[The Planning Commission of the Town of Simsbury was first established by the Town Meeting on October 1, 1928. The current Commission members and alternates are elected in accordance with Sections 301 and 302 of the Charter and exercise the powers and duties prescribed by the General Statutes of Connecticut, Section 8-18 et seq.]
[Adopted 6-24-2019]
There shall be three alternates to the Zoning Commission elected in accordance with Section 302 of the Simsbury Town Charter. Alternate members shall, when seated as herein provided, have all the powers and duties set forth in the Town Charter, general statutes or any special act for the Zoning Commission and its members. Alternates may attend all meetings and executive sessions of the Zoning Commission. Zoning Commission Alternates shall be electors and shall not be members of the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Planning Commission. Alternates shall be designated by the Chairman of the Commission, or their designee, to act in the absence of regular members according to a policy to be adopted by the Commission.
There shall be three alternates to the Planning Commission elected in accordance with Section 302 of the Simsbury Town Charter. Alternative members shall, when seated as herein provided, have all the powers and duties set forth in the Town Charter, the general statutes or any special act for the Planning Commission and its members. Alternates may attend all meetings and executive sessions of the Planning Commission. Planning Commission alternates shall be electors and shall not be members of the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Zoning Commission. Alternates shall be designated by the Chairman of the Commission, or their designee, to act in the absence of regular members according to a policy to be adopted by the Commission.