[R.O. 1992 § 505.720; R.O. of 1942 § 475; CC 1970 § 23-75]
All corners of any intersection of street, embracing the full width of the right-of-way thereof, shall bear a uniform elevation, except when otherwise provided; and whenever it shall be deemed expedient not to bring all the corners at any intersection to the same level, then the elevation at each corner at such intersection shall be given.
[R.O. 1992 § 505.730; R.O. of 1942 § 476; CC 1970 § 23-76]
All grades shall extend in unbroken uniformity from intersection to intersection, except when otherwise provided by ordinance, and whenever the grade of any street is broken between intersections, the elevation at such break shall be given, together with the exact distance thereof from one or the other relative intersection.
[R.O. 1992 § 505.800; Ord. No. 4458 § 1, 9-16-1974]
The City Council may, by ordinance, include in the special assessment for the paving, macadamizing or constructing of sidewalks on any street, avenue or alley, the cost of bringing to the established grade said street, avenue or alley or part thereof proposed to be improved; providing that the resolution declaring the paving and macadamizing necessary to be done shall also declare that the street, avenue or alley or part thereof shall be brought to the established grade and that the cost thereof shall be included in the special assessment for paying for the paving or macadamizing.
State Law Reference: For similar provisions, see § 88.828, RSMo.