[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Wall 11-20-2018 by Ord. No. 21-2018. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and recreation facilities — See Ch. 161.
The provisions of State Sanitary Code, Chapter IX, Public Recreational Bathing (N.J.A.C. 8:26-1 et seq.), shall be enforced by the Health Officer of the Township of Wall.
No person shall locate and construct, alter or operate a commercial swimming pool or other recreational bathing facility until a permit therefor shall have been issued by the Health Officer.
The following fees and charges are herewith established:
For the issuance of a permit to locate and construct a commercial swimming pool or recreational bathing facility: $200.
For the issuance of a permit to alter a commercial swimming pool or recreational bathing facility: $150.
For the issuance or renewal of a permit to operate a commercial swimming pool or recreational bathing facility: $500.
Permits issued for the operation of a commercial swimming pool or recreational bathing facility shall expire annually on April 30 of each year, and application for renewal thereof shall be submitted together with the required fee prior to May 1 of each year.
Permits required by this chapter or code may be denied or suspended by the Health Officer for failure to comply with this chapter or code.
The Health Officer shall afford the person whose permit to locate and construct, alter or operate has been denied or suspended an opportunity to be heard in a public hearing, and following this to be informed of the Board's decision.
Violations of the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, Article I, General Penalty.