[Added 3-19-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1]
N.J.S.A. 40A:11-9a of the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law provides that the governing body may establish by ordinance the position of Township Purchasing Agent. Pursuant to the statute, the Township Purchasing Agent shall be assigned the authority, responsibility, and accountability for the purchasing activities for the municipality, to prepare public advertising for bids, and to receive bids for the provision or performance of goods or services on behalf of the contracting unit, and to award contracts in the name of the municipality.
[Amended 6-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-16]
This hereby establishes by the governing body of the Township of Mount Laurel, the position of Township Purchasing Agent, who shall be under the general supervision and direction of the Township Manager. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-3, when the cost of a contract does not exceed the total amount of $17,500, the contract may be awarded without public advertising for bids, unless the governing body establishes a lower amount. If a Purchasing Agent has been appointed, the governing body can establish that the bid threshold may be up to such amount as adjusted by the Governor no later than March 1, every five years. The governing body hereby authorizes the Purchasing Agent to enter into contracts up to the maximum amount established by said statute as the same may be periodically adjusted in accordance with same.
Only individuals that possess a qualified Purchasing Agent Certificate, pursuant to the statute, may be appointed and serve as a Purchasing Agent. The governing body shall appoint the Purchasing Agent.