All improvements and utilities shall be inspected by the Village Engineer's office to ensure satisfactory completion.
In no case shall any paving work, including prime and seal coats, be done without permission from the Village Engineer's office. At least three days' notice shall be given to the Village Engineer's office prior to any such construction so that a representative of the Village may be present at the time the work is to be done.
The Village Engineer's office shall be notified after each of the following phases of the work has been completed so that he or his representative may inspect the work:
Road subgrade.
Curb and gutter forms.
Road paving, after each coat in the case of priming and sealing.
Sidewalk forms.
Drainage pipe and other drainage structures before backfilling.
A final inspection of all improvements and utilities shall be made to determine whether the work is satisfactory and in substantial agreement with the approved final plat drawings and the Village specifications. The general condition of the site shall also be considered. Upon a satisfactory final inspection report, action will be taken to release the performance bond covering such improvements and utilities.
[Amended 7-10-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984]
An inspection fee of 4% of the amount of the performance bond or, in the event of no performance bond, 4% of a performance bond estimate as certified by the Village Engineer shall be paid to the Planning Board should the Planning Board determine that such payment is necessary for its inspections during the term of construction. Such payment shall be made to the Planning Board prior to the time that the Chairman of the Planning Board signs the final plat or approves the final site plan, as the case may be.
[Added 11-14-1978 by L.L. No. 2-1978]
It shall be illegal and a violation of this chapter for any person to commence construction of a subdivision, including clearing of property for homesites, streets or off-street improvements, without first obtaining final approval of the subdivision map (final plat), filing said final map with the Clerk of Suffolk County and conveying to the Village of the Branch any properties to be so conveyed for the park donation or paying to the Village of the Branch any moneys in lieu of said conveyance.