[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Wall 7-11-2012 by Ord. No. 12-2012. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Cable television franchise — See Ch. A226.
The New Jersey Natural Gas Company be and is hereby authorized to lay, maintain and operate its conductors, mains and pipes, together with the appurtenances thereto, in all the public streets, alleys, squares and public places in this municipality which are under the control and jurisdiction of the Township for the purpose of conducting gas, or any mixture of gases of various types including natural gas and for the purpose of transmitting and distributing such gas in this municipality for a period of 10 years from the date hereof, upon the following terms and conditions:
The New Jersey Natural Gas Company shall report to the Department of Public Works and the Township Engineer, yearly, their intentions with regard to prospective work requiring future street openings in the community for the purpose of coordinating such activity with pavement projects anticipated by the Township. Except in the case of an emergency, the Township shall have the right to schedule street openings in a manner which will create the least disturbance to pavement courses, in furtherance of which purpose the Department of Public Works shall provide a schedule of expected street construction and resurfacing.
The New Jersey Natural Gas Company shall agree that, in all cases in which street openings or excavations are made for the purposes aforesaid, the pavement and the surface of the streets, alleys, squares or roadways shall be restored to the same condition as existed prior to the opening thereof. The restoration shall include milling and repaving of the area so as to blend uniformly with the adjacent roadway, including restoration of pavement markings, signage and all other appurtenances. The Construction Code Official is authorized to demand a cash escrow or equivalent in an amount not exceeding $10,000 to insure that any road opening is restored satisfactorily.
The New Jersey Natural Gas Company shall conduct the work or the laying or maintaining of gas pipes therein in a careful and prudent manner.
The New Jersey Natural Gas Company shall file with the Clerk of the Municipality, within 60 days of the date hereof, its acceptance of the terms and provisions of the franchise consent herein granted and its agreement to be bound by the terms and provisions thereof.
All Township officials, including, but not limited to, the Mayor, Township Director of Engineering and Planning, Municipal Clerk and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to take such ministerial actions as are necessary to effectuate the provisions of this ordinance.
This ordinance shall not become effective until it is approved by the Board of Public Utilities of the State of New Jersey.