[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.010), 5-18-1992]
An Airport Board is hereby created and established to consist of five (5) members who shall serve without compensation. The officers of the Board shall be a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The officers shall be elected by the Board from its members and shall serve until the day following the first (1st) Monday in May in the year following the election.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.020), 5-18-1992]
The members shall serve for a term of five (5) years, except as provided for the initial appointments to said Board. The first (1st) members of the Board shall be appointed for the following respective terms: one (1) member for five (5) years; one (1) member for four (4) years; one (1) member for three (3) years; one (1) member for two (2) years; and one (1) member for one (1) year. The terms of office for such members shall expire on the day following the first (1st) Monday in May of the year during which such terms expire and they are to serve during their respective terms and until the successor for the respective members shall be appointed and qualified. Members are subject to removal, with or without cause at any time, by the Mayor with the consent of a majority of all the members elected to the Board of Aldermen and may be so removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members elected to the Board of Aldermen independently of the Mayor's approval or recommendation. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term only. Members of said Board shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.030), 5-18-1992]
The Board shall meet quarterly in regular public session in the City Hall or in the Airport Administration Building. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman upon notice to the members. Minutes of each meeting shall be kept and shall list the source and amount of each item of funds received since the last previous meeting, shall list each expenditure by payee and amount that shall have been made since the last previous meeting, and shall show the amount of all bank balances. Such minutes shall be kept as a permanent record and a copy thereof shall be filed with the City Clerk. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting of the Board and action by the Board shall be based on a majority vote of all members of the Board.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.040), 5-18-1992]
The Board shall have control and management of the facilities of the Dexter Municipal Airport and all property belonging to or comprising such airport and shall maintain and operate the runways, buildings and grounds in an efficient and businesslike manner. The airport facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration and any agreements in effect with the Federal Aviation Administration as the representative of the United States of America.
It shall be among the purposes of the Board to manage, control and negotiate for the lease and rental of the airport properties and premises available for lease and rental; to make necessary repairs and improvements; and to charge for and to receive money from leases, rentals or sales causing all receipts to be deposited in a fund designated as the Airport Fund.
The Board is hereby authorized to negotiate for the renting for agricultural purposes any portion of the open land and area not required for the efficient operation of the airport and to negotiate for the renting of other portions of the premises and the buildings on the airport.
Upon request, the Board shall report to the Board of Aldermen on any specified matter pertain to the functions of the Board.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.050), 5-18-1992; Ord. No. 4721 §1, 8-5-2013]
The Board shall cause all money, revenue, rents and profits derived from the Dexter Municipal Airport and the operation there to be deposited in the Airport Fund. Said Airport Fund shall be used only for airport and aviation purposes. All warrants or checks for disbursements shall be signed by one (1) designated officer of the Airport Board and one (1) City officer. No payment shall be made unless the expenditure shall be duly authorized by the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board to keep books of account showing accurate entries of the receipts and expenditures of the Board in such manner as to enable such records to be understood and investigated and to preserve in its files the approved vouchers for all its expenditures. The Board shall provide the Board of Aldermen with a semi-annual report of receipts and disbursements and an annual report showing money received by the Board, the source from whom received, and a detailed itemized statement of all money expended, to whom paid and for what purposes. The Board shall have an annual audit made and shall furnish a copy of such audit to the City of Dexter.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.060), 5-18-1992]
All books, records, papers and documents of the Board shall be kept in the office of the Dexter City Administration Building, and shall be open for public inspection.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.070), 5-18-1992]
The Board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the operation of the municipal airport.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.080), 5-18-1992]
Every person, firm or corporation operating aircraft from the Dexter Airport for hire or for profit, and who shall engage in any commercial pursuit thereon, shall first procure a permit from the Secretary of the Airport Board of said airport, which said permit shall be issued by said Secretary upon approval by the Board based upon application therefor duly made out by any such person, firm or corporation upon blanks furnished by the Secretary of the said Airport Board.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.090), 5-18-1992]
Any such commercial user shall, upon request of the Airport Board, file with the Secretary of the Airport Board a copy of liability insurance covering said operator and his/her aircraft. Such liability insurance shall cover public liability and property damage in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.100), 5-18-1992]
All persons, firms or corporations using said airport as a fixed base for operation shall file a financial statement with the Airport Board as the same may be requested by said Board from time to time.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.110), 5-18-1992]
A permit fee shall be charged at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year per plane up to three (3) planes for spraying and dusting purposes and for each and every applicant using and operating over three (3) planes for spraying and dusting, a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each such additional plane shall be charged per year. The said Board, in case of an emergency when the same shall be by it so determined, may have a right to charge the usual rate of twenty-five ($25.00) per year per plane over and above the first three (3) planes, thus waiving the one hundred dollar ($100.00) requirement for such additional plane.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.120), 5-18-1992]
A permit shall be required by each commercial user of a plane by a fixed base operator but no charge shall be made for charter use, whether hauling passengers or freight. However, any person, firm or corporation using a plane for such charter use shall procure insurance as provided in Section 140.090 hereof.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.130), 5-18-1992]
All fees to be charged hereunder shall be paid in advance by the applicant and upon failure or refusal to pay any such fee or fees or a refusal or failure to comply with the rules and regulations and orders of said Board and for violations of this Chapter, the use of said airport to such applicant or permittee may be denied. The Airport Board shall reserve the right to cancel or revoke any permits so issued by it to any user of said airport for cause.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.140), 5-18-1992]
The use of the Dexter Airport for commercial purposes as above set forth shall be for base operators only and no such base operator shall be granted a permit hereunder less he/she shall have at least a capital investment on said airport of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in fixtures and equipment.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.150), 5-18-1992]
Nothing in these rules and regulations shall be construed to prevent the use of the airport by private planes operating without profit.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.170), 5-18-1992]
No person shall operate nor drive any vehicle (other than airplanes), farm implement, machinery, team or livestock across, upon, over or along the runways or taxi strips located on the Dexter Municipal Airport.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.180), 5-18-1992]
No person shall place any object or leave any object, other than airplanes, on the runways or taxi strips located on the Dexter Municipal Airport.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.190), 5-18-1992]
No person shall stand upon or lie down upon the runways or taxi strips located on the Dexter Municipal Airport.
[Ord. No. 3591 §§1 — 2(26.200), 5-18-1992]
No person shall enter upon, go across or travel on or along the runways or taxi strips now located on the Dexter Municipal Airport when an airplane is landing upon or about to land upon or is about to leave the Dexter Municipal Airport.
[Ord. No. 3758 §1(26.210), 6-5-1995]
Any person, partnership, corporate or other legal entity that leases an aircraft hangar at Dexter Municipal Airport is prohibited from storing aviation fuel, gasoline or other flammable liquids at the leased facility; provided however, that such person, partnership, corporation or other legal entity which has received permission from the Airport Board to install a storage tank for aviation fuel on the leased premises and which has constructed and utilized such storage tank prior to the passage of this Section may continue to use such storage tank unless such use is abandoned for ninety (90) consecutive days, at which time such person, partnership, corporation or other legal entity shall be prohibited from maintaining aviation fuel on the leased premises.