter is 18 years of age but is still attending high school, they must follow all the provisions of § 13-79 until graduation or receipt of a graduation equivalency certificate.
Associate firefighter.
An associate firefighter may be a nonresident who is available in Fair Lawn for duty at least 20 hours per week with a written letter from his/her employer approving work time response. He/she must meet the requirements of Subsection B.
Firefighters holding associate membership shall be eligible to hold company firematic office up to and including the position of Captain in the Fire Department; shall have truck house privileges; and are eligible to attend training courses, parades and receive benefits afforded firefighters by the Borough of Fair Lawn.
Each company is allowed to have 10 associate firefighters.
Candidate firefighter.
A Candidate firefighter is a member who has reached the age of 18 years and meets all other requirements of § 13-9A. A candidate firefighter shall attend and complete with passing grades the Firefighter 1 course as well as the NJ State Firefighter 1 exam, within two years of becoming a candidate firefighter.
Support personnel will hold the classification of a Fire Department member but are not required to perform any fire suppression duties or complete any state mandated training unless deemed necessary by the Borough. These members are not considered emergency first responders and as such shall not enter or operate in an IDLH atmosphere, unless in a supervised training environment. Examples of support personnel include, but are not limited to, authorized department photographers, rehab personnel, public information officers, training instructors.
Physical requirements. All active members shall meet the current state respiratory protection program, shall be required to take a physical examination by a Fire Department physician, designated by the Borough, and be certified by said physician to be physically fit for duty as an active firefighter. After the physical examination, members shall be classified into one of the following fire-fighting categories:
Interior firefighters. These members can be involved in IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) atmosphere, including roof operations, any interior operations involving the use of SCBA, ladder operations, etc. This includes wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and a bailout bag system. These members can partake in all aspects of emergency services deemed vital to life and property. Interior firefighters must pass a mask fit test annually and comply with all standard operating guidelines as they pertain to the bailout bag system.
Exterior firefighters. These members cannot engage in fire-fighting activity that puts them in an IDLH atmosphere inside of an enclosed structure or operate at any height, including on ground ladders. The member will not wear or qualify on the bailout bag system. The member will not be able to wear an SCBA without completing all mandatory requirements to wear an SCBA. The member will only partake in fire-fighting activities outside of the fire structure.
Limited exterior firefighters. These members cannot be engaged in fire-fighting activity that puts them in an IDLH atmosphere inside or outside any structure. These members do not have to wear or complete any SCBA mandatory training. Examples of the limited activities will be driving and operating apparatus, operating as a safety officer, connecting and straightening hose lines, videotaping, photography, and any other limited activity deemed necessary by the company officer.
Medically unfit for duty. These members have been deemed by physical examination to be medically unfit for duty as either an interior firefighter, exterior firefighter or limited exterior firefighter and shall be suspended from active duty upon certification by the Board of Fire Commissioners to the Borough Council until such time as the Borough Physician designated by the Borough determines that such member should be reinstated to interior firefighter status, exterior firefighter status and limited exterior firefighter status.
Applications. Each person shall complete an application on a form to be approved by the Fire Board to become a member of the Fire Department. The Company Captain will time and date each application and forward to the Fire Clerk as to when it was received. The application shall also be noted, by time and date, as to when the member is approved for service. This is to avoid confusion relative to years of service at a later date.
Badge numbers.
Assignment of numbers to new firefighters.
Each Company Captain will assign each new firefighter and provide that person with a badge consistent with the numbers listed below:
Company No. 1: 1 to 25 and 101 to 115.
Company No. 2: 26 to 50 and 116 to 130.
Company No. 3: 51 to 75 and 131 to 145.
Company No. 4: 76 to 100 and 146 to 160.
Any member voted in as a regular member and who exceeds the current company badge numbers assigned can hold badge numbers 161 to 199. Effective January 1, 2022, all new members will start with badge number 200 and continue on indefinitely regardless of the fire company the member is assigned.
Each probationary firefighter will be assigned a badge indicating AUX member.
Each of the members of the Borough Fire Department shall, as conditions precedent to his/her assuming his/her duties as members:
Be approved by the Fire Board and the Borough Council.
Sign the membership application of the Fire Department to be on file in the office of fire headquarters.
Agree to perform the duties of a firefighter as prescribed by this chapter or any other ordinance which may hereinafter be adopted.
Agree to be governed by the bylaws and any rules and regulations promulgated by the Fire Board and by the bylaws of his/her respective fire company.
Pass the physical examination by an authorized agency of the Fire Department.
[Amended 9-13-2011 by Ord. No. 2224-2011; 4-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2661-2023]
New members for active regular, probationary, candidate and associate firefighters shall be reviewed in accordance with the bylaws of the respective companies and a recommendation forwarded to the Fire Board for action.
Any active regular member can request a transfer to another company as long as the member has approval from their current Company Captain and is in good standing with the current company. The transfer must be voted on at Fire Board. The member maintains their seniority within the Department and continues as a regular member, although the line/badge number is subject to change.