[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Borough of West View 3-14-1972 by Ord. No. 1143 (Ch. 34 of the 1977 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Planning Commission — See Ch. 54.
Playgrounds and recreation centers — See Ch. 216.
In the interests of the welfare and the health of the citizens of the Borough of West View and pursuant to statutory authority of the Borough Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,[1] a board of recreation for the Borough of West View is hereby created for the purpose of supervising, planning and coordinating recreation within the Borough of West View.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 47708 et seq.
The Board of Recreation for the Borough of West View shall operate on the basis of an annual appropriation from the Council of the Borough of West View and will be liable and responsible thereto.
The Board of Recreation for the Borough of West View shall not have the power to in any way encumber or obligate the Borough of West View in excess of the aforesaid mentioned annual appropriation.
Any rules, regulations, bylaws or contractual obligations created by the Board of Recreation of the Borough of West View inconsistent with this chapter shall be subject to the approval of the Council of the Borough of West View.
The Board of Recreation for the Borough of West View shall consist of nine members appointed by the Council of the Borough of West View. One of the nine members shall be a duly elected or appointed school director from the North Hills School District. Two of the nine members shall be duly elected or appointed Councilmen from the Council of the Borough of West View. The remaining six members shall be appointed from each of the six geographical voting districts. Each voting district must have at least one representative appointed to the Recreation Board for the Borough of West View.
The term of appointment for each member of the Board of Recreation for the Borough of West View shall be five years, staggered so that at least one appointment terminates each year. The term shall expire on the 15th day of January of each year and shall be filled by appointment of the Council of the Borough of West View not more than one-week prior to said expiration.
It shall be considered a termination of appointment if any member should fail to continue to qualify for appointment under the terms and conditions of § 66-4 hereof.
The Board of Recreation for the Borough of West View shall in no manner or form usurp, supplant or substitute for the powers and duties of the Planning Commission of the Borough of West View.[1] The Board of Recreation shall submit the results of its studies for future recreational needs, if such studies are undertaken, to the Planning Commission of the Borough of West View and to the Council of the Borough of West View for consideration.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 54, Planning Commission.
Editor's Note: Original Section Seven, which immediately followed this section and indicated the manner in which initial terms were staggered, was deleted 2-2-1977 by Ord. No. 1191.