In expansion of the declaration of legislative intent found in Article I, § 275-2 of this chapter, and the statement of community development objectives found in Article I, § 275-3 of this chapter, it is the intent of this article to:
Promote the preservation of land and waterways which because of location or natural features have a unique character for open space and recreation purposes, and to facilitate and provide for the conservation of significant natural resources.
Permit and encourage the retention of existing and potential open space and recreation areas, significant natural resources, water bodies, and lands in and around the major water features such as the Upper Perkiomen Valley Park and the Unami and Macoby Creek corridors, which constitute a unique and important natural resource of the Township.
Ensure the retention of large expanses of woodlands and forest preserves that conserve other important resources; moderate the effects of winds and storms; absorb pollutants and noise; serve as a shelter for wildlife; and provide a diverse environment for the Township.
Preserve aquifers and maintain both the quantity and quality of groundwater.
Maintain rural and scenic vistas, especially onto, from, and around water bodies, and ridge or hilltops.
Ensure that access to such open space, recreation, and conservation lands is not blocked by private development and that is encouraged through appropriate legal mechanisms.
Establish reasonable standards of performance in order to maintain the desirable benefits of open space, recreation, and conservation areas.
Ensure that the uses in this district will not have any adverse effect on the natural amenities and resources located here or in abutting residential areas.
Relate open space, recreation, and conservation areas to existing residential areas and to existing or potential "open space" type areas on adjacent tracts to assure consistency of use and lack of conflict between adjacent areas.
The OSRC Open Space Conservation Overlay District shall be an overlay to the existing underlying districts as shown on the Zoning Map. As such, the provisions for the OSRC District shall take precedence over those of the underlying district. Where there is a conflict between the provisions of this district and other provisions of this chapter, the more restrictive shall apply.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Natural open space uses primarily of a passive nature and conducted out-of-doors, such as wildlife sanctuary, forest preserve, reservoir, watershed protection area, nature center, arboretum, outdoor education center, and similar uses.
Game farm, fish hatchery, hunting or fishing preserve, or similar uses designed for the protection or propagation of wildlife.
Parks and recreation areas providing facilities of a passive or nonintensive nature, including hiking, bicycling, bridle paths, picnicking, fishing areas, boating, swimming, ice skating, golfing (excluding driving range or miniature golf), picnic areas, playing fields, and similar uses.
Camps for overnight or daytime use.
Forestry, lumbering, or extraction of natural resources, if conducted in accordance with sound environmental practices.
Utilities and community facilities, including transmission lines and substations and similar apparatus, sewage disposal and water treatment plants, appurtenances and facilities, watershed protection works, reservoirs, and pipelines.
Agricultural activities of the following types, provided they are conducted in accordance with recognized sound soil conservation practices:
The cultivation, harvesting, and sale of crops and related farm products.
The raising and sale of livestock or fowl, along with associated pasture and grazing land.
Orchards, nurseries, greenhouses, and related horticultural uses.
Historic sites or buildings which are open for public viewing and inspection, and provided that they meet the development regulations contained in this district.
Single-family detached dwelling, provided that it is occupied by groundskeepers, security guards, etc., as an accessory use associated with an otherwise permitted use.
Open space character. The buildings and/or uses shall preserve to the maximum extent possible all floodplains, stream valleys, steep slopes, wooded areas, prime agriculture soils, and similar environmentally sensitive areas and shall be planned to minimize the intensity of development; after development the site shall basically retain an open or rural character.
Access. Public access easements, deed restrictions, or other legal mechanisms to permit access to or through privately owned land for such purposes as hunting, fishing, hiking, bridle paths, or bicycling are strongly encouraged.
Commercial activity. No commercial activity shall be permitted except for charging of admission, the sale of refreshments, boat rentals, or such other purposes as are clearly incidental to the permitted outdoor activity. Each permitted commercial activity shall be located or screened so that it shall not be visible from a public street.
Off-street parking. The provisions of Article IX, Off-Street Parking, shall apply to all uses in this district, except that pervious surfaces for parking areas and access drives are strongly encouraged in this district. In the event that the use contemplated is not specifically covered by the terms of Article IX, adequate off-street parking must be shown on the development plan to accommodate the maximum number of persons expected to be using the facilities on a day-to-day basis.
Parking setbacks. All parking areas accommodating six or more vehicles or driveways used by same shall be set back from all property lines by a minimum distance of 20 feet, except for providing access to the property. Within that setback, a buffer at least 15 feet wide shall be provided.
Signs. No billboards, signs, or permanent external advertising displays of any kind shall be erected, altered, or used in the OSRC District except for those advertising, informing of service, business, occupation, or profession carried in or about the property on which such advertisement appears. All requirements of Article X, Signs, must also be adhered to.
Public convenience facilities. In any facility or recreation area which is open to the public, toilet facilities, drinking fountains, seating accommodations, and similar facilities shall be provided for the satisfactory accommodation of all persons customarily using the proposed facilities or recreation area.
Minimum developable lot area: one acre. Note: Refer to Article XI for determination of actual allowable lot size(s).
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum yards.
Front: 75 feet.
Side: 40 feet/120 feet total.
Rear: 60 feet, except that an accessory use structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the rear property line than 30 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 5%.
Maximum height:
For any dwelling, 35 feet;
For any building accessory to any dwelling use: 14 feet, not exceeding one story;
For any nonresidential building or other structure, 35 feet, except that such height may be increased to a maximum of 60 feet when approved by the Zoning Hearing Board for such structures as water towers, barns, silos, chimneys, and stacks, provided that, for every foot of height in excess of 35 feet, there shall be added to each yard requirement one corresponding foot of width or depth.