[CC 1974 §21.100]
The officers of this City shall consist of the following elective officers:
Aldermen (two (2) from each ward); and
The following appointive officers:
City Clerk
City Administrator
City Attorney
Chief of Police
City Engineer
Fire Chief
Municipal Judge;
Zoning Inspector; and
Such other agents as may be appointed from time to time.
[Ord. No. 4281 §1, 4-19-2004]
The term of all elected officers shall begin on the first (1st) Monday in May following election to said offices, and shall terminate when their successors take office.
[CC 1974 §21.110]
All appointive officers shall be appointed to serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen.
All officers elected to offices or appointed to fill a vacancy in any elective office under the City Government shall be voters under the laws and Constitution of this State and the ordinances of the City except that appointed officers need not be voters of the City. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office who shall at the time be in arrears for any unpaid City taxes or forfeiture or defalcation in office. All officers, except appointed officers, shall be residents of the City.
[CC 1974 §21.130]
Every officer of the City and his/her assistants and every Alderman before entering upon the duties of his/her office shall take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation, before some person authorized to administer oaths, that he/she possesses all qualifications prescribed for his/her office by law; that he/she will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State, the provisions of all laws of this State affecting the City and the Code of Ordinances and other ordinances of the City; and faithfully demean himself/herself while in office, which oath or affirmation shall be filed with the City Clerk. Every officer of the City, when required by this Code or other law or ordinance, shall, within fifteen (15) days after his/her appointment or election and before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his/her office, give bond to the City in such sum and with such sureties as may be designated by this Code or other ordinance, conditioned upon faithful performance of his/her duty and that he/she will pay over all money belonging to the City and fully account for the same, as provided by law, that may come into his/her bands. If any person elected or appointed to any office shall fail to take and subscribe such oath or affirmation or to give bond as herein required, his/her office shall be deemed vacant. For any breach of condition of any such bond, suit may be instituted thereon by the City, or by any person in the name of the City, to the use of such person.
[CC 1974 §21.150]
The Board of Aldermen shall have the power to fix the compensation of all officers or employees of the City by ordinance. The salary of an officer shall not be changed during the time for which he/she was elected or appointed. In addition to the fees allowed by this Code or other law or ordinance, the City Officers shall receive such compensation for their services as the Board of Aldermen shall from time to time provide.
[CC 1974 §21.170; Ord. No. 3570 §1(21.170(1)), 3-2-1992]
Vacancies shall be filled as follows:
If a vacancy occurs in any elective office, the Mayor or the person exercising the duties of the Mayor shall cause a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen to convene where a successor to the vacant office shall be selected by appointment by the Mayor with the advice and consent of a majority of the remaining members of the Board of Aldermen. The successor shall serve until the next regular municipal election.
If a vacancy occurs in any office not elective, the Mayor shall appoint a suitable person to discharge the duties of such office until the first (1st) regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen thereafter, at which time such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term which was vacated, by the Mayor and with the consent and approval of the majority of the members of the Board of Aldermen.
Immediately upon the suspension of an officer, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to appoint a competent and responsible person to discharge the duties of such officer for the period of the suspension.