The Town of Poestenkill, herein referred to as the "Town," has adopted these standards for construction of new roadways to be dedicated as part of the Town road system.
All roadways to be taken over by the Town shall be certified that they are in compliance with these standards by a professional engineer licensed to practice in New York State, herein referred to as the "project engineer."
Before the roadway is to be taken over by the Town, a set of as-built plans approved by the project engineer shall be submitted to the Town Clerk and the Town Highway Superintendent. Approval by the Highway Superintendent that the project meets the standards shall be required prior to acceptance by the Town Board. Both the Highway Superintendent and the Town Board must accept the roadway before it is accepted as a part of the Town road system. The Town reserves the right to not accept a roadway, notwithstanding that all portions of these standards have been met.
All applications for the dedication of a roadway shall be accompanied by a proposed warranty deed conveying said highway to the Town, with all necessary releases from mortgages or other claimants. All deeds and plans must meet requirements for filing with the County Clerk.
In addition, there should be a complete release of all liens arising out of the construction of the dedicated improvements, or receipts in full in lieu thereof, and if required in either case, an affidavit that, so far as the developer has personal knowledge or information, the releases and receipts include all labor and materials for which a lien could be filed.
No highway, road or street within the Town of Poestenkill hereafter constructed or improved will be accepted by the Town Board of the Town of Poestenkill as a Town highway or for maintenance with Town funds unless and until the road is at the time of dedication in a state of repair acceptable to the Town or capable of being made so, and there is provided to the Town at the time of such proffered dedication a performance bond or security agreement with cash escrow deposit warranting the integrity of said road for a period of three years from the date of dedication, during which time the provider of such bond or other security shall be responsible to the Town for the cost of any required reconstruction or repair of said road deemed by the Town to be attributable in whole or in part to design or construction defects. In addition, if and to the extent that the condition of the proffered road might warrant and any completion or remedial work is deemed by the Town to be required pursuant to foregoing subparagraphs, a separate road repair bond or security arrangement may also be required to secure the costs of completion and/or needed remedial work to be performed during the first construction season following dedication. The amount of any such warranty or repair bond or security deposit shall be as reasonably established by the Town Attorney, upon input from the Town Superintendent of Highways and the Town's engineering consultant.
For a subdivision, the plans must be submitted to and approved by the Planning Board prior to start of construction. A construction plan showing utilities, grading, property lines, erosion control and other pertinent information required by the subdivision regulations in Chapter 195, Subdivision of Land, must be supplied for subdivision.
For disturbances of one acre or more, a stormwater pollution prevention plan must be in place which is consistent with Stormwater General Permit GP-0-10-001 (or latest version) and the requirements and standards of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
As a minimum, the plans for the roadway shall provide the following:
The design criteria used.
The names of all streets approved by the County Department of Emergency Services.
A location and alignment survey performed by a licensed surveyor that includes:
The original and finished grades.
The layout and locations of all roads and streets and their metes and bounds.
The location of any property lines and their metes and bounds.
The location of the Town's right-of-way.
The location of other rights-of-way and easements, including a statement of their allowable uses.
The location of all drainage structures.
The location of any utilities in the right-of-way.
The names of adjacent property owners to the roadway.
A maintenance plan for the roadway.
The locations of all signs and traffic control devices.
A cross section of a typical tangent section.
A traffic study determining the average daily traffic and types of traffic for all roads and streets. The traffic study shall also describe all methods used to collect data.
The functional classification of all roads and streets based on the criteria presented in the AASHTO Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low-Volume Roads (ADT less than or equal to 400) or the AASHTO Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Where there exists a conflict between two or more of the defined classifications, the classification having the most stringent design guidelines shall be indicated.
Road specifications, improvements.
[Added 6-18-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
All utilities (water, electric, cable, etc.) shall be located within the ten-foot easement outside of the Town's twenty-five-foot right-of-way to prevent any future complications with highway maintenance operations.
For new developments, the developer shall install a single postal mail collection box located near the beginning of the said development to make less congestion of mailboxes so close together.
With respect to road construction, the installed subbase shall consist of 12 inches of compacted gravel, or Type 2 mix. However, the subbase depth shall be increased to 16 inches if soil conditions dictate, or if ordered by the Town Engineer or Highway Superintendent as outlined in the NYSDOT Standard Specifications.
The following conditions for paving shall be observed:
Weather conditions and seasonal limitations. Bituminous asphalt concrete mix shall not be placed on any wet surface or when the surface temperature is less than that stipulated below, or when weather conditions will otherwise prevent the proper handling or finishing of the bituminous mixtures as determined by the Town Engineer or the Town Superintendent of Highways.
Pavement of any road/street shall take place between May 1 and October 31 and shall meet the following minimal surface temperature requirements based on compacted normal lift or course thickness:
Three inches or greater: 40° F.;
Greater than one inch but less than three inches: 45° F.;
One inch or less: 50° F.
Seasonal limitations and weather conditions shall be strictly enforced unless a written waiver is obtained from the Town Engineer and countersigned by the Town Superintendent of Highways prior to paving stating that the above conditions will be waived.
Clarification of exceptions to these standards shall be approved, in advance, by the Town Highway Superintendent in writing. Oral responses by the Town Highway Superintendent will not be considered as approved.