[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Wall 11-8-1978 as Sec. 13-11 of the Revised General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire companies and first aid squads — See Ch. 18.
The Township Committee has received petitions pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-91 for the dissolution of Fire Districts Nos. 2 and 3 each signed by at least 20 legal voters residing in each fire district proposed to be dissolved; and the Township Committee has received petitions pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-90 for the enlargement of Fire District No. 1 to include additional territory in the Township now included in Fire Districts Nos. 2 and 3, said petition setting forth a description of Fire District No. 1 as it would be constituted after enlargement, and said petition being submitted and signed by at least 10 legal voters residing in each area proposed to be included in Fire District No. 1.
The Township Committee has received petitions pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-70 for the establishment of new Fire District Nos. 2 and 3 and setting forth in said petition a description of the territorial locations to be included in said fire districts and each petition being signed by at least 20 legal voters residing in Fire District No. 2 and Fire District No. 3; and the Township Committee has considered the petitions submitted to it and has determined that it will be in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare and will greatly contribute to the furnishing of an efficient and effective means of fire protection to the residents of the Township if the territorial locations of the three fire districts presently serving the Township are realigned; and the Township Committee pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-70 is obliged to designate by this chapter a territorial location or locations for use as a fire district or fire districts.
The first fire district of the Township shall be bounded as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of New Jersey State Highway Route No. 35, where the same is intersected by the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of Belmar, and running from said beginning point (1) Eastwardly. along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of Belmar, to the point in the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of South Belmar, thence (2) Southwardly, along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of South Belmar, to a point in the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of Spring Lake Heights, thence (3) Southwestwardly, and Southwardly, along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of Spring Lake Heights to its intersection with the Northerly line of Lot 8, Block 273, thence (4) Westwardly, along the aforesaid northerly line of Lot 8, Block 273 to its intersection with the easterly line of Lot 4, Block 273, thence (5) Southwardly, along the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 4, Block 273 to its intersection with Goss's Lane (extended Eastwardly), thence (6) Westwardly, along Goss's Lane, and the extension thereof, across New Jersey State Highway Route No. 35 to a point in the centerline of New Bedford Road, thence (7) Northwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of New Bedford Road to a point in the centerline of Eighteenth Avenue (Monmouth County Highway Route No. 30), thence (8) Eastwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of Eighteenth Avenue to its intersection with the Easterly line (extended Southwardly) of Lot 6, Block 85, Wall Township Tax Map, property of the Board of Education of the Township of Wall, commonly known and referred to as High School Property, thence (9) Northwardly, along the aforesaid Easterly line of Lot 6, Block 85, and the extension thereof, to the Northerly side of the Eastbound lane of the New Jersey State Highway Route No. 38, thence (10) Eastwardly, along the Northerly side of the aforesaid Eastbound lane of the New Jersey State Highway Route No. 38, to its intersection with the centerline of the New Jersey State Highway Route No. 35, thence (11) Northeastwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of Route No. 35, to the point or place of BEGINNING; and shall be known as Wall Fire District No. 1 of the Township.
Nothing contained herein shall affect the terms of members of the Board of Fire Commissioners or officers or personnel thereof, nor the bonds or obligations of Wall Fire District No. 1.
There is hereby established in the Township pursuant to N.J.S.A.40A:14-70 a fire district which shall be known as "Wall Fire District No. 2" and the geographical area encompassed by the Wail Fire District No. 2, described by metes and bounds, is as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Atlantic Avenue, also known as Monmouth County Highway Route No. 524, (formerly Como-Allaire Road), where the same is intersected by the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Howell, and running from said beginning point (1) Northwardly, along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Howell to a point in the dividing line between the Township of Colts Neck and the Township of Wall, thence (2) Eastwardly, along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Colts Neck and the Township of Wall, to a point in the dividing line between the Borough of New Shrewsbury and the Township of Wall, thence (3) Southwardly and Southeastwardly, along the aforesaid line dividing the Township of Wall from the Borough of New Shrewsbury, and the Township of Neptune, its various courses to a point in the main channel of Shark River, said point being in the Northwesterly boundary line of the Borough of Belmar, thence (4) Southwestwardly, Southeastwardly, and Southwardly, along the dividing line between the Borough of Belmar and the Township of Wall to a point in the centerline of New Jersey State Highway Route No. 35, thence (5) Southwestwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of Route 35, to its intersection with the Northerly side of the Eastbound lane of New Jersey State Highway Route No. 38, thence (6) Westwardly, along the Northerly side of the aforesaid Eastbound lane of Route No. 38 to its intersection with the Easterly line (extended Northwardly) of Lot 6, Block 85, Wall Township Tax Map property of the Board of Education of the Township of Wall, commonly known and referred to as the High School Property, thence (7) Southwardly, along the aforesaid Easterly line of Lot 6, Block 85 and the extension thereof to a point in the centerline of Eighteenth Avenue (Monmouth County Highway Route No. 30). thence Westwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of Eighteenth Avenue to a point in the centerline of New Bedford Road, thence (9) Southwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of New Bedford Road to a point in the centerline of Allaire Road also known as Monmouth County Highway Route No. 524, (formerly Como-Allaire Road), thence (10) Westwardly, and Northwestwardly, along the centerline of Allaire Road to a point in the centerline of Atlantic Avenue also known as Monmouth County Highway Route No. 524, thence (11) Northwestwardly, along the centerline of Atlantic Avenue to the point or place of BEGINNING.
The Commissioners of Wall Fire District No. 2 and their successors shall be known as the "Commissioners of Fire District No. 2 in the Township of Wall, County of Monmouth." The District Board of Fire Commissioners shall have all such powers and duties as are provided by law.
There is hereby established in the Township pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-70 a fire district which shall be known as "Wall Fire District No. 3" and the geographical area encompassed by the said Wall Fire District No. 3 described by metes and bounds is as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Atlantic Avenue, also known as Monmouth County Highway Route No. 524 (formerly Como-Allaire Road) where the same is intersected by the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Howell and running from said beginning point (1) Southeastwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of Atlantic Avenue to a point in the centerline of Allaire Road, also known as Monmouth County Highway Route No. 524 thence (2) Southeastwardly, and Eastwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of Allaire Road to a point in the centerline of New Bedford Road thence (3) Southwardly, along the aforesaid centerline of New Bedford Road to its intersection with a lane known as Goss's Lane (extended Westwardly) thence (4) Eastwardly, crossing New Jersey State Highway Route No. 35, along Goss's Lane and the extension thereof to a point in the westerly line of Lot 8, Block 273 thence (5) Northwardly, along the aforesaid westerly line of Lot 8, Block 273 to its intersection with the southerly line of Lot 11, Block 273, thence (6) Eastwardly, along the aforesaid southerly line of Lot 11, Block 273 to a point in the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Borough of Spring Lake Heights, thence (7) Southwestwardly, along a line dividing the Township of Wall from the Borough of Spring Lake Heights, Borough of Sea Girt, Borough of Manasquan, and the Borough of Brielle, to a point in the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Brick at the Manasquan River, thence (8) Northwestwardly, along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Brick, the various course thereof to an angle point in the said dividing line near Allenwood-Lakewood Road (School House Road) thence (9) Southwestwardly, continuing along the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Brick to a point in the dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Howell, thence (10) Northwardly, along the aforesaid dividing line between the Township of Wall and the Township of Howell to a point or place of BEGINNING.
The Commissioners of Wall Fire District No. 3 and their successors shall be known as the "Commissioners of Fire District No. 3 in the Township of Wall, County of Monmouth." The District Board of Fire Commissioners shall have all such powers and duties as are provided by law.
Nothing contained herein shall affect any moneys remaining in the fire district treasury of Wall Fire District No. 2 or Wall Fire District No. 3 nor any of the real or personal property or assets, tangible or intangible title to which is held by either Wall Fire District No. 2 or Wall Fire District No. 3, but the title to all such assets shall be and become the property and be retained for the use and enjoyment of those respective fire districts created hereunder and bearing the same name.
There shall be elected a Board of Fire Commissioners for Wall Fire District No. 2 and Wall Fire District No. 3 each Board to consist of five persons, residents of the fire districts concerned.
At the first meeting of the newly elected Board of Fire Commissioners of each district, the Board shall choose a Chairman and fix the time and place for the annual election. The members of the Board shall divide themselves by lot into three classes: the first to consist of two members to be elected for terms of one year; the second, two members for terms of two years; and the third, one member of a term of three years.
The members shall be elected to terms of three years.
Any vacancy in the membership shall be filled by appointment by the remaining members until the next succeeding annual election, at which time a resident of the district shall be elected for the unexpired term.