The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Town Manager who shall be the chief executive and the administrative official of the Town and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Selectmen. The Town Manager shall be appointed on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications, character, education, training and experience. The Town Manager shall devote full working time to the duties of the office.
The Town Manager shall be responsible to the Board of Selectmen for carrying out all acts and policies of the Board of Selectmen, and all resolutions and ordinances adopted by the Town. The Town Manager shall also be responsible for the administration of the Town consistent with the policies established by the Board of Selectmen and for carrying out such other duties and responsibilities as set forth in this Charter.
The compensation and benefits of the Town Manager shall be fixed by the Board of Selectmen.
The duties of the Town Manager shall be defined in a Position Description to be approved from time to time by the Board of Selectmen. Those duties shall include at least the following:
Ensure that all laws and ordinances governing the Town are faithfully executed;
Make periodic reports to the Board of Selectmen;
Attend Board of Selectmen meetings with full right of participation in its discussion but without a right to vote;
Submit to the Board of Selectmen and make available to the public complete reports on the finances and on the administrative activities of the Town as of the end of each fiscal year;
Make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen concerning the affairs of the Town and facilitate the work of the Board of Selectmen in developing policy;
Keep the Board of Selectmen fully advised as to the financial condition and anticipated future financial needs of the Town;
Prepare and submit to the Board of Selectmen an annual Town budget;
At the time of an emergency or disaster, expend the necessary funds to assure the smooth operation of Town business and the health, safety and well-being of the Town and its residents, consistent with this Charter;
Assist the Board of Selectmen to develop long-term goals including economic development for the Town and strategies to implement such goals;
Encourage and provide staff support for regional and intergovernmental cooperation;
Promote partnerships among the Board of Selectmen, staff and citizens in developing public policy and building a sense of community;
Exercise such powers and perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance or resolution of the Board of Selectmen not inconsistent with this Charter; and
Assist the Board of Finance in the preparation of the annual Town report.
Administration: The Town Manager shall be responsible to the Board of Selectmen for the supervision, direction and administration of all Town departments, agencies and offices. The Town Manager shall administer and coordinate the operations of the departments, agencies and offices, whether appointed by the Board of Selectmen or elected, except those functions expressly reserved or delegated to such bodies of law.
Personnel: The Town Manager shall be the Personnel Director for the Town, and shall have the responsibility for developing job descriptions for all administrative officers, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen; and all advertising for, hiring, and dismissal of Town employees, except Board of Education employees, shall be under the Town Manager's direct control, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, provided, however, that appointment and removal of officers and employees of the Police Department shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 615 and 707 of this Charter.
Execution of Law: The Town Manager shall see that all laws and ordinances governing the Town are faithfully executed and shall make periodic reports to the Board of Selectmen on the conditions and affairs of the Town.
The Town Manager shall recommend to the Board of Selectmen such measures as the Town Manager may deem necessary or expedient and shall exercise such other powers and duties as may be authorized by ordinance and resolution of the Board of Selectmen not inconsistent with this Charter.
Contracts: The Town Manager may, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen and subject to such other limitations as are contained in this Charter and in the General Statutes, enter into contracts or agreements with the United States Government or any agency thereof, the State of Connecticut or any agency or political subdivision thereof, any person, or any other body politic or corporate.
The Town Manager shall appoint and may remove, each such action with the approval of a majority of the entire Board of Selectmen, and in accordance with such provisions of the General Statutes as may apply to the appointments and removals, such administrative officers as are assigned to the Town Manager for appointment by the several provisions of this Charter, and such other assistants or employees as may be required pursuant to the performance of the Town Manager's duties, subject to such rules and regulations concerning Town employees as may be adopted by the Board of Selectmen pursuant to the provisions of Chapter IX of this Charter.
The terms of all administrative officers not specifically listed in Section 704 hereof shall terminate on the same day as the term of the Town Manager, provided such appointees shall continue to serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Town Manager may, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, perform the duties of any office under the Town Manager's jurisdiction; provided, however, that the Town Manager is, in the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, otherwise qualified to perform such duties.
In case of disability or temporary absence of the Town Manager or vacancy in the office of the Town Manager, the Board of Selectmen may designate an acting Town Manager, except the Town Manager may designate an acting Town Manager for temporary absences not to exceed fifteen (15) days consistent with policies established by the Board of Selectmen.