Cross reference—Licenses and miscellaneous business regulations, Ch. 12.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
Drainage, sewage or plumbing work shall not be covered or concealed in any manner until after that work is inspected and approved by the plumbing inspector. A written request for inspection upon blanks furnished by the township for that purpose shall be made by the plumber, upon receipt of which it shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to inspect the work within one working day after the receipt of such request for inspection.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
Plumbers, before commencing the construction of plumbing work in any building, shall submit to the plumbing inspector plans and specifications therefor, legibly drawn. This requirement shall not require the submission of plans and specifications for repairs which are here defined to constitute the mending of leaks in soil, vent or waste pipes, faucets, valves and water supply pipes. However, repairs shall not be construed to permit the replacement or installation of fixtures such as water closets, bathtubs, wash stands, sinks, refrigerator cases, soda or bar fixtures or the respective traps for such fixtures. Where two (2) or more buildings are located together and on the same street, and the plumbing work to be performed is identical in each, one such plan shall suffice. Plans shall be approved or rejected within twenty-four (24) hours of their receipt.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982; Ord. No. 1026, § 3, 2-19-1990; Ord. No. 1168, § 4, 1-16-1995]
Plans for each building or addition thereto or alteration thereof, and for plumbing, plumbing systems, drainage, septic or sewage systems, and septic or sewage connections, shall be accompanied by specifications showing the location, size, material, construction, size and kind of pipe, traps, closets and fixtures to be used, which plans and specifications shall be filed, together with an application for a permit to do the work, with the plumbing inspector.
At the time of filing the plans and specifications and application for permit, the applicant, who shall be a registered master plumber licensed by Plymouth Township, shall pay a fee established from time to time by resolution of township council to the township for each set of drawings, plans and specifications submitted for new plumbing work having from one to three (3) fixtures and an additional fee established from time to time by resolution of township council for each additional fixture or trap over three (3) in such building or addition thereto.
The plans and specifications shall be furnished by the architect, plumber or owner and filed by the plumber. After plans have been filed all applications for change therein shall be made in writing. Plans filed for correction of any complaint must designate the estimated time for completion thereof.
Application for plumbing permits and building permits shall be made simultaneously.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982; Ord. No. 902, §§ 1, 2, 8-8-1983; Ord. No. 995, § 1, 6-13-1988; Ord. No. 1026, § 4, 2-19-1990; Ord. No. 1168, § 5, 1-16-1995]
Additional inspection and permit fees for the following activities shall be as established from time to time by resolution of township council as follows:
For each conventional, technical, alternate and experimental on-site individual sewage system and community system (three (3) houses or less):
Application permit and percolation test (one area).
Each additional percolation test (one area).
Inspection fees.
For each connection to a public or private sewer or replacement of lateral.
For each domestic hot water tank.
For each garbage disposal.
For holding tanks.
Portable privies.
Temporary connection to sewer main.
Installation of water service, new/repair/replaces.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
When drain, soil, waste, vent and other pipes in the building connected with the sewer have been placed in position, a preliminary water or air test of the same shall be applied in the presence of the plumbing inspector. A maximum of five-inch column of mercury held for a period of twenty (20) minutes is prescribed when tests are made with air.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
Upon completion of the work a final notice shall be filed with the plumbing inspector. A final test shall be made in the presence of the plumbing inspector with and by the use of such water connections as are connected to each respective fixture. If found satisfactory, a certificate of approval of the work will be issued. No such plumbing or drainage work or system shall be used until the required test has been made and the certificate issued.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
When work is ready for inspection the plumbing contractor shall make such arrangements as will enable the inspecting officer to reach all parts of the building easily and readily, shall have present proper apparatus and appliances for making the tests and shall furnish such assistance as may be required to properly complete the inspection and testing.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982; Ord. No. 928, § 1(e), 2-11-1985; Ord. No. 1026, § 5, 2-19-1990; Ord. No. 1168, § 6, 1-16-1995]
A fee established from time to time by resolution of township council shall be paid by the well-digging contractor for each well to be used for drinking water purposes. Wells shall be located a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from the nearest cesspool or septic tank. A certified analysis of water from a new well shall be furnished to the health officer before it is approved for human consumption.
The following information as to the well must be furnished by the well-digging contractor on forms provided by the township:
Date dug.
Name and address of owner.
Location of well.
Size of casing.
Depth of casing.
Depth at which water was found.
Gallons per minute flow.
How close water rose to the surface.
Kind of soil encountered.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
Whenever it shall come to the attention of a township official that the plumbing or drainage in a building has become a nuisance, or is contrary to the provisions and requirements of this chapter, or is of faulty construction, or is liable to breed disease or endanger the health of the occupants, or when requested so to do by the owner or an occupant of a building fitted with plumbing or drainage prior to March 12, 1956, the township shall direct a code enforcement officer to inspect the plumbing and/or drainage in such building to report the findings thereof in writing to the township, and to suggest such changes therein as may be necessary to bring the plumbing and/or drainage facilities into compliance with this Code.
[Ord. No. 873, § 1, 4-12-1982]
Upon receipt of the report provided for in section 18-56, the township shall notify the owner of the building, or his/its agent, of the changes required to be made in the plumbing and/or drainage thereof and of the time fixed therefor by the township. Refusal or neglect to comply with such notice shall empower the township to institute legal proceedings to abate the nuisance, to enforce the required changes, and/or for a daily fine to punish noncompliance.