[Adopted 8-7-2013 by L.L. No. 7-2013]
There is hereby created and established in the County of Putnam, New York, a Transportation Advisory Council to be known as the "Putnam County Transportation Advisory Council," and said Board shall be and exist for the benefit of the County of Putnam and the inhabitants thereof, and same is hereby established for the accomplishment of any and all purposes provided by law.
Membership in the Transportation Advisory Council shall consist of the following:
There shall be seven members appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the Legislature, who reside in the County of Putnam. One member shall be a representative of the Putnam County Chambers of Commerce; one member shall be a real estate and/or commerce professional; one member shall be a representative for people with disabilities; one member shall be a representative of the taxi and limousine business; one member shall be a citizen at large; one member shall be a citizen with a mental impairment; and one member shall be a citizen with a physical disability.
Ex officio members shall be the Putnam County Transportation Manager or an appointee of the Commissioner of Planning, Development and Public Transportation, the Chairman of the Physical Services Committee, the Chair of the Economic Development and Energy Committee, the Commissioner of Planning, Development and Public Transportation, the Commissioner of Social Services, the Commissioner of Health, the Director of Tourism, the Director of Office for the Aging, the Director of Consumer Affairs, the Director of the Economic Development Corporation, the Director of the Office of Veterans Affairs.
All appointed members shall serve at the pleasure of the County Executive during their three-year term of appointment.
Appointed member vacancies on the Transportation Advisory Council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, except that a vacancy occurring through circumstances other than by expiration of a term shall be filled only for the remainder of said term.
An appointed member of the Transportation Advisory Council shall serve until his or her successor has been appointed.
The Chairperson of the Transportation Advisory Council shall be the Putnam County Transportation Manager or the appointee of the Commissioner of Planning, Development and Public Transportation.
The powers and duties of the Transportation Advisory Council shall be to:
Explore opportunities and make recommendations to the County Executive and Legislature exploring all facets of public transportation in order to improve efficiencies, better manage assets, leverage resources and create partnerships to save dollars and improve transportation services.
Provide quarterly updates and make annual presentations to the Legislature.
Make recommendations for a marketing plan, advertising opportunities and promotions to the County Executive and the Legislature, as needed.
Conduct annual comprehensive assessments by reviewing and analyzing routes. The review should include the right sizing of vehicles for needed services and the coordination with all other modes of transportation for optimizing scheduling and connecting services.
Study the triennial review conducted by the Federal Transit Authority and make appropriate improvements and recommendations.
Make recommendations for infrastructure improvements and other transportation additions to be included in the capital plan to the Commissioner of Planning, Development, and Public Transportation. These improvements may include rolling inventory, bus shelters, and bus stops.
Make recommendations regarding the creation and contents of a Countywide Taxi and Limousine Law.
Coordinate and provide a venue for transportation safety-net hearings related to Paratransit and Putnam Paratransit +, and act on a case-by-case basis to make recommendations for those who need transportation. The Transportation Advisory Council shall also give guidance with regard to guidelines, policies and procedures with regard to Paratransit, Putnam Paratransit + and other special needs transportation services.
The Transportation Advisory Council shall hold meetings at least monthly, and at such other times as its Chairperson deems necessary for the efficient discharge of the business of the Transportation Advisory Council. Transportation Advisory Council meetings shall comply with the New York State Open Meetings Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See Public Officers Law, Art. 7, § 100 et seq.
The Transportation Advisory Council shall adopt rules and procedures for its meetings.
The Transportation Advisory Council shall maintain minutes of the proceedings of all meetings, memorializing votes taken, questions asked, and comments made with regard to the business before the Transportation Advisory Council.
Four members of the Transportation Advisory Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The members of the Transportation Advisory Council shall receive no compensation for their services.