It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or permit to be operated a taxicab upon the streets of the Village of Sleepy Hollow without first having obtained from the Village Clerk a taxicab permit under the provisions of this chapter. Such permit shall be issued as of May 1 and shall expire April 30, next succeeding, unless sooner suspended or revoked. Application for a taxicab permit shall be made by the owner upon blank forms furnished by the Village Clerk. Such application shall contain:
The name, age and residence of the person applying for the permit, and what if any, previous experience he has had in such business; if the applicant is a corporation, the names and addresses of the officers of said corporation, together with the names and addresses of the person or persons who will actually manage the business.
The type of motor vehicle to be used, the factory number, the state license number, the vehicle year and the seating capacity according to its certificate of title.
Whether previously licensed to operate a taxicab, and if so, where.
Whether a license to operate a taxicab has ever been revoked and, if so, for what cause.
Such other information as the Village Clerk may deem necessary.
No vehicle shall be permitted until it has been inspected (New York State inspection certificate) and examined and found to be in a thoroughly safe condition for the transportation of passengers; clean, fit, of good appearance and well painted and varnished. The Chief of Police, or someone designated by him, shall make such examination and inspection before a permit is issued. The Village Clerk shall refuse a permit to or, if already issued, revoke or suspend a permit of any vehicle found by the Chief of Police or someone designated by him to be unfit or unsuited for public patronage.
Vehicle permit fees shall be as set forth in the fee schedule included at the end of Chapter 200, Fees.
If, upon inspection, a taxicab is found to be of lawful construction and in proper condition, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and upon the approval of the application and the payment of the permit fee hereinbefore set forth, the same shall be permitted by delivering to the owner a card of such size and form as may be prescribed by the Village Clerk. The card shall contain the official permit number of the taxicab and vehicle identification number, together with the date of inspection of the same and a statement to the effect that in case of any complaints, the Village Clerk shall be notified, giving the permit number of the taxicab. Such card shall be signed by the Village Clerk and shall contain blank spaces upon which an entry shall be made of the date of every inspection of the vehicle by the Chief of Police or his representative and blank spaces upon which a record may be made of any convictions, arrests, serious complaints or reprimands. The permit card shall be of a distinctly different color each year, and the permit number assigned hereunder shall, in each case, be the same as that assigned to the vehicle for that year by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles pursuant to law. Any permittee who defaces, obliterates or changes any official entry made upon his permit card shall have his permit revoked. If a taxicab shall be disabled, disqualified for service or sold, the permittee thereof shall promptly notify the Village Clerk in writing of such fact. The Village Clerk may, at his or her discretion, allow the permit of any taxicab which has been sold to be transferred and used by the purchaser, provided that such taxicab and the purchaser thereof meet the requirements of this chapter. There shall be a fee as forth in the fee schedule included at the end of Chapter 200, Fees, for the transfer of each permit. Should the state license number of a taxicab be changed during the life of the taxicab permit, such change and number shall be immediately reported by the permittee to the Village Clerk.
The Public Safety Committee may at any time and shall before the first day of November in each year report to the Board of Trustees the number of taxicabs which in its opinion should be granted permits for the next ensuing year. Recommendations made in such report shall be based on the population of the Village, the number of persons taking trains and arriving by trains at the Tarrytown and Philipse Manor stations and the conditions of taxicab service. The Board of Trustees shall consider such report and recommendations and may determine by resolution the number of taxicabs needed to provide safe and adequate service with a reasonable rate of return to taxicab owners on their investment and reasonable compensation to taxicab drivers. After adoption of such resolution, a notice containing a copy of the resolution shall be mailed by the Village Clerk, not later than the first day of December, to each owner of a then-permitted taxicab.
After adoption of such resolution, the permitting officials shall be guided thereby in the issuance of any permits. If such determination shows the need of additional permits, such permits shall be allocated as fairly as may be possible to then-existing permittees, if such permittees demonstrate to the satisfaction of the permitting officials that they are qualified to assume the duties and obligations imposed by this chapter. If such determination shows the need of reducing the number of permits, no then-existing permittee shall be refused a permit so long as he can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the permitting officials that he is qualified to continue to fulfill the duties and obligations imposed by this chapter. In the granting of permits, consideration shall be given to the period of years during which the then-existing permittees shall have continuously rendered safe and adequate taxicab service in the Village.