[Code 1975 §3.01(2); CC 1989 §2-86]
No person shall be Mayor unless he/she is at least twenty-five (25) years of age, a citizen of the United States and a resident of the City at the time of and at least one (1) year preceding his/her election.
[Code 1975 §3.01(4)(b)(1) — (3); CC 1989 §2-87; Ord. No. 2242 §1, 8-10-1998; Ord. No. 4612, 2-12-2024]
Supervision. The Mayor shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the City Government and shall exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the City.
Appointments And Removal. With approval of a majority of the members elected to the Board of Aldermen, the Mayor shall appoint and have the power to remove all appointed officers.
Reports To Board. The Mayor shall, from time to time, communicate to the Board of Aldermen such measures as may, in his/her opinion, tend to the improvement of the finances, the police, health, security, ornament, comfort and general prosperity of the City.
Notices Of Absences. The Mayor shall inform the City Administrator or his/her designee of his/her absence from the City, expected or otherwise, as soon as possible upon learning of same. The Mayor shall provide the City Administrator or his/her designee with an estimated return date and such information as to how he/she may be contacted as may be required for City business.
[Code 1975 §3.01; CC 1989 §2-88]
The Mayor shall sign all proclamations. He/she shall execute, on behalf of the City, all agreements, deeds and other instruments made in the name of the City, when so authorized by ordinance or resolution.
He/she shall sign the commissions and appointments of all City Officers elected or appointed in the City, and shall approve all official bonds, unless otherwise prescribed by ordinance.
He/she shall sign all orders, drafts and warrants drawn on the City Treasury for money, and cause the City Clerk to attest the same and to affix thereto the Seal of City, and to keep an accurate record thereof in a book to be provided for that purpose.
For provisions relating to Mayor's signature being required for bills to be passed, see Section 110.180.