The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted for the
protection, regulation and control of public parks owned and operated
by the Borough of Raritan, including driveways, sidewalks, paths,
parking lots, buildings and all facilities.
All public parks will open at sunrise and close at sunset unless
otherwise specified or designated by signs. No person shall enter
into or remain in a public park except during the hours it is open
to the general public.
No person shall remove or open permanent or temporary barriers,
signs, gates, or fences. No person shall willfully mark, deface, disfigure,
injure, tamper with or displace or remove any buildings, bridges,
tables, benches, railings, pavings or paving materials, waterlines
or other public utilities or parts of or appurtenances thereof.
No person shall engage in any commercial use or enterprise in
public parks.
No alcoholic beverages, drugs or narcotics are to be consumed,
dispensed or brought into any public park.
No person shall build, light or maintain an open fire within
any public park at any time.
No person shall leave or throw bottles, cans, broken glass,
wastepaper or other rubbish or litter in any public park, except in
a properly provided receptacle designated for that purpose.
Disposal of solid waste onto public park property or into refuse
containers on public park property is prohibited, except for solid
waste generated by customary, permitted use of public parks.
No person shall carry or discharge any weapon or firearms within
any public park without authorization. No person shall molest, trap,
capture, hold, remove, injure or kill any animal or disturb its habitat
within any public park without authorization.
[Amended 5-26-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-04]
Unless otherwise provided, no person shall cause or permit any
domestic animal owned by him, in his custody or under his control
to go or be at large in a public park. Dogs shall be restrained by
a leash not exceeding six feet in length, except that dogs may be
unleashed in special areas provided for such purposes, commonly known
as "dog parks," provided that the dog is accompanied by and under
the control of an adult owner, custodian or trainer. Any person having
custody or control over any dog in a public park is required to clean
up after said dog in the manner prescribed by the ordinances of the
Borough of Raritan. Domestic animals are prohibited from entering
onto Borough athletic fields at all times, regardless of whether the
athletic fields are in use.
Fireworks are prohibited at all times, unless otherwise permitted
in advance by the Borough Council.
Any person or persons found to be in violation of the provisions
of this chapter shall be subject to a fine or penalty not to exceed
$2,000 for each offense and not less that $100, as may be fixed by
the court within its discretion.