[Adopted 1-25-1911 by Ord. No. 57, approved 2-25-1911]
[Amended 10-13-1983 by Ord. No. 426, approved 10-13-1983]
The person or corporation in possession of any ground or building fronting on or bounded by any of the sidewalks and gutters within the limits of the Borough or, where there is no person in actual possession, the owner or person having charge of the same, shall, within 24 hours after a fall of snow or hail shall cease, remove said snow or hail from the sidewalk and gutter fronting or bounding said premises to the full width of the said sidewalk and gutter.
[Amended 10-13-1983 by Ord. No. 426; 11-10-1988 by Ord. No. 447]
If any person or corporation as mentioned in this article shall refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of this article, he, she or they shall be subject to a fine of not more than $600 and costs of prosecution and, in default thereof, to imprisonment in the Delaware County Prison for not more than 30 days. Such fine shall be for the use of the Borough and shall be recovered as fines and penalties are by law recoverable, and in addition shall pay such sum or sums as the Borough shall be required to expend in carrying out the provisions of this article, to be recovered in the name of the Borough as debts of like amount are by law recoverable.