Pursuant to the General Statutes of Connecticut,
Chapter 104, Section 7-274 et seq., and the Charter of the Town of
Simsbury, Chapter VII, Section 717, there is hereby created a Police
Commission in the Town of Simsbury with full powers and authority
as set forth in said statutes and Charter.
The Police Commission shall consist of five
electors of the town. The members shall be appointed by the Board
of Selectmen and shall serve a term of four years, except that of
those first appointed three shall be appointed for a two-year term
and the remainder for a four-year term. Biennially thereafter, the
Board of Selectmen shall appoint in the manner provided herein either
two or three members to the Police Commission, depending on the number
of members whose terms then expire.
Members of the Commission shall elect a Chairperson
at the Commission's first meeting in each calendar year. The Chairperson
shall serve as the Police Commission's liaison to the Police Chief
and to the Board of Selectmen.